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Why So Much Excalibur Hate? :(


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Only good Excal I have seen, and the frame is still mediocre and teaches bad habits, as I already explained.  And no, the same can not be said about Excalibur at all.


You have to prove why the same cannot be said for Excalibur. I have yet to hear a sound argument from you other than "coz I said so"...


You said that Volt does not teach bad habits because he has a team buff (Speed) and Electric Shield. Excalibur's Radial Blind negates the need for a shield for 20 secs in a 42m radius (on my build) and buffs melee damage. Now I know you have to get close, but when enemies are blind it doesn't matter. If I don't like getting close, I'll throw my Glaive Prime (it gets the stealth multiplier too).


And one video doesn't help your case at all. There are better Excalibur players. Just because you've seen only one or haven't seen one doesn't mean they don't exist.

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Excalibur + eveything is good.

Got myself 92 k on D nikana with my excal, soma or boltor can do that?

Also i wish the blind bug would stay

I dont know if you notice, but you get melee damage boost on blinded enemies. Something like Lokis boost from Invisibility. Also works with Nyx MCed targets.



EDIT: If you execute melee attack right when you stagger mobs, you can get melee crits also.

Edited by RoboDoge
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For an infested mission, Vauban is the frame of choice

Loki makes every faction into Infested.


Radial Disarm forces enemies to come in close (because they can no longer shoot), and when they do come in close, Vauban shuts them down. Trinity keeps everyone constantly at max energy. It makes you virtually unstoppable.  When you are in the void toss a Shield Polarize Mag in the last slot, and you can stay in there forever.


You have to prove why the same cannot be said for Excalibur

Of his damage skills, which one has CC utility built into it like Volt's?

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People still on about how excalibro is inferior?

no point reasoning. Let them play how they want; no one here can change there mind.

In the meantime. We can be owning Void runs with excalibros and getting all those $$$


I don't know what you're talking about but I've had so many absolutely pants Loki players in my void runs who don't even know how to radial disarm.

I've actually started using Loki myself because players just don't use him effectively.


Same can be said for Vauban; Nova; Rhino I could go on.

What it comes down to is the player. Excalibur has utility. Regardless of what anyone thinks Utility always wins over damage abilities in high level content. Utility scales. Damage doesn't.

As a frame. Excalibur is great; and played right he can shine like any other.



I've seen him shine. I've played with an excalibur together with a loki. We were Radial Disarming and Radial Blinding and nothing could touch us.

It was absolutely fantastic.

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Loki makes every faction into Infested.


Radial Disarm forces enemies to come in close (because they can no longer shoot), and when they do come in close, Vauban shuts them down. Trinity keeps everyone constantly at max energy. It makes you virtually unstoppable.  When you are in the void toss a Shield Polarize Mag in the last slot, and you can stay in there forever.


Of his damage skills, which one has CC utility built into it like Volt's?

That little combo required two frames though. One to take away the guns, and one to make them stand still. Excalibur can do both of those, allowing you more freedom in team comp.

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Trinity keeps everyone constantly at max energy. It makes you virtually unstoppable. 


Team energy restores make Trinity redundant. At 12 cost per cast I can accomplish what your team needs three frames all working together to get the same result. If I need energy I just drop an energy restore plate and the entire room I am in stays blinded. Also, after the stun lock wears off blinded enemies run towards gunfire making it easy to get them to group up for Mag to blow them up in higher level content.
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So just ran that new Alert mission, I've never seen so many Excaliburs. I even found a mission with x4. Everyone seemed to be Loki Prime, Rhino Prime... And Excalibur. Hes defiantly up there with the best I think since so many people were using him.

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I dont know if you notice, but you get melee damage boost on blinded enemies. Something like Lokis boost from Invisibility. Also works with Nyx MCed targets.



EDIT: If you execute melee attack right when you stagger mobs, you can get melee crits also.

yeah i know, radial blind, knockdown, finisher


but for some reason i never got that high on loki, any explanation?

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None. But if i'm following your reasoning, then it seems that volt is the frame that teaches a reliance on damage skills - for utility.

New players are going to rely on the damage skills early on.  It's just human/gamer nature. (To be honest, Warframe should allow it anyway, but that is a discussion for another time.) However, as we know, damage skills start to become useless as you progress in level.


With an Xcal, your damage skills become useless, and you are stuck because the game hasn't encouraged you to use anything else.


With Volt, you naturally see your skills damage falling off, but you also start to realize that, even when the enemies don't die from your skill, they get stunned. As a result, you are very smoothly and naturally introduced to and taught the concept that utility outweighs damage.

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New players are going to rely on the damage skills early on.  It's just human/gamer nature. (To be honest, Warframe should allow it anyway, but that is a discussion for another time.) However, as we know, damage skills start to become useless as you progress in level.


With an Xcal, your damage skills become useless, and you are stuck because the game hasn't encouraged you to use anything else.


With Volt, you naturally see your skills damage falling off, but you also start to realize that, even when the enemies don't die from your skill, they get stunned. As a result, you are very smoothly and naturally introduced to and taught the concept that utility outweighs damage.


Of course a player can also try to experiment with Excalibur's other skills and see how useful blinding a roomful of enemies are. Same thing pretty much...

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I do use excall on some endgame missions like t4 interception, i survive better and i can cover many spots with radial blind.


I don't hate excall, in fact when i see one in endgame then i am most likely in a team with a decent player.

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Guys stop wasting your time with DesecratedFlame he only see one type of viable playstyle(Even if no one use damage build on Excalibur) he his the kind of person who will deny the truth even if it's in front of him. Stop wasting your time with him.

Edited by Alphafox
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Guys stop wasting your time with DesecratedFlame he only see one type of viable playstyle(Even if no one use damage build on Excalibur) he his the kind of person who will deny the truth even if it's in front of him. Stop wasting your time with him.

Talk all you like, I know what I have seen, and that is a that Xcal players waste a slot on void keys a vast majority of the time. Theory crafting does not change that, and as I have explained, the way Xcal works and him being a one trick pony is partially to blame.


The OP wanted to know why some people won't let Excal in, and I am explaining why.  Trying to brow beat me into pretending all frames are built equal was never part of the thread. 

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People who play Rhino Prime + Boltor Prime are misguided by 90% of the community..

You're not going to go far with only Rhino Primes.


I like Utility Frame + Damage Weapon.

Edited by jjpdn
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I always allow Excals in my lobbies, especially when it's clear they're packing good gear. Their ability to get where they need to be, disable enemies, and clear targets away from the pod makes them invaluable buddies in ODD, and at least as valuable as the ODD trio, in my experience (Vaub, Nova, Frost).

But then, I run Hydroid. Pirates and Ninjas have to learn to co-exist peacefully.

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They can laugh 

They can mock me as much as they want but what they don't know is that when they will fall to their knees, crying, face against the mud puddle they got downed in it will be I, Excalibur who will be the one to save them by blinding my foes with my magnificent light and while my haters are praising me, i will be bathing in my own glory







*sheds tear*



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Ok to end the threas already

Did the whole 200 hyenas solo

I actually expected more challange but nvm

Also got negative 2.14 mil or something like that.

It was with dakra and a badass excal, hyena didnt had a chance

Edited by adarazrad
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People overlook the beginner warframes. Excalibur is a boss. Loki....No words for how awesome. And if you take mag on a corpus mission, they're screwed

Another way to use mag

Maxed out range natural talent and start pull

Get ready to WTF what happen to this room commments

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