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Paris Builds



Greetings, my fellow frame wielding psychopaths.

So, the thing is, I thought of obtaining Paris Prime. However, I took a look at the weapon in the Codex, and, if you don't mind my colourful choice of words, that thing looks ugly as hell.

So I was hoping you guys could hit me up with a good Paris build, so I wouldn't be missing out much on Paris Prime.

Kudos, and thanks for your time.

Edited by (PS4)Strifedecer
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10 answers to this question

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There are 2 amazing Bows in the game. Paris Prime and Dread, I have formed both 4 times.


This will take out T4 Enemy's but I recommend the Boltor Prime for T4's.


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You can't build Paris to be good as Paris Prime.


Paris has lower crit chance, crit damage, status chance, physical damage, charged damage and by 0.1 slower reload speed...

You can't expect that non-primed version can get as good as prime.


If you don't like Paris Prime take Dread. If you don't like Dread either -> don't use bows.

Edited by Kialandi
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There are 2 amazing Bows in the game. Paris Prime and Dread, I have formed both 4 times.


This will take out T4 Enemy's but I recommend the Boltor Prime for T4's.


I used this build on regular Paris. I had to forma it 4 times.

Paris 3.3x | 75% (crit dmg / crit chance), 1556.25 (charged), 16% (status), 1.25 (fire rate), 778.14 (total damage), 972.67 (sustained dps)

Paris Prime 4.4x | 112.5% (crit dmg / crit chance), 2075 (charged), 32% (status), 1.43 (fire rate), 1037.51 (total damage), 1483.64 (sustained dps)


So Paris is about 30 - 40% worse than Paris Prime.

Edited by Kialandi
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Get Dread. Looks closer to Paris. Still crazy high frontloaded damage.


People make a big deal about the Damage 2.0 chart for good reason, but Paris Prime and Dread are the one exception right now. A standard rainbow, non-heavycalibur build with either one will one shot pretty much anything in the game with a body shot even with the wrong elemental build, and with a head shot and the right build you're talking about endless missions before anything is surviving. The poster above recommend other things for T4 because, I assume, bows just don't have the firing rate to deal with those scenarios, not because damage is low.

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Sorry if the replies in this thread seem less than constructive, telling you to get another weapon.


The main reason we tell you not to invest in Paris is the crit chance. Using a maxed out crit chance mod Paris has around ~75% crit rate. This may sound great but you're firing single shots and this inconsistency, coupled with the 90% on Split Chamber and the total loss of crit damage mod effects on non-crit shots, becomes frustrating at the high end as you have to wonder what each and every shot will do. This takes Paris, MK1-Paris and Cernos pretty much off the table for serious investment IMO.


Paris Prime and Dread have high enough base crit chance that a maxed out crit mod will take them over 100%, making shots more consistent and garaunteeing the application of your crit damage mods on every shot. Chance over 100% also opens up the possibility of red crits which do MONSTROUS amounts of damage.

Edited by VKhaun
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Sorry if the replies in this thread seem less than constructive, telling you to get another weapon.


The main reason we tell you not to invest in Paris is the crit chance. Using a maxed out crit chance mod Paris has around ~75% crit rate. This may sound great but you're firing single shots and this inconsistency, coupled with the 90% on Split Chamber and the total loss of crit damage mod effects on non-crit shots, becomes frustrating at the high end as you have to wonder what each and every shot will do. This takes Paris, MK1-Paris and Cernos pretty much off the table for serious investment IMO.


Paris Prime and Dread have high enough base crit chance that a maxed out crit mod will take them over 100%, making shots more consistent and garaunteeing the application of your crit damage mods on every shot. Chance over 100% also opens up the possibility of red crits which do MONSTROUS amounts of damage.


Thanks a million. I'll go for the dread.

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If you can't get Dread, or for some reason dislike it's looks too (personally I dislike the wide arrow head), the Cernos is probably your next best bet - at least it can reach over 100% crit with CD so it'll hit much harder and consistently than the Paris. Will still do only like 46% of the Dread/PPrime tho.


http://goo.gl/cUHCdx etc

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