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(Petition) Who Else Isn't Using Kubrows Anymore Until De Changes Them?


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I take my Kubrow everywhere with me. She's pretty stable and doesn't die unless I severely screw something up causing it.


I'm not gonna disagree with the petition to change them/make them better(?), but I can just say I'm one of the few who actually unconditionally uses their Kubrow.

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just to put some math. 

DNA stabilizers give 40% per charge

100k per 6

10% loss per day

if used efficiently a 6 pack of stabilizers will last 24 days.

Cost per day (if used  efficiently): 4166 credits per day

Cost per day (if used daily): 16666 credits per day. 

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List of why I don't want to use my kubrow:

-I don't want him to decay

-DNA Stabilizer too expensive (I only make about 18,000 credits a day)

-Random kubrow (Despite genetically engineering them)


Also, I don't know when or why we use other components to cause them to hatch when we can just let them hatch on their own.

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Got a Sunika


Leveled him, put him in Stasis.


Don't get me wrong, he's very useful in combat and moves quick enough to survive without a problem.

His attack power is sufficient for me and helps out even in T3 missions.


But like many others in this thread, there's just some issues with them that I don't feel like dealing with unless fixed/addressed.

  • No color options? No thanks. (DE took the scrambler out and said it was "in review". No word since)
  • Expensive upkeep
  • No way to release Kubrows, either wait till they die (cruel D:) or just keep buying stasis slots
  • 3 HOUR wait period for stasis. This is just bloody ridiculous and something I'd expect from Perfect World, NOT Digital Extremes.

All in all I want some solid way to choose/customize my Kubrow.

DE is putting WAY too much on the RNG system and it's just not working.

As it is I have my one Kubrow in stasis and one egg not in incubation.

Things will remain this way until issues are addressed. Till then? Sleep well my furry friend.

As for the egg? It's nothing but an ornament to me now.

Edited by Smac
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So far i have been leveling a Raksa and i like Howl's AOE fear. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


As for cost.





Just did two T3 Ext and one T4 intercept till wave 3.


The total of all of this is not counting the pick ups is 77200.

I did nothing but chill in chat and ask for invites.


Seriously, there is no excuse.


If you are solo player its going to take longer to get those keys but it's still not that much to do to get 100k.



If you cant do 4 T3 or above missions a week... i dont think you are the type of player DE should be taking feedback from cause it obviously dont play the game enough. 4 T3 missions is not a lot at all, it's barely anything.

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Yes because spending 5 mins of your obviously busy schedule is completely out the question. If only there was a way to store them so they won't require even that small amount of time... Oh wait!

If only there was a way to get rid of them instead of paying for more space with real money. Not sure where you are getting this 5mins from. It cant possibly be to farm 100k credits because it takes a Lot longer then that to farm up that many. Can't even get 20k in that time.


Mines in storage too until further notice. They cost too much and are too annoying. I cannot simply do a release option for what ever reason. I would have to waste 10-20 days just to get rid of one. I refuse to pay real money for more storage space for a lame kubrow.

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Not using them because


- Can't kill them/release them forcing you to buy more slots if you want to have all four to level

- The stupid 3 hour wait time to switch between each one, that's more than most people play every day

- Upkeep is far too expensive

- Carrier is love, carrier is life

Edited by Quibbillykins
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Ill max one of each then go back to sentinels for ever and leave them all to die...


They do not fit my playstyle I think, too slow, can't kill anything before I do, sometimes gets in the way and they just look ridiculous in game trying to do anything when all the crazy action is going on....


But love putting teslas on teammate kubrows asses and watch the electric farts kill everything ! only good thing about them :P

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Im not gettin my Kubrow out of stasis again,

until they remove the loyalty/stabilizers mechanic entirely from the game.


Bersides my carrier is way more useful, not just for the vacuum skill, but mostly for the "full shield again in a second skill"

(cant remember what it is called atm)

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I'm opposed to mechanics that punish you for not playing, I think it encourages an unhealthy motivation to play the game. The upkeep mechanics as far as I can tell either serve exactly no purpose (treating them like terminally ill patients makes me feel sorry for the dog, not bonded with it, jfc DE), or is there to bully players out of platinum by making them pay to remove the inconvenience of the stasis system.


Basically, to me the whole Kubrow thing is making DE look either incompetent or outright abusive towards their customers and supporters. Either way this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I really had a lot of faith in DE and their ability to make a great game out of the great base concept but this has dashed those hopes, the best I can do is ignore Kubrows entirely and wait until the next update to see if it's even worth bothering following this slow disaster anymore.

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I found them too expensive, too weak and too stupid.


So yea im not using them till de does something about them.


Also 100k might not be much for veteran but its still way too much for kubrow.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Will never get or use one.  

I use a carrier with no attack mod equipped only begrudgingly because it is so insanely useful.  

I prefer to work alone.

PERSONAL TASTE: I think the kubros look completely terrible - whoever designed them managed to get something which is neither cute NOR badass looking... quite a feat to hit that inbred dog middle-ground.  The animations are likewise terrible - they float/scamper in a manic, idiotic manner.  Tennos should have something a lot more like a huge @(*()$ panther; deadly, cool, stealthy, and independent.  I'm a cat-person.  A dog with tufted ears is a waste of my time.

I am pleased to hear that up-keeping them is a real chore.

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