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Hallowed Ground Aoe (U14.5 Feedback Included!)


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U14 Feedback here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/297509-hallowed-ground-aoe-u145-feedback-included/?p=3406934


People have been debating about Hallowed Ground's AoE for a while. Some want a strict Radial buff while others simply want it wider.


Considering the announced changes to the skill that give it powerful defensive bonuses, could this be a more suitable AoE for Hallowed Ground?




The green point marks Oberon's position, and the larger circle is cast in the direction he is facing. The lesser circle is half the larger's radius, and encompass' Oberon to give him the immediate benefit of the HG buff and provide some defense against close enemies. The larger circle and wedge shape of this AoE mean more enemies can be caught and player movement is less restricted, which will be important for a defensive ability like this.


The specific radii of the circles is down to DE's discretion, of course.



Another important addition to the skill: A timer counting down from the last cast.

Edited by Varzy
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Several upvotes but no comments? Okay. Really though, I'd like to hear some thoughts on this shape.


A note - Range mods would affect the radius of the circles (and subsequent wedge they form).

Edited by Varzy
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Several upvotes but no comments?

That's much better than whole bunch of vapid "I Agree" posts with no substance to them.  If someone has something tor contribute regarding the shape of the carpet (seems like no one has so far) they will post it.


On-topic, I like that your proposal preserves the carpet's rectangular nature so that it can be aimed to reach a specific location.  This is even more useful now that it will be used to remove procs.  That they added no CC to it will make mediocre at best for offense, however, which makes me sad.  

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That's much better than whole bunch of vapid "I Agree" posts with no substance to them.  If someone has something tor contribute regarding the shape of the carpet (seems like no one has so far) they will post it.


On-topic, I like that your proposal preserves the carpet's rectangular nature so that it can be aimed to reach a specific location.  This is even more useful now that it will be used to remove procs.  That they added no CC to it will make mediocre at best for offense, however, which makes me sad.  

Yeah, I'm hoping they decide to add at least one more element of offense/CC -- enemy slowdown or a stun effect, to encourage it to be tossed down on enemies as well as allies.


Oberon is billed as "Equally adept at harming foes and healing allies", so it'd be good to see some form of CC in addition to the armor buff and proc protection.

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Yeah, I'm hoping they decide to add at least one more element of offense/CC -- enemy slowdown or a stun effect, to encourage it to be tossed down on enemies as well as allies.


Oberon is billed as "Equally adept at harming foes and healing allies", so it'd be good to see some form of CC in addition to the armor buff and proc protection.


Could deal some initial damage and stumble ennemies as well when casted


Stumble would make sense as it hit feets

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Having played with the new effects of Hallowed Ground, they're just about exactly what I had hoped for -- Oberon can toss down a ground in the middle of a heavy fight with Grinner or Corpus CC units and maintain dominance because of the Proc prevention. It's awesome!


However, the problem I predicted with the skill has indeed played out as I expected -- the skill deploys in front of you, when it really is crying out to be deployed under you.


I'm not saying to make it a radial skill -- in fact, I think that would hurt this ability! As it stands, it's surprisingly aggressive an ability -- you toss it down and run along it, and not a single enemy can knock you back or stop your approach. I've found myself tossing down a trail of HG to run along as work through dense areas. An element of that forward motion must be preserved in the ability.


That's why I think this suggestion is the best enhancement for Hallowed Ground -- spawns the protection underneath him immediately to give the skill a great 'panic button' quality, and preserves the forward momentum the proc prevention allows while giving us room for maneuverability.

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Having played with the new effects of Hallowed Ground, they're just about exactly what I had hoped for -- Oberon can toss down a ground in the middle of a heavy fight with Grinner or Corpus CC units and maintain dominance because of the Proc prevention. It's awesome!


However, the problem I predicted with the skill has indeed played out as I expected -- the skill deploys in front of you, when it really is crying out to be deployed under you.


I'm not saying to make it a radial skill -- in fact, I think that would hurt this ability! As it stands, it's surprisingly aggressive an ability -- you toss it down and run along it, and not a single enemy can knock you back or stop your approach. I've found myself tossing down a trail of HG to run along as work through dense areas. An element of that forward motion must be preserved in the ability.


That's why I think this suggestion is the best enhancement for Hallowed Ground -- spawns the protection underneath him immediately to give the skill a great 'panic button' quality, and preserves the forward momentum the proc prevention allows while giving us room for maneuverability.

It's also still toothless as an offensive ability because it has no means of keeping enemies on the carpet and deals reduced damage to Infested in addition to requiring many mods to cover enough area and last long enough to be worth mantaining.

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It's also still toothless as an offensive ability because it has no means of keeping enemies on the carpet and deals reduced damage to Infested in addition to requiring many mods to cover enough area and last long enough to be worth mantaining.

As much as I'd like some kind of additional offensive aspect to it, I've realised in my testing of the skill that, in practice, it doesn't need much additional offense, because the skill enables you to very aggressively march forward against normally dangerous CC foes and take them out with gun damage. Maybe something like a momentary stagger for enemies caught at the start, sure, but the skill is no longer about keeping enemies on the path, it's about keeping yourself there, creating new paths as you march forward.


If Hallowed Ground were to spawn under Oberon's feet, the skill would be even better, making it reactive and less situational. I found myself getting knocked away many times before I could take that crucial step forward onto the HG, which was very annoying at times.

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I want this+ a wave like a carpet unrolling from oberon that staggers (it could be a RADIATION EAGLE)+ the carpet to slow stuff so it can actually deal some damage before they sprint across it


No crazy armor stuff


No awesome but kinda inappropriate (put it on renewal properly plz with the armor thing and ill love you forever) anti proc stuff


Just a big slowing field for that sweet utility combined with improved damage use.


P.S: as explanation about renewal I also want it to just be duration based and to switch to just the armor buff and anti proc shield once you reach max health since I don't get why anyone would toggle this unless they just didn't like their allies....

Edited by quietcanary
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No awesome but kinda inappropriate (put it on renewal properly plz with the armor thing and ill love you forever) anti proc stuff

Strongly but respectfully disagree. Current anti-proc Hallowed Ground makes a mockery of Grineer and Infested attempts to CC you, which is a huge part of what makes them dangerous. The only enemy CC could really do with is a short stagger on enemies caught in the cast.


The area is just still too small, is all. The default size of HG at max rank should be at least equivalent to the size it is with a max Stretch mod.

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I'm sure DE has seen the discussions regarding Hallowed Ground starting under Oberon's feet -- they implemented the status protection effect and I'm fairly certain I was one of only two or three people who suggested it. I just hope it's sparked some discussion.

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