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My Thoughts On Where Warframe Is Going And What It May Need.


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Disclaimer: These are simply my general thoughts after seeing the Archwing reveal, other talk of future events, etc.  Disagreement with my opinion is completely understandable and possible, so just try to be constructive and civil about the arguments.  *throws flame repellent on just in case*


So I watched the archwing reveal, and I've been playing quite a bit...

-I unlocked the entire system.

-I found my favorite Warframe, Weapons, and color setup.

-I ran alerts a whole lot.

-I ran tower missions a whole lot.

-I played conclave a whole lot.

-I played Dark Sector PVP a whole lot.


However, I feel like I can add "but X is bugged" at the end of each of those things.


When I saw the Archwing reveal, I wasn't as excited as I should have felt...  The video was really cool, and it held that same vibe as the original beta trailer I saw before signing up, but there's something different now:


I feel as if each update DE releases, they break so many things... leaving certain parts of their game in a shattered state until they hotfix it.  


A friend of mine joked about it, but I think he was right when he said he wanted to see "Update 15: Balance & Bug Fixes".  


Piling on new content and aesthetics onto a generally broken game - I say this in that there are many many bugs yet - just makes me feel like DE doesn't have their priorities straight.  


I could go into specifics of what I think needs fixing, but pretty much all of it: Conclave and Dark Sectors need balance, tower missions need less RNG, the system map needs more direction, certain warframes and weapons need buffs/nerfs/bug fixes, the list goes on...


Just please DE... take your time before U15 and fix stuff.

That's just my general feedback, thank you for reading ^_^

Edited by Auramau
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I understand where you're coming from here but In order to fix the issues properly they have to have two things: feedback and time. We're giving them a lot of one but not enough for the other since along with the fixes they have to create content. They do the job but it takes longer than people expect.

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I agree that bugs are certainly a thing, but not something to be horribly worried about, they usually get fixed after a few weeks. I think I felt the same way, everyone loves new content, but in my eyes, I think some of the content we already have should be made more viable, we need more diversity. I always see the Boltor Prime and some frames not used at all. I think most beginner weapons should be viable by the time you reach end game, and it should all come down to preference, but it's not really in that state right now. Snipers still are rarely used, shotguns aren't really that viable, and other weapons aren't worth using (like the silva and aegis, so hyped for that weapon, but it's one of the worst)



Gameplay should get a bit of a rework as well, after a while, old missions get boring because of repetitiveness. I like the twists that stalker and the others give, which every mission needs after a while, and I think should be more common, but not just the G3 or stalker or something, but something that can change up gameplay drastically.



Things will be broken, things will be changed, but DE does perhaps need to focus on somethings more than others. U14 was certainly game-breaking at first with it's UI, but gameplay related wont be so bad in terms of bugs. We just will have to wait and see what DE's next moves are.

Edited by SgtFlex
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This may sound defeatist, but I would honestly say just wait for it. They fix an absolutely massive amount of bugs with every major update (netcode changes after U14 let me play with my west coast friends, that was nice), so expect fixes in U15 as well.


I think people get a little disheartened when all they hear about are new features, but that doesn't mean everything else has been pushed to the wayside.

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Here's the thing, these massive updates need to bring in a larger crowd of people who haven't played the game yet.

If they just put it in a massive update where its all just balances and bug fixes, I would just skip it. Why?
Because content. I want more to the game so I then have a reason to play.

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To be honest, this game is still in beta (No, this is not the usual "This game is still in beta" excuse, read on), and at this point DE should be trying to get as close to a full release as quick as possible. And the method they're currently using of updating the game is quicker than what everyone is suggesting.


What I mean is, instead of releasing content, then spending all their time polishing to perfection, then working on releasing more huge content, then polishing to perfection... DE has chosen the faster and better option of releasing content, then fixing bugs WHILE working on more huge content, then releasing that while fixing bugs while working on even MORE huge content, and once they have everything they want, perfectly polishing the final product, then coming out of Open Beta.


They're a small studio, so they have to work as efficiently as possible.

Edited by Jahadaya
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It's not like they aren't fixing stuff, everyday that I go to log in there is a minor hotfix to download before I can play.

If they just focused on fixing the issues with no new content you or others would complain about how the game has gotten stale and that the Devs don't care or some other reason to validate yourself.

As another player stated, we give them tons of feedback but no time to fix issues. Give them time, besides aren't the bug fix team and new content team separate? If they are, they can do both without impeding progress of either.

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To be honest, this game is still in beta (No, this is not the usual "This game is still in beta" excuse, read on), and at this point DE should be trying to get as close to a full release as quick as possible. And this method of upgrading the game is quicker than what everyone is suggesting.

What I mean is, instead of releasing content, then spending all their time polishing to perfection, then working on releasing more huge content, then polishing to perfection... DE has chosen the faster and better option of releasing content, then fixing bugs WHILE working on more huge content, then releasing that while fixing bugs while working on even MORE huge content, and once they have everything they want, perfectly polishing the final product, then coming out of Open Beta.

They're a small studio, so they have to work as efficiently as possible.

This is also true, plus new content can always introduce bugs in older content that was previously "polished" making even more work because they now have to backtrack on content that was previously fixed to perfection. Edited by .Zeva
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This is also true, plus new content can always introduce bugs in older content that was previously "polished" making even more work because they now have to backtrack on content that was previously fixed to perfection.

A prime example was the bladestorm bug. 

A long tiem ago, it run rampant throughout ash users but it got fixed. Then it just came back for no reason (I expect it to be something to do with lag).

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Would you polish a car before painting it just so that it looks good until the paint goes on then have to re polish it after each coat? No, you Prime, paint, buff, wax, Polish. Same goes for coding. Get all your numbers down then sort out the major abnormalities while adding, then when all the numbers are there, you sit down and crunch it hard since you know nothing will be affected by new additions to that sequence.

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Would you polish a car before painting it just so that it looks good until the paint goes on then have to re polish it after each coat? No, you Prime, paint, buff, wax, Polish. Same goes for coding. Get all your numbers down then sort out the major abnormalities while adding, then when all the numbers are there, you sit down and crunch it hard since you know nothing will be affected by new additions to that sequence.


To follow this analogy, though, before you even think about paint or polish or anything you have to put together the frame and install components and bodywork and everything else.


I'd put money on DE trying to get the game feature complete before they go through and nail down all the bugs.

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I understand where you're coming from here but In order to fix the issues properly they have to have two things: feedback and time. We're giving them a lot of one but not enough for the other since along with the fixes they have to create content. They do the job but it takes longer than people expect.

Changing the seekers obscene damage takes that much time? Hm, I must really have underestimated DE.


Seriously though, there are plenty of things they just leave behind. The pattern that is becoming clear is they throw in new content, "yay new stuff!", fix it enough to make it tolerable, and forget about it.

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I understand where you're coming from here but In order to fix the issues properly they have to have two things: feedback and time. We're giving them a lot of one but not enough for the other since along with the fixes they have to create content. They do the job but it takes longer than people expect.

On march 25 2013 de released u7 and with this mods 2.0 and stealth and game changed into open beta.

Now 1.5 year later mods 2.0 havent got even 1 improvement, yet it broken the game in long run.

Stealth still isnt working at even acceptable lvl.

U8 introduced voids, only thing that was improved since then was changing defense into endless(i may argue if thats really improvement) and did some improvements to tileset itself, no improvements to drop tables, no reliable way to counteract bad luck regarding rng, nothing, diluted drop tables and added "super amazing" t4 where all they did was raising dmg on enemies and introduced vor(he could actually be called improvement overall but im not sure if putting him as void stalker was good idea).

u11 introduced dmg 2.0, status chance mods are still pathetic, status procs are still too powerful against player, changed few things with enemy vulnerability in hotfixes then no improvements at all.

u13 melee 2.0, still no gap closer, still no targeting method(soft lock maybe), still no combo transition, still no air attacks.


How much time do they need to rebalance game and make stealth work without invisbility, just give these enemies indicator whether can see you or not and attention meter which gives us time to react before they spot us, make them react to dead bodies or broken barrels, once they spot give them short delay before they start firing and alarming others, thats already some improvement, 1 year isnt enough to think of some way to counteract bad luck spree and drop tables dilution, token system proposed countless times would fix both problems easily, simple buff to 4 mods takes over half year, give them 15% per rank, still not worth a slot but at least better than event mods, done, melee 2.0 missing important mechanics?? cant see a problem here, we can work on new features. 

These are only core gameplay components, nothing really important.

Edited by Davoodoo
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