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Am I The Only One Who Think That Game Became Too Much Easy?


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I stoped play this game for 2-3month and has came back two days ago. I was suprise by the work on mods at first find it great. But in fact, as old player got a lot of fusion core then it was easy to obtain the rarest mods in 2days then later upgrading the best mods (in fact damage output, multishot, penetration, fire/ice/electricity, puncture) lvlmax now i can solo everymission in 2mins max which i couldn't before when mods where a pain in &#! to obtain

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the game is about progression only problem is you are not progressing to anywhere, its about why you want to play the game if you are looking for a challenge maybe you should try and challenge yourself, try new playstyles make new frames and guns and maybe not use a lvl 30, potatoed gun and try out some new things, much like the devs said in one of there live stream the reason there isent to much end game for people with a maxed frame gun and sword is just that they had expected people to try out some new things, they hadent prepared for people to take there frame max it then mod it up to the point that it can kill everything and then complain about being able to kill everything. They prepared for people to take there maxed guns and set them aside for abit and try out something new 

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i understand what your saying but it's not like i do not, i got like 70% of all stuff to lvl30 i'm still upgrading them but as i said, the new mods make it easier, when my weapon got lvl10 i just put a mod lvlmax that increase damage and there not much fun when before i had to farm each mod for each weapons


in fact you just have to farm for upgrading importante mods once and then, just leveling items with it

Edited by SubZeroInfinity
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I completely agree. The game was too easy at the end of closed beta and it's just as easy now (just took a little bit of time to get the mods leveled back up). The only challenge right now is beating really high wave numbers on defense (like 30+) but it takes FOREVER to get to those waves. Having an option to skip to a wave number would be nice.


Likewise it's fun to see how fast you can take down a boss with fully upgraded weapons etc... but again it takes forever to make it to the boss, you get 60 seconds of "fun", then you gotta run all the way back out.


P.S. I do try new things. I have 4 maxed out warframes all supercharged. My sentinel and it's weapon are supercharged and max level. I have like 8 weapons maxed out and 4-5 of them are supercharged. 

Edited by .PiTHON.
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Most people who think the game is too easy are Rank 30 soloing Captain Vor.

Sure most of the planet will be too easy end game and you will be left with few high rank planet and defense mission.


1. This is not an argument. Players with above average equipment are players too

2. If i can solo Eris with a level 0 frame that i just unpacked, then i think i can consider this comment of yours completely irrelevant.

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Yesterday, I was working on my Dual Vipers (Or, DSG as we like to call the - Dual Staple Guns) and was looking for a place to do fast and efficient XP runs. Surprisingly, I found myself in Pluto, Acheron, (lvl 30 - 55, I believe), and Pluto is about as high as enemies get of the bat currently. Each run was between 8000 and 10000 XP, give or take, and used up a max of one pistol ammo box - which was replenished by the 1000Cr reward (+ mods). The way I used cover and Volt-[2]-Speed, I could've ran without mods on my frame, rifle or melee weapon.


If done right, you can dodge most bullets, mow them down. It is a matter of a) hosting (packet/shot loss issue) and b) aiming (crit spots), but, still. The DSGs killed Crewmen with one or two head shots. A quarter second burst dropped Shockwave MOAs. I felt ridiculously overpowered, and my DSGs were level 19. At 27, it became tedious because it was slow (XP wise) and effortless (no tension).


That is what I am currently looking at.


But, there is a silver lining - Steve said, they are aware of these issues and they will look into bringing in a difficulty adjustment system, where veterans can go for higher risks and higher rewards, without locking areas away from people just starting out. While none of that has been defined in any way past that statement, I am looking forward to it. Until then, I am farming for one last mod.


Focus. And I will get it. *shakes fist*

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Yesterday, I was working on my Dual Vipers (Or, DSG as we like to call the - Dual Staple Guns) and was looking for a place to do fast and efficient XP runs. Surprisingly, I found myself in Pluto, Acheron, (lvl 30 - 55, I believe), and Pluto is about as high as enemies get of the bat currently. Each run was between 8000 and 10000 XP, give or take, and used up a max of one pistol ammo box - which was replenished by the 1000Cr reward (+ mods). The way I used cover and Volt-[2]-Speed, I could've ran without mods on my frame, rifle or melee weapon.


If done right, you can dodge most bullets, mow them down. It is a matter of a) hosting (packet/shot loss issue) and b) aiming (crit spots), but, still. The DSGs killed Crewmen with one or two head shots. A quarter second burst dropped Shockwave MOAs. I felt ridiculously overpowered, and my DSGs were level 19. At 27, it became tedious because it was slow (XP wise) and effortless (no tension).


That is what I am currently looking at.


But, there is a silver lining - Steve said, they are aware of these issues and they will look into bringing in a difficulty adjustment system, where veterans can go for higher risks and higher rewards, without locking areas away from people just starting out. While none of that has been defined in any way past that statement, I am looking forward to it. Until then, I am farming for one last mod.


Focus. And I will get it. *shakes fist*


I like the fact that they have decided to try and implement difficulty settings. It plays to everyone's wishes without alienating anyone. I have no problem with higher levels giving better rewards either, it just meshes into the whole progression thing.
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As a person that is having ridiculous troubles with ports atm and not a great deal of time to play, soloing things is very difficult for me, and there will be more people out there like me than you. if the warframe developers make the game too difficult to satisfy your need to feel like you have a big penis then there will be no new gamers coming to the game, as the difficulty and learning curve will be too great unless they find someone who already has a very strong warframe to assist through levels.

i think the game is where it should be, even though i get my face raped a lot. the only thing i have an issue with is playing lvl13-22 grineer planets, coming against a hoard of marines and they go all out focus fire on my &#! and cut my shields and health to 0 in less than 10 seconds with my level 30 excalibur. however, i realise this can be countered simply by working on my skillset and gameplay tactics etc.

Just out of curiosity, can you solo every planet in Pluto? the lvl30-50 planet? i think if you can solo those without your shields being taking a scratch etc then you'd have cause to claim the game is too easy. alternatively you could try going outside once in a while and not play the game for ridiculous hours to get your warframe to a ridiculous level.

Also given that the current player base will be getting stronger and maxed out warframes im sure that the developers will be open to creating addition star systems of greater difficulty. the fact is the game is in beta. its very very early, and its got a long future ahead for it and im excited to see where it goes. ultimately with it being a beta, all of us are beta testers, not here to enjoy the game but to play the game objectively and bring feedback to the developers that will be relevent to the entire game, not your individual enjoyment levels. yes difficulty will be an issue at one point, but like i said, its very early days and the sky is the limit. i dont think the fact that you have maxed out OP warframes gives you any ground to criticise the game in the way that you have. as tony stark says in Iron Man 2, 'its not about you or me, its about the future' and the development of a great game.

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Just out of curiosity, can you solo every planet in Pluto? the lvl30-50 planet? i think if you can solo those without your shields being taking a scratch etc then you'd have cause to claim the game is too easy. alternatively you could try going outside once in a while and not play the game for ridiculous hours to get your warframe to a ridiculous level.


I can solo every mission in the game, I dare say, yeah. It is a combination of hand-eye-coordination, a general aptitude in processing visual stimuli and good gear. Certainly helps to have a long gaming background coming from gems such as Blake Stone and Jill of the Jungle. There is no "ridiculous" level - 30 is the cap. As for the "get a life" insinuation, I'll have you know that my life is pretty damn awesome. But thanks for your concern and/or envy. ;)


I am not gloating/bragging. I am confirming an observation, whilst being aware that my perception is hardly the norm. I mean, "people" think that laserdoors are a problem. And there was even mentioning of laserdoor specific mods. Hurgh. ;)


I for one welcome a difficulty slider. Those who have a hard time can tone it down, those who want the challenge can ramp it up. Sounds like a fair system where everyone can find their sweet spot.

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ahh laser doors. the troll of trolls. on the rare occasion that my ports have worked my mate always finds a camera that i cant shoot (hes got a loki that i cant keep up with) and laughs at me through steam chat lol.


I like the idea of the difficulty slider, but it depends how much easier it would allow for. i like where Diablo 3 went with their, err, "additional difficulty" thing that they introduced (cant remember the exact name of it) where essentially you could attack diablo on inferno +10 or watever it was. so for me if i made a difficulty slider i'd only want it to allow for 1 or 2 'slots' easier, and have up to 10 'slots' harder.

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Stop using Redirection, Vitality, HEK and LEX combo....



Well, I could easily renew my account every time I want to play... but why gimp myself? Is it too much to asked that after countless hours of farming, you actually want some difficulty for your new toys?

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Most people who think the game is too easy are Rank 30 soloing Captain Vor.

Sure most of the planet will be too easy end game and you will be left with few high rank planet and defense mission.

No, I think it's easy farming xini and having got the full BP sets (and crafted them) for every frame (this includes excailbur, I solo'd ambulas for ~6 days to get his parts) but banshee :|

Edited by Aggh
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No, I think it's easy farming xini and having got the full BP sets (and crafted them) for every frame (this includes excailbur, I solo'd ambulas for ~6 days to get his parts) but banshee :|


People who fail find it just easier to blame the fact that the game is hard.

First time in a while though that i meet such a large player base that shoots enemies in the foot and thinks he is doing good, then proceeds to elaborate on the forums that game difficulty is fine.


Thing is: If you find game difficulty fine, then you are probably not cut out for any type of shooter game.

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The best way I can think of to improve the difficulty would be to implement a per character difficulty slider. This way you can set it to hard, and someone else can set it to easy and you can still play together. All that happens is you on hard take multiplied damage and deal less damage, and someone on easy would deal multiplied damage and take less damage. As long as that was balanced correctly people could still play together but depending on their settings it would feel easier/harder all while not effecting the balance of the normal default difficulty.

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Nonono, we do not need an "easier" setting. That would ruin the game.


We do need harder difficulties tho, it's getting too easy. And not expecting people to want an endgame? Come on devs...you *didn't expect it*? In this case I do kind of doubt your knowledge of other MMO's.

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