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source: http://leekenwah.deviantart.com/art/C3-Hong-Kong-2013-China-Cosplay-41-360349898



Probably the most epic thing I've seen in quite a while.


But actually I love everyone who does a low budget Mech/esque cosplay... based on cardboard.

There are actually cosplayers who don't make the costume themselves... like wtf? where is the love?


I made 2 cosplay Costumes... one was a gundam one made from cardboard. The other one was Sechs from Battle Angel Alita last order(http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/10/8697.jpg).

I never used them (even though I think that neither turned out mad.... cheap and amateurish, but not horrible ). Because I'm such a coward. I always panic.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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