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Current Trading System Is Inconvenient Af


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I rather enjoy WildStars approach with Cred. If a similar item is listed, only the lowest priced amount is shown and once it is sold out, the next lowest one is shown.

That is a terrible idea. That leads to further and further undercutting. A realistic system should let you search for an item by choice then filter it through buy now or bid prices.  Then it should let you rearrange the results by lowest bid price first. By allowing people to see multiple copies of the same item, the prices can spread out more evenly.

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Trading posts if I want to trade with someone specific (like Clanmates).

Auctionhouse (not necessarily with auctions, just a board to post offers) for everything else.


It's definitely better than having to spam the chat to sell something.



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Trading posts if I want to trade with someone specific (like Clanmates).

Auctionhouse (not necessarily with auctions, just a board to post offers) for everything else.


It's definitely better than having to spam the chat to sell something.

Buy now prices should be the default, but there should be auctions for extremely rare items, such as legendary fusion cores or helmets that still have stats on them.

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I'm curious how well implementing "want" and "have" lists would work. It'd still be a chat-based system, just more whispers than Trade.


To be explicit, I'm referring to a system that lets you put mods in your inventory onto a "have" list, which would display your name, among others, when players look at the mod in the codex. Buyers could likewise mark mods in the codex as a "wanted" item, which sellers could view as a list of names. Distinguishing between online and offline players would be convenient.


I hope such an addition would reduce the amount of spam in Trade, but I suspect we're better off finding a way to quick link to sell lists so any given person doesn't fill a third of the screen with their one message.

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That is already happening with many mods people have spent countless hours not trying to get, but killing everything that drops it for sport only to realize that after months of killing, such and such mod is still not there.


No wonder people turn to trading. The immense grind killed it, not trading. Most people don't even have all stance mods especially the ones from common thugs.


Then there is that grind for prime parts which involves long grind for enough keys and enough grind for that one part. Well, they can always buy keys.


The triangulator or Hydroid should be tradable or beacons.

When I first started playing I was able to acquire all the mods fairly reasonably. Then trading was allowed. Going after some of the new mods seems extremely painful now. I would have expected 3-4 crimson dervish by now for the amount of runs I do on Cassini.


What happened? How much worse will it get if a AH opens up?


As I said in my first post in this thread, focus on adjusting broken RNG (with RNG protection) and less on trading.  Keep players playing the game and not have to worry about trading in the first place.  

Edited by Quizel
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Am I the only one that thinks that trading should be limited to mods, keys, platinum, and orokin cells (too much)? I think everyone should earn their keep in the void. I don't think that a mastery rank 2 should be walking around with an all Prime set-up equipped. It kills the whole fun of getting stronger little by little by trying many things out.


I know when I first attempted the void I was using my starter gear, with the exception of my primary, and I got owned. It was until I had gone through a decent amount of the star map that I attempted the void again. However, this time around I went through it normally and was able to get what I wanted. I find that this experience is more beneficial to the game and increases it's longevity than when someone coughs up some plat and can breeze through most, if not all, of this games content.


Now the only thing left is for the RNG on prime pieces to be fixed so it won't cause too much distress when we don't get what we want after a 60 min. T4 Survival.   

Edited by (PS4)oliveoil29
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I don't have the numbers, but maybe DE does...but any overstock supply will very quickly be distributed to anyone that still needs it.


 Anyone that has spare parts is going to list them in the AH for easy convenient trading for that valuable plat. The idea would be to convert those useless items into plat.


To get them to sell, they'll undercut other competitors or list it at the lowest price possible. As long as supply > player base is true, the item will be traded for the minimum plat.


2nd note assuming prices were stable above 1 plat: Yeah, I probably would just play the AH for hours just like D3 to get what I want for dirt cheap w/o stepping foot into the void. Hurray for not having to actually play the game. Who doesn't enjoy clicking "update list" fast as you can for hours and hours to snipe the best deal.



And exactly how lowering the unadequate prices in chat for prime parts will ruin Warframe? The only damage is for "korean" grinders, who live by selling items for plat. I`d gladly see them removed, because they`re not doing any good, they are leechers.


AH in D3 is not a good example. Another type of game, literally millions of variants of stuff. 

WF have a limited stock and no variety (except for Kubrows now), AH is a good idea, its not hard to implement and will really free the time, spending in trade chat for grinding and other much more stuff. 


And do you really think that THAT much people have over 100 plat now? I`d gladly see trading for credits, because well its logical.

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An auction house will drive up the prices of items, particularly of rare drops until they become abundant, then things will fall though the floor quickly.  There's a reason why you keep on seeing people spamming the same price over and over again in trade chat, because no one is buying their trades.  Many items everyone has already, and there quite a few that I would simply give away to do trade against my favor simply because I have so much extra stuff.


If you're going to put in an auction house, I would ask that it works with more than just platinum.   I know so many people deal just with platinum, but I find some satisfaction in doing trades for in game items only.  You end up with some really interesting trades that way.

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Trading via chat is _horrific_ IMHO, most of the time I simply rule out trading as it is a massive waste of time and does not leave me feeling good about my fellow players or the game.


A friction-less auction-house is the way to go, GW2 did this fairly well and it greatly limits the ability for players to be A******s to each other, which is always a good thing.


Prices will change as a result, but so what? Transaction friction simply slows down changes, those changes would happen anyway.


Finally, an auction house would give meaningful _automatable_ statistics for DE to investigate the "real value" and volume of drops.


It's win-win-win IMHO.

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An auction house will drive up the prices of items, particularly of rare drops until they become abundant, then things will fall though the floor quickly.  There's a reason why you keep on seeing people spamming the same price over and over again in trade chat, because no one is buying their trades.  Many items everyone has already, and there quite a few that I would simply give away to do trade against my favor simply because I have so much extra stuff.


That's how it is now. Malicious Raptor, I was selling for 150-175. Now? Meh 15-20p.


Bite was going higher. It still retains its value.


Rhino P Chassis, 40-80p. Now, perhaps 10-20p.


Despite all that, there still is a market for just about anything, however accessibility and the trade spam prevents that. On reddit and before kubrows hit I had people asking me for really common things, ember/frost/mag prime parts, latron sets, streamline, etc. I sold em cheap, but I maxed my trades every day. And I had a good cashflow. Despite being in a lull before U14, and before U13.


I wouldin't mind making only 1-2p for common stuff, a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. I could post all the stuff that just hangs in trade chat in the AH so long as it's on a BIN system, and focus on trade chat for the more lucrative items to barter and haggle.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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The auction house idea is nice in theory but i dont believe it will work. I think it will drag out the process. I like the looking to buy/trade/sell system we have now, i just believe we need a faster way to select the players we want to trade with. and If the invite to the trading post could be slightly modified so as to be able to do it from the liset instead or both would be good.

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well personally as a item seller i doesn't agree with trading house.... why ?
+ this thing unbelievable destroy the market price > 1 person put price cheaper than the other followed up by the other person

+ maybe it's make buyer easier to search their product, but do this make seller getting rich ?

+ i know we selling item in game with real life money in shape of plat, but the buyer know the effort of getting the item ?

+ like the reason 1, there will be a monotone price. no cheap price no expensive price just list of item to sold


but there something that i doesn't like about trading nowday :
+ the slot item for trade only 3, while as seller i sell set need 4 place at least. so the buyer won't be hit & run
+ as a buyer, there ALWAYS someone do scam to sell a set of item in cheap price but they doesn't want to put the expensive item first & they say gonna put it on the second trade ? in reality ? "A has disconnected from game"

+ i agree we need to trade in dojo, so to reduce the scam, a trade history for trade was best so other guild member will be able to see if someone scamming (at least who trade with who info will be the best for info, no need what item they trade)



sorry if i use bad word or something +1 for this thread

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The auction house idea is nice in theory but i dont believe it will work. I think it will drag out the process. I like the looking to buy/trade/sell system we have now, i just believe we need a faster way to select the players we want to trade with. and If the invite to the trading post could be slightly modified so as to be able to do it from the liset instead or both would be good.

I like that attitude. I like your idea, I like where you're going but I think...


Collaborative thinking is great.


And what you're suggesting, I don't mind that. If we could possibly put ourselves in a list on a separate UI with our names, and a message, enough characters to advertise a few or more items, or enough to lay out some abbreviations with prices, you click on that, a window opens, "would you like to initiate a trade with ___" YES/NO YES -> leads to a prompt on the traders end saying "CoolBro123 would like to initiate a trade session YES/NO" Both parties agree, you move into a session with a layout much like the dojo trade UI, and a chat box. You hammer out the deal in person.


This would eliminate clutter, add some clutter, not create an AH, which in retrospect with no mods like auctioneer wouldin't be much fun to use, and trade chat will still be in use, and much more viable to use for lucrative items and trade related questions.


Edit: I think this is a good template for comprise between an AH, and keeping the traditional trade in Warframe, which I do enjoy. I enjoy the mystique and inner circle knowledge of trade values. A lot of us consider end game, and farm for. Keeps people honest, dishonest, and sort of drives people unbeknownst to explore a hidden meta within the game.


That's my take on what you had thought of, does anyone have any concerns or improvements?

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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I have an idea i'd like to share on this matter. What if they changed the trade interface to look something like what is on the ship crafting menu (had a drawing of my idea couldn't add it unfortunately...) Instead of the crafted items picture have the players Avatar pic and name and in the free box next to it let players add what they have to trade with there in text form with a mouse hover picture popup and then add a filter tab so people can filter what they are looking for. But here's the catch players must be online and not currently doing missions in order for their trades to be visible. This way you won't be doing a trade with someone who is not available to trade. But in order for this to work remote trading has to be possible.


Just a thought i had not sure if its useable or not but i'd love it to be something like that so i could around all that trade spam. and again i had drawing would have been easier to have shown what i meant :p

Edited by Kdaug
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Wow so much Drama over trade. The current system fine and if players buy things at higher prices because things are in high demand and they need said item. A.S.A.P. Thats the players fault for buying it not the person selling it at a unreasonable coast so the smart thing to do for said player would be to wait till another time to buy said item nuff said.

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An auction house system is the way to go imo. A wall of chat is by all means a complete waste of my time. An auction house WILL lower the price of certain items, this is totally natural. Supply and demand dictates prices for items in the real world and in many games. There will be under-cutters but it was also keep people from getting horrifically scammed by spending 10x or more for an item than it's actually worth (I've seen coomon mods go for 100's of plat cause the newbie simply didn't know it was common).


Please implement an AH but also keep the chat trading for 1:1 trades.

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An auction house system is the way to go imo. A wall of chat is by all means a complete waste of my time. An auction house WILL lower the price of certain items, this is totally natural. Supply and demand dictates prices for items in the real world and in many games. There will be under-cutters but it was also keep people from getting horrifically scammed by spending 10x or more for an item than it's actually worth (I've seen coomon mods go for 100's of plat cause the newbie simply didn't know it was common).


Please implement an AH but also keep the chat trading for 1:1 trades.

Auction house is so not the way to go... with a game like this where nothing is really unique auction house would have an overflow of the mods for sell with every one underbidding the next also this would completely defeat the whole trading of cards and parts for cards and parts of fair equal value. And the fact that there is no trading of credits it would be a pure platinum sell leaving everyone without platinum outta the auction house. opening up for the trade of credits would also open the gates to credit farmers and i think most can agree with me we wonna avoid that. I say we leave that to the PWE games. Trade system as it is also gives this game a little bit of its own uniqueness i just think it needs a little shinning up.

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careful maybe but so annoying- youre totally shut down if you cant invite and you may miss offers in chat that you want if your offline or something. A new trading system would be much more accommodating. i dont see how you can prefer the current system 


Its hard to satisfy everyone but like the other guy said, i'm also happy with the current trading system as of now. Please correct me if im wrong, so you want people to put listings of their things and make it similar to the market? I really don't get the point of doing that, that would either make the prices of items raise much higher or decrease dirt low because people would want to sell it cheaper than the person above them....And it would decrease the value of many rare items. The trading chat section is there because some items are in high demand and not always laying around, if theres an auction house, basically any mod/prime part would be obtainable without spending some time looking for it. It kills the hype of a new rare part/mod and the value. 


Also, its really not 'awkward' at all to trade and you can calculate your credits before you even trade. If you have like 5k creds, you should already know you can buy a rare mod because you'd need 3k more creds. Although i'd like to see some improvement on the trading chat section, I'd rather have it stay the way it is now than to have some sort of auction house/market.

Edited by Murderrrr
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Lol at "Hope it's unanimous" because guess what buddy?

I like the trading system because as of right now, it's currently the most careful form of trading I've seen in a long time.

Glad to see I am not the only one that likes the trading system as is.  It actually requires effort, and I like that.  An actual auction house will only server to vastly devalue everything sold though it.  That would be bad for players and bad for DE.  The cheaper things would be the less plat people will buy from DE.  Also the volume of items you would need to sell to acquire even a small amount of plat would be ridiculous.  Buying and selling items through trading should be the only way it is done in Warframe as it requires effort from the players and doesn't flood the market and devalue items. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Glad to see I am not the only one that likes the trading system as is.  It actually requires effort, and I like that. 

And now it shall get a proper UI to make things convenient and eliminate the need to spam chat.


It may bring the forum or trading forum and LFG forum into the game much like an in game browser, but integrated into the game.


I bet everyone here uses this forum to trade and may go in game due to lack of players on forums.


There does seem to be two separate economies...Forum and Game.


What this means is more attention to posts rather than chat.


So now auctions seen in trading post can now finally get more attention when posted in game rather than sink to the depths of the forum forever lost unable to be bumped.


Although an in game browser would be easier, player hubs would look better and the forum's trading post can be inside and well as Mission post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 apoyo la idea me parece bien pero deberia haber una inclusion en la idea el objeto que se ponga en venta deberia uno colocarlo en venta como cuando uno comercia en el pueto de comercio en el clan osea uno lo mete en una especie parecida al puesto de comercio actual y si alguien quiere comprarlo por venta directa con el dueño pues le da al boton con lo cual deberia salirle a uno un mensaje como cuando te invitan de que el jugador tal


quiere comprarte el objeto pero si ves que varios jugadores quieren comprarlo pues tambien seria conveniente tener la opcion a mano de poder ir a subasta entonces todos los jugadores se podrian reunir a ofertar  en ese puesto especial y hasta que salga una  oferta  que al jugador que vende le guste y pues  lo venda a quien le de la mejor oferta ustedes diran esto no es parecido al post inicial en parte si pero veran las subastas son algo


complejo y digmos que si volvemos el comercio una subasta si ahora resulta un poco complejo el juego claro para los nuevos y para jugadores medios que dejaron de jugar hace tiempo entonces un sistema muy parecido al de la subastas es muy complicado y es mejor colocarlo de una forma lo mas simple posible no lo creen para hacerlo lo mas practico para todos

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Glad to see I am not the only one that likes the trading system as is.  It actually requires effort, and I like that.  An actual auction house will only server to vastly devalue everything sold though it.  That would be bad for players and bad for DE.  The cheaper things would be the less plat people will buy from DE.  Also the volume of items you would need to sell to acquire even a small amount of plat would be ridiculous.  Buying and selling items through trading should be the only way it is done in Warframe as it requires effort from the players and doesn't flood the market and devalue items. 

one of the major goals of a game should be accommodating players. the trading system needs more clarity and should not be a game in itself. maybe some of you like being wolfs of the trade chat but for many of us the wall of chat is daunting when all we want to do is make some plat quickly or buy something in a timely manner. i dont have 3 hours to sell off little things to get 20 plat or less or to finally buy one certain mod, WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING THE ACTUAL GAME. this is probably the core of the problem. this isnt an economy game its a fast pace action game and the current trade system is anything but 

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another problem is the fact that do to trade chat spam only a certain pool of demanded items are actually able to be traded because the bombardment of those ads dillutes the less demanded items basically halving the efficiency of trading. rn if im not looking for bite, gemini cross, loki p, or crimson dev,(shortened list) trading is useless to me

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