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Change Mastery Test For Ps4


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just practice on every level you play, whenever there is a computer to hack, make sure you run to it first and get that practice in.


the way i do it is start on all of the outside parts of the puzzle and leave the center for last. i usually have plenty of time left over.

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Changing any test specifically for PS4 is a horrible idea, so nope.  A controller doesn't impede one from accomplishing the task, so don't use it or anything else as an excuse.


If you fail this test, you're just bad at the hacking mini-game.  Good news though is that there's a remedy to that, good old fashioned practice.  It may not truthfully "make perfect" but it'll get you to where you need to be to accomplish the task at hand.


Don't dread MR 8, just practice wallrunning, shooting while wallrunning, and chaining horizontal and vertical wallruns.  Not saying you'll pass on your first try of course.  But if you do fail do not come here or anywhere else to complain.  Take accountability for your own mistakes, don't make false excuses or anything of the sort.  Just note where you messed up and do better till you succeed.


If a test cannot be failed, it's not a test.

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Changing any test specifically for PS4 is a horrible idea, so nope.  A controller doesn't impede one from accomplishing the task, so don't use it or anything else as an excuse.



Clearly you haven't seen how much faster you can hack on the computer, i've played both versions. it seems as if ps4 is "laggy" in comparison to pc when doing it. Just look it up on youtube.

Regardless they shouldn't have removed the cipher function. too many people got to do it now they takr it away? that's some lame $hit

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Clearly you haven't seen how much faster you can hack on the computer, i've played both versions. it seems as if ps4 is "laggy" in comparison to pc when doing it. Just look it up on youtube.

Regardless they shouldn't have removed the cipher function. too many people got to do it now they takr it away? that's some lame $hit


Or, maybe I'm just not willing to make unnecessary excuses for myself?  Playing solely on PS4 and my average hacking time is 7 seconds, and I know I'm not going as fast as possible compared to the available movement speed of the controls.  I could probably shave another 2 seconds off, but I'm just not willing to put in the time to practice that much.


People just use a controller as a scapegoat for something they failed at, by no fault other than their own inability to accomplish the task asked of them.  I know this sounds harsh, but it's true.

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Clearly you haven't seen how much faster you can hack on the computer, i've played both versions. it seems as if ps4 is "laggy" in comparison to pc when doing it. Just look it up on youtube.

Regardless they shouldn't have removed the cipher function. too many people got to do it now they takr it away? that's some lame $hit

i guess you can just feel good knowing that if you beat it you didnt have to cheat and you beat it on the harder test.

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wow dude, it is slower im not making any excuses as i just beat it but umm... the controller is slower, if you think different you are delusional.

You are the first and biggest #$&(% kanoe i've seen on these forums. You aren't better than anyone else. I was simply stating that it needed to be adjusted for ps4. Because it is a FACT that it's slower. I'm not going to argue with some narcissus... get over yourself bob.

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Well you're blatantly wrong, it does not need to be adjusted for PS4, so no.  :p


You're far from the first person to make such needless suggestions because they can't handle their controller properly.  Games need to quit catering to easymode every step of the way, if that makes me an elitist (BLEEP) than so be it.  Dumbing everything that's not a guaranteed win down is what's made 90% of today's games laughably easy as it stands.


But here's the thing you're mistaking here;  I've never said I'm special.  I clearly state that it's all down to practice.  When I started the hacking thing I failed 5 times in a row, my average time was 13 seconds till around 50 completed games.  Then I focused on getting better and now it's on 7.  Practice, everyone can do it, but most just refuse to.

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I'm not blatenly wrong. I don't know how basic i can get this for you... 

So let me dumb it down for you. 

PC = Faster 
Ps4 = Slower

Make sense? it SHOULD be equalized. I'm not asking them to make it easier, just make it even. As i stated, I've done it on both pc/ps4 and pc is much much easier in comparison.

Find another thread to troll

Edit: I can use a controller just fine, its not the controller its the input lag between the two dude...

Edited by (PS4)Vacuna
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But if others have managed to do it on the PS4...so should you? The test is not impossible.

Basically this. The cyphers aren't even hard to do. Sure, they're different than what you normally see, but they aren't anything impossible. It's not like the wallrun/shoot mastery test that requires you to change your controller layout to have a chance (I don't have three thumbs, using half my thumb to hold X and the other half to attempt to change directions wasn't working out). This test should really have no issues.


I failed the MR5 test the first time, and there really was no excuse for that. The problem was that the time limit got to me, I was making more mistakes trying to rush through it, I wasn't sure how many cyphers I needed. Second time I just calmed down and breezed through it.

Just calm down, focus on completing the cypher, don't think about the time limit, you'll be fine. I think I finished with 30 seconds left.


I do not know what you mean when you say input lag. I notice none, or very little, nothing that would affect performance. If you are complaining that it is slower trying to solve cyphers, I do not think it is at all. I played on PC for roughly 100 hours, it felt the same for both consoles hacking. I admit, it was a little hard getting used to at first, but it became second nature not that long after.

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While it is easier to click a mouse than move around the outside of the cypher, then solve the middle for last, there isn't a lag. Do enough of these and you will know exactly how to move each piece and when. You haven't practiced enough in game and you are letting the time limit interfere with your concentration. Besides, it is a test for a reason. 


Also, test 8 isn't hard. Loki and Zephyr.

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I have beat every test the legit way on ps4, they reqlly aren't that hard, and I especially don't think any of them need adjustment. It's a test not a vacation that gives you a rank up. Just because you yourself aren't capable of using the right side of your brain in combination with your hand/eye coordination does not mean the game needs to be adjusted for you. It just means you aren't worthy of the next rank and need to practice.

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I have beat every test the legit way on ps4, they reqlly aren't that hard, and I especially don't think any of them need adjustment. It's a test not a vacation that gives you a rank up. Just because you yourself aren't capable of using the right side of your brain in combination with your hand/eye coordination does not mean the game needs to be adjusted for you. It just means you aren't worthy of the next rank and need to practice.

I concur...

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I think the wait times in between failures are a bit too punishing compared to the reward. Most of the things you have to wait for in Warframe are passable by paying some platinum to speed up the process. The mechanic makes perfect sense in that regard. Pretty standard F2P stuff. However, I don't see a gameplay justification for waiting 24 hours in between attempts. It's a huge risk to attempt a test and, after level 8 or so, there isn't really a tangible reward for completing a test other than the changing of your title in the profile.


I propose not necessarily a change in the punishment, but a change in the reward. Perhaps you receive an XP boost for a day. Maybe special syndanas or other in-game identifiers of your rank. It would be awesome to be able to have some sort of visual feedback in the form of special warframe colors or emblems so you can show off your hard work somewhere besides your profile page (I'm talking PS4, btw). I tried 4 or 5 times to pass R8 and if I didn't care about the Dragon Nikana, I would have gotten nothing for it. It just currently feels disconnected from the rest of the game. Thanks for all your work. It's a pleasure to share ideas with a great community.

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So far they haven't been terribly hard, but I can't wall run worth jack squat no matter what I do (considering there is NO direction change allowed and launching like a rocket in a can't see where I'm going or directing fashion) so I'm not looking forward to any form of running in R8 when I get there. Knowing it's only one shot a day is rough.


Perhaps DE should gauge the test that is being taken and allow a few tries depending what it is. For instance, you have NO idea what you're getting into in each test (pretend one does not look online as a warning). You might just fail the first time since you weren't ready in equipment/abilities and what you were allowed to use or not. Perhaps a minimum of 2 tries for the 'easy' tests. For the ones the community deems very hard, maybe 3-4 tries. Either that or shorten the time between times. Maybe once an hour, or every two hours so somebody can make a second attempt in the same sitting. Completing a test doesn't bring the next rank on any faster, you still have to get out and earn the EXP to open the next one.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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