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Current Trading System Is Inconvenient Af


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Seriously at this point trying to be hipster just isnt working- go with the mainstream and implement a auction house style trading system. It doesnt have to be too different; you still access it from the consoles in dojo. However there should be features like making offers on postings and giving the seller the option to see the offers first or set a definitive price at which someone can make to transaction from their without having to get together in a one of the persons dojo and hassle with invites and realizing you have insufficient credits and just all the awkwardness and trouble that trading is rn. it would still be 3 for 3 trades, the difference if in the bypassing of the obnoxious trade chat, which could still be used for advertising and asking to buy/trade. Another useful tool that could be added is locking posts so that only specific player can access a certain post via password or player recognition.  


As it stands, trading punishes players. (opportunity cost)


I hope its unanimous that the current system simply isnt good. 

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I like the trading system because as of right now, it's currently the most careful form of trading I've seen in a long time although I would love the trading post to be brought into the game(Search engine intact) to make things more convenient, yet stay the same.


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Or a trading board where people can post their items and have people post bids for such item and enter dojo to trade.


In other words, bringing the forum trading post into warframe with the search engine...Simple.


i like the word of mouth trading.....trading post and making it searchable might cause economy to drop....i like the fluctuating prices more than people constantly undercutting prices just to sell stuff on a trading post board

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Lol at "Hope it's unanimous" because guess what buddy?

I like the trading system because as of right now, it's currently the most careful form of trading I've seen in a long time.

careful maybe but so annoying- youre totally shut down if you cant invite and you may miss offers in chat that you want if your offline or something. A new trading system would be much more accommodating. i dont see how you can prefer the current system 

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Normally people go into the in-game trading chat to look for stuff they want to sell/buy

But many come here into the forum to search for what people are selling...Infact, I sold my Kubrow Imprints here on this forum for 550.


Funny thing is, no one in game wanted to pay more than 165 for it. Cheapskates. That might be because you have to SPAM the chat every 2min to sell anything. And your spam is only seen for 3-5 seconds and the high rollers must stare at chat all day, so it makes sense for them to go to the forum instead.


So that would explain the high payments in forum. It's like there are two different economies. Forum and chat. Go to chat to quickly sell on demand stuff fast and cheap(depends on each player) or forum to sell slow and expensive(depends on demand). Although not all breeds make it to chat to forum is best place to find perfect breeds.


So the question is, do people like having two separate economies for warframe?

Edited by JacobLittle
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careful maybe but so annoying- youre totally shut down if you cant invite and you may miss offers in chat that you want if your offline or something. A new trading system would be much more accommodating. i dont see how you can prefer the current system 

Because I've had no issues with it?

I mean yeah I had the "failed to join" but then when the trader invited me instead, it worked out.


Sometimes, you just gotta pull through it. Even if it is annoying.

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i like the word of mouth trading.....trading post and making it searchable might cause economy to drop....i like the fluctuating prices more than people constantly undercutting prices just to sell stuff on a trading post board

there are a few problems with this however because new players dont know the prices and are vulnerable to scams. there is just as much undercutting in this system

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careful maybe but so annoying- youre totally shut down if you cant invite and you may miss offers in chat that you want if your offline or something. A new trading system would be much more accommodating. i dont see how you can prefer the current system 

The current trading system is going to be preferred by people who want to get as much out of it as they can, or in other words, rip people off as much as possible.  A trading board would allow everyone who has a specific item to post it up for their price, and have that be available for viewing at any time.  It becomes much more competitive.  Right now you can just try at various times to sell your item above what others might, and if those other sellers aren't around at the time, people looking to obtain that item might cave and go for your price.


DE benefits from the platinum over-sellers force buyers to purchase.  It would be more convenient for most players if this system changed, but don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

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Because I've had no issues with it?

I mean yeah I had the "failed to join" but then when the trader invited me instead, it worked out.


Sometimes, you just gotta pull through it. Even if it is annoying.

thats the thing though- in a good game I shouldnt have to "deal with being annoyed" that shouldnt ever be the case

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there are a few problems with this however because new players dont know the prices and are vulnerable to scams. there is just as much undercutting in this system

^makes it feel more like a swap meet to me


if players dont bother fishing for prices.....you kind of have to blame them for being impatient and there is no mercy for people who want to pay for stuff asap

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The current trading system is going to be preferred by people who want to get as much out of it as they can, or in other words, rip people off as much as possible.  A trading board would allow everyone who has a specific item to post it up for their price, and have that be available for viewing at any time.  It becomes much more competitive.  Right now you can just try at various times to sell your item above what others might, and if those other sellers aren't around at the time, people looking to obtain that item might cave and go for your price.


DE benefits from the platinum over-sellers force buyers to purchase.  It would be more convenient for most players if this system changed, but don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

what can I say- capitalism. 


I just thought DE wasnt one of THOSE companies. I feel like in the long run you benefit more from accommodating the player rather than your billfold, but hey i could be way wrong

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^makes it feel more like a swap meet to me


if players dont bother fishing for prices.....you kind of have to blame them for being impatient and there is no mercy for people who want to pay for stuff asap

Well, you cannot fault those for being completely oblivious to everything and it's actually quite daunting to them as they don't even know where to start and nothing tells them. So they are completely alone in all this and very vulnerable and easy prey.


This system simply does not support new players and perhaps that is because plat is involved.

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The current trading system is going to be preferred by people who want to get as much out of it as they can, or in other words, rip people off as much as possible.  A trading board would allow everyone who has a specific item to post it up for their price, and have that be available for viewing at any time.  It becomes much more competitive.  Right now you can just try at various times to sell your item above what others might, and if those other sellers aren't around at the time, people looking to obtain that item might cave and go for your price.


DE benefits from the platinum over-sellers force buyers to purchase.  It would be more convenient for most players if this system changed, but don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

Well, my suggestion is to bring the trading post from forum into game exactly the way it is, NO DIFFERENCE. Even the search engine comes to so they can search for posts. basically it's an in game forum/message board where these high rollers control everything much like now. really no difference at all. It's still the same old connection issues with Dojos and whatnot interfering with trading.

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^makes it feel more like a swap meet to me


if players dont bother fishing for prices.....you kind of have to blame them for being impatient and there is no mercy for people who want to pay for stuff asap

which is exactly why it punishes players. you have to spend more time in chatlogs than in the game if you want to get a good trade. 

plus all the player who have no clue what can be traded are just frustrating! read ppl! this wouldnt happen in a more traditional auction house. most of you who are against it are just bitter that your precious warframe might become slightly more like the popular mmos, at least thats the vibe im getting. 

I too am not crazy for auction house however it is widely used for a reason. warframes AH  would be very different respectively from the typical AH system. i just wanna make sure you read all my ideas on how to diversify it

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Who do I get the feeling that the players who defend the current system are those who sell mods for 500p when they are released. A Auction house stabilizes the sales and makes things more affordable and is usually more fair to one of the sides and makes trading more competetive because you will not be able to sell if you want to overprice something.. And for those who liked getting those amounts of plat in a single trade. Trade with DE. They would love to trade with you.


The current system is clunky and does not appear much in other games FOR A REASON!

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