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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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Tell me, how often do you see a Kubrow in a game?




pffff hard to tell, but I would say at least one every other run/every 2 runs. Personally I want to use Kubrows, but the problem is just what you pointed out. Too annoying to use. It costs credits (thought less now), it looses loyalty randomly, you have to watch out for it because if it dies it looses loyalty and power, and to top it off, meat shields.

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so here is the thing. I am officially Not Hyped about u15. The flying looks awesome but until we get some more character core animation passes and some basic fundamentals down I cannot get hyped anymore. I hyped so hard before because I figured they would be in game by NOW (from u7) buuuut that doesn't look to be too important these days. 7.5 updates later....It's gonna be awesome with new enemies and flying and all I am sure....but I can wait. I am currently mos hyped about Wyrmius THAT looks fun. 

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so here is the thing. I am officially Not Hyped about u15. The flying looks awesome but until we get some more character core animation passes and some basic fundamentals down I cannot get hyped anymore. I hyped so hard before because I figured they would be in game by NOW (from u7) buuuut that doesn't look to be too important these days. 7.5 updates later....It's gonna be awesome with new enemies and flying and all I am sure....but I can wait. I am currently mos hyped about Wyrmius THAT looks fun. 

IKR that mini game is awesome looking lmao, i am hoping they put in leaderboards for it too, that would be fun to compete with people on

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Wait, the Grineer ship is unlike what we have seen before. Why is this only focused against the Grineer? I sthis supposed to be an invasion mission or a regular mission being interrupted? Will the Corpus have their own ships too? So many questions!!!

We HAVE seen that ship before, there was an entire event dedicated to destroying them, they are called fomorians.

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I'm at work...  Yes shame on me...


What's a bird lifter?  (Help me fellow Tenno, you're my only hope.)

Rebecca, on the stream, asked a riddle.

"What do you get when you cross Noah's boat and bird lifters?"

Referring to Archwing. The rest of the devs on the stream started making fun of her describing "wings" as "bird lifters" and said that they would have to make Bird Lifters the new name for Archwing.

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