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Ash Redesign


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Hey guys, I recently built Ash, and was not impressed at all by his model, then I completed the alert that dropped the scorpion helmet for Ash, and that's when I my distaste for his style really came about. Although Tenno are not human, they need to resemble figures that we can relate to, or that are attractive. Currently Ash has awkward proportions, his head is too big for his body, most of his suit is smooth and plain, resembling a wet suit, and his arms are contrary to human musculature, they also cut off too suddenly near the neck. Currently I'm working on concept art for a remake of the Warframe, but with my limited drawing capabilities, I'm not sure how effective it will be, but I will eventually post my work. It would be nice to see a remake by the development that makes a more dynamic looking Ash. You guys can post your thoughts on whether Ash needs improvement or not, thanks for reading.

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I like ash the way he is because while the style may not be "prefect" he definitely doesn't look like any other warframe.  Instead of a re-design how about a few new warframes, that would seriously rock!  Not every warframe is goint to appeal to everyoen but at least we can hope that they each appear distinct at a glance, and I think the current design of Ash accomplishes that task perfectly.

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De read this: Strange does not equal cool. Don't try to be a Lady Gaga in gaming. Go for the sexy look instead of the "strange" look.

Well, that's like, your opinion, man. Pretty much everyone I've met ingame love Ash's design and oversexualizing him or any other frame would be blasphemy.

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@Hezekiah Is Ash Really unique? He looks like a mannequin with spray painted bubble wrap on his arms and no other significant features besides the textile on his but. Those are the only two features really different from a mannequin I can find.

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Ash is fine as is, he isn't meant to have bulky looking armor, apart from his arms, he needs to look streamlined cause he is the closest frame to being a true ninja so less armor plating means more agility, his look compliments his style of play, and the smoke on his left arm, very nice touch, his default helm makes him look menacing, not cute, not sexy, but menacing, not sure about the Scorpion helm, but it does look pretty rad and I'm sure it would add some extra layer of badass-ness. He's the only frame that gives you that kinda vibe. No other frame has that scary, terrifying look that Ash delivers.


I don't want to see Ash look sexy either like some people want, that would utterly ruin Ash, ninja weren't supposed to look hot or whatever.

Edited by __Kanade__
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i cant agree entirely with you because like the guy up there said, hes a ninja and need that clean armor, the arms look fine but the head isnt good...actually my friends bully me saying that im a cockroach with that insect-like mouth and a gigantic head...=(

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His head is too big in my opinion, and there can still be a ninja like Warframe that doesn't give up style, like Loki more or less. And I don't understand why the post gets so many down votes, just because you don't agree with my opinion on him doesn't mean you have to vote the post down? In my opinion it's not a bad post, it's just a post that not everyone agrees with because it is about artistic opinion.

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Guys, I don't think he is out of proportion at all. Do remember that the warframe is an armor.

And although they may not be human per sé, they definetly look the part. I'm sure inside each frame there is a guy/gal that looks just like the vip we need to rescue on rescue missions.

So Ash's head isnt big, his helmet is. And it's ok for helmets to be a bit bigger. His helm looks to me like a mask + helmet on top of the already-built-in mask, that's why it's big.

Similar thing to his shoulderplates.

I HATE scorpion helmet, but that's just my opinion.




And on that note that someone gave that no other frame implies a unique look, I highly disagree. Rhino looks like an aegis, full clad in heavy armor. Frost is completely unique, and the coat makes sense to me in that he has to protect himself somehow from the cold himself creates. Ember is also pretty unique. So is Saryn and Banshee.

I think Excalibur and Nyx are alittle too alike for my taste, and trinity doesnt look the part of support (but is definetly unique as well). And so it goes on and on and on. 

I think each frame was designed very carefully. If you look at the way the paintings connect, some of them even resemble some antique japanese clothing (like Loki reminds me of clothing a shogun would wear, and his leggings are large, reminding me of traditional ninja. Same for Rhino, just look at how the paint flows on his chest).

It's all in the details. And they are ALL very detailed.

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His head is too big in my opinion, and there can still be a ninja like Warframe that doesn't give up style, like Loki more or less. And I don't understand why the post gets so many down votes, just because you don't agree with my opinion on him doesn't mean you have to vote the post down? In my opinion it's not a bad post, it's just a post that not everyone agrees with because it is about artistic opinion.


You do understand that the down-voting represents the disagreement, right? It can be considered a more direct way to express than typing +1 or -1...

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I feel you on the design aspect, the shell over the butt area had set me off even playing him so far, though I would go the other direction and have his all smooth as you put it "like he is wearing a wet suit" just have the pattern go crazy like on Prime. I do think in future we will have more body types to buy in the market as well as heads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't agree more with the fact that Ash needs a good rework.
His teleport just a copy of another warframe minus the switch, and his uber hurts my eyes.


His alternative helm.... Scorpion? Looks nothing like any scorpion I've ever seen, and I've seen plenty in my lego box when I was living in Africa as a kid.... nightmares I tell you, nightmares!

So either make it more terrifying!

Like this scorpion here! 

Or rather this one that gave me my nightmares

So anyways, that tail thing and the antenna's need to get a good look at, and also the mouth need to be fanged like one of these samurai faceguards

Add some scorpion like fangs and you're all set.
Maybe a second look at some proportions while you're at it and change the miss-hap with his eyes and forehead.

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