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What Would You Like To See Buffed / Nerfed?


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Right back at you. If every gun was effective through T4 why would you ever need to buy a new one? That's just bad game design.


My idea is not to make every gun weak, it's to make the weak guns stronger and the strong guns weaker, and then adjust enemy scaling so we don't have to do 22k DPS just to survive.


But i never said make ever gun strong. I just think expensive clantech like the mutalist quanta could use some upward balancing, there are plenty of weapons in the game to leave us variety at every tier. Soma's probably close to comprable to boltor prime by now, with red crits, so hey! Now we have competition, and competition is exactly what we should be striving for, but i think we can do that without taking a big old dump on people who have put a lot of love into their gear.

Edited by insaninater
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braton prime used to be good until they nerfed it a couple updates ago, now it's not too amazing... just change it back imo...


Other than that I think that the ignus could use a slight status chance tweak or something like that. It's pretty powerful already but after the 30 min mark its power goes down quite a bit. but as for the boltor it's power is still pretty steady. I see myself using the boltor too much in T4 =|

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It's sad to see how nor buffs or even nerfs can be considered for some people....


It shows how people don't believe in DE to have a format that can have a balanced game..


Look people who are afraid of nerfs..listen very carefully so you listen and do not misunderstand.


This game is in such a shape that has caused balance to be near impossible and enemies are hardly balanced around the weapons that exist at this point in time. Some weapons, perform way more then they should be able to do.


Only way to be able to enjoy the game is doing Survival and that is bad game design for just mission type or area is the only way to find challenge! You say, don't force your gameplay style on us, but aren't you doing the same? Forcing us to run endless missions that are boring to many after seeing the same gosh dang time everyday just to find that difficulty you have been looking for.


Having ourselves gimp ourselves to be able to enjoy a game is poor game design because it shows the developers them selves are too lazy too even try to make a hard game. Look, if you wanted to just play a game where you can endlessly kill enemies and not care about them..well your happy to try other games but don't except people to stand here and let this game become a casual game just to cater for you.


You should have understood from the point that you installed this game to the point where you have now gotten this gear to be thinking that this game would just be casual forever. This game has parkcore, guns that slash, warframes with different abilities and a fast paced gameplay that should have understood it was meant for a Hardcore audience. This game was meant to test your skill, not how long you can last with your op gear until it finally starts to become unfair.


Balance is required for a game to be successful. Being able to mindlessly kill things without any skill just because you got OP gear is not great design. You need to feel a sense of danger that even though you have this special gear, you can still be brought down. It's crazy that I have to tell new players to use this specific gear and not let them have their own choices.


You may say that weapons like them are suppose to be under powered but we must realize that we don't have weapons that specified to certain levels...maybe mastery rank but we don't have weapons specified to certain levels like certain RPGS where you find this weapon here and it's viable to this point and then you need to get a new weapon that will come up once you hit the wall. If that was the case, then these op weapons would be fine but the case point is that we can buy any of the weapons on the market and...most of them can be brought into every single gosh dang planet and a few other weapons that aren't in market. Some weapons...probably can't even be brought to other planets....dear god spectra...dear god....


So, you can't justify that they are suppose to be under powered when there is sense of freaking progression. You can't justify it with mastery rank cause one can simply clear most of the planets with just one weapon and still not branch out at all, maybe once or twice but even then, they could probably stick with their weapons through every planet. There is no sense of progression to justify a system like this.


BUT LISTEN HERE MY BOY! Not the type of OP danger that requires everything to be thrown at your shields..that you need tons of unfair features given to enemies so you can finally not be so OP. You must find a point to balance around, work around enemies a certain point so that is fair. There is no point that DE has that they work around and all they do is just fly around mindlessly, not knowing what is right or what is wrong, they are like a toddler with no parent to show them the way. They buff weapons to points that may not be right for this situation or nerf weapons that will destroy it in this situation and more. It gets rid of choice and forces you to choose a certain weapon or just keep your weapon but suffer the consequences or justification to keep the game the way it is with gimping yourself. Eliminating choice is horrible, and with something like the mod system that is suppose to give you choice...well..*laughs*..that hardly does that but I digress, it feels weird that we also have this system that is suppose to limit your choice.


Primes, Wraiths, Vandals, and any variant that upgrades the weapons should not be just direct upgrades. It's silly for you to want to balance the game but have weapons that are better then the originals! These upgrades should feel different then the original weapon, like a buff in this area and a nerf in this area, making you still want that Boltor without being forced..or well want to get a Boltor Prime. Even though the buff from regular to prime may not seem a-lot from a person who is not very knowledgeable about the mod system but these buffs can make them so much more easier to mod for damage and not hardly put in any effort, which is weird for a regular weapon to suffer the mod system more then a special weapon.  


It shows DE is terrible at balance when people are afraid that weapons that will receive buffs will be buffed to heavily or when they get nerfed they are nerfed to the ground, much like how you guys are thinking right now.


I'm sorry to those that want to hold their precious OP weapons forever and never try in the game at all but this game is suppose to be a hardcore game, not a casual sit back game, ask the developers and you will learn that from them. Understand this, nerfs and buffs will be needed for this game to not be limiting players choices in the game, and a middle ground for where weapons are suppose to reach is needed and must be met.


THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE AREN'T SAYING THAT ENEMIES SHOULD BE BALANCED AROUND THAT, WE AREN'T! We are just saying that it is sad that we must tell a player that he can't make this decision or that in the game because it is a terrible weapon and are better off with this weapon. With this game having so many things that could drive a player off..it is hard to keep them going when your forcing them to abide by what is truly better. If I wanted that...I would have gone and played another game, and I would assume that they would have done it better too.

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Flux rifle, spectra, akbronco prime could use a look. ( If your gonna go through the trouble to build a second bronco prime it should at least be a tiny bit stronger than the akbronco. Heavy melee weapons and dual cleavers, Hate ( As hard as this thing is to get it is too weak). plasma sword (why is this the slowest melee weapon in the game, 0.7 attack speed.) braton prime. 


Just take a look at a few of these weapons plz.


Seriously though 0.7 attack speed is too slow for a longsword.

Edited by (PS4)AtlasXV
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From what I've heard, Banshee is a terrible warframe and could be the worst of them all. Although I've never actually used her, I think she needs a serious buff.  (But I could be wrong)


I also think that the Sunika Kubrow needs a buff of some kind. Honestly, the only reason anyone wants these is for capture missions and for capture missions alone. That is the only think they are useful for, unlike all the other breeds of Kubrow who are useful in most circumstances.


Perhaps a new ability of some sort to balance the Sunika and not make it "exclusive" for capture missions. I think It might be cool if it could pin down large opponents like heavy gunners, ect. (similar to the VIP take down)



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We don't needs NERF.


We needs  BUFF.


This is a game, you don't need BALANCE, but FUN.



Whatever if there are strong weapons? It only mathers in PvP, but for PvE, you don't care.



So leave them quiet.



Just buff outdated old farts weapons...

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I'm happy with damage output for heavy vs dual weapons, what I'd REALLY like to see is a way to copter with heavy weapons. Perhaps some spin-roll attack you can only do with a heavy weapon drawn or some such - if anything that's what would make heavy weapons most appealing

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We don't needs NERF.


We needs  BUFF.


This is a game, you don't need BALANCE, but FUN.



Whatever if there are strong weapons? It only mathers in PvP, but for PvE, you don't care.



So leave them quiet.



Just buff outdated old farts weapons...

Balance is fun

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If I got your statement right, fast melee weps=medium damage, heavy (slow) melee weps=high damage; if that's the case, I couldn't agree more, it boggles my mind how my dual ichors just murder everything in their path with no effort and yet the galatine is barely useful when its listed as "the heavy artillery to melee weapons". 

Edited by osheroth
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Greatly increase the damage amount and type of the Scythes (especially the Hate, due to its rarity and its owner) and fix their animations - the pauses are too long in them (stalking fan) and holding forward to to spin in one place is absolutely terrible (reaping spiral).

Buff the fang primes and give them slash damage as well, and fix their animations also - make them swing their blades faster on the default and gnashing payara stance.

Utterly remove the "stuck in one place" mechanic found on melee weapons and make us able to move more fluidly from one enemy to the other, even if we slide a little for now, that's alright.

Increase melee prowess's status increase to, say 150 percent or so at max rank.

Buff the melee system by giving us the ability to cancel our attacks in a reasonable fashion.

Buff the melee system by removing the requirement to channel to counter an attack, and make the window to do so longer.

Increase steel charge's damage bonus to 100


I'd really like for the folks there to just take their time and work on balancing the weapons, even if it was done in batches per week.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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I would like to see rhino and loki fans nerfd, too annoying.

Serious time, this actually makes sense heavy weapons need a buff, would like to see a fix or buff for Oberon as he is the most laughable frame currently.

And something I'd like to see not necessarily a fix but instead of smokescreen I'd like to see ash turn into smoke (inspired by fan art I saw)

lol i had the idea in my mind of turning to smoke and being able to move in a cloud of smoke, but that would OP the smokebomb i guess xD since smoke hovers you would be able to fly with ash , totally awesome but im afraid never gon happen xD


topc:. only buff the bigger weps im fine with that, dont u dare nerf my nikana its my baby

Edited by NickBoay
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If I got your statement right, fast melee weps=medium damage, heavy (slow) melee weps=high damage; if that's the case, I couldn't agree more, it boggles my mind how my dual ichors just murder everything in their path with no effort and yet the galatine is barely useful when its listed as "the heavy artillery to melee weapons". 

Yeah, you got it exactly right :D

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I think it would be great if heavy swords/ axes (Looking at you, Galatine) were buffed. 


Heavy swords (understandably) hit slower than longswords, and nikanas, but they should atleast have much higher damage than them. The Galatine, which is one of, if not the best weapon in this category hits slower, AND weaker than the Dakra Prime and Dragon Nikana (which are the best long sword and nikana in the game, respectively. And yes, the numbers for the base attack speed are the same for these weapons and the galatine, but due to warframe logic the galatine still hits slower than their max speed at it's max speed. Maybe my tests were wrong, but that's what I found).


With the best builds, it still has much lower dph and dps than those weapons at their best. I get that the Galatine is still pretty powerful, even though it was nerfed (in a way) by the removal of charge attacks. It'd be great to know if it had greater than average channeling damage or not, and even if it does, the damage should still be way higher. Maybe even doubled. 


I understand that it should hit slow, but it's a big weapons, so it should atleast hit hard.

Without reading much other responses that could have very well addressed this, melee buffs seem sort of pointless to me. In the current game, you can use melee weapons effectively against all enemies that you should be using them against. Casual/regular missions on normal maps, you can melee them effectively because they die easily enough to melee weapons but also don't penalize you for coming so close to them. The enemies that you would benefit with a melee damage buff against, are enemies that you shouldn't be trying to "hug" anyway. This is because in those cases currently, the reason you fail against these large enemies aren't because of you not having the melee damage to kill them, it's that going into melee range against something that has the potential to kill you in one shot is just suicide (this of course is excluding the idea that you're running all loki's invisible, and even then with the new eximus aoe's it's pointless). That is why no matter what, guns will always win out over melee, because range is such a huge factor of surviving in this game.

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