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Mod Ui: Don't Fix What Isn't Broken


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I modded pretty much by visual of the card, now I have to squint and press my face nearly into my screen to see the information on the darned mods. I can barely tell what is leveled up and which is not. Then the whole slide scroll thing..ick.


All in all I like the old UI 1000x better than this one. Usually when a dev 'cleans up' their UI and tweaks it...they usually take LESS 'clicks' out of the equaltion but DE instead adds more and more.

This exactly,

im really impressed how those 2 dudes from those livestreams,..

who make the UI, seems to actively be doing everything to make it harder to use the UI with every update to it...


takes a hell of alot longer to do the simplest of things now,..


And it only seems to be worse with every update,


EPIC FAIL UI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I guess learning to adapt yourself to the new mod UI is a gigantic effort right?

You will get used to it.

I guess desiring a UI that adheres to the basic principles of functionality is wrong now.

The new one shows less information, slower, and has inconsistent placement of critical information.  Those are not things I should have to "get used to".  They're "design flaws".

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As a Digital Producer in my day job, I have to say the latest update to the UI is one of the biggest suprises and shock decisions I would have expected.


- Firstly, the old UI was actually pretty 'new' since it's been available less than a year especially PS4 players who have just had the update to U14.

- The majority of users liked the old Mod UI so the decision to revamp it is... well an odd decision because it takes a lot of resources to plan, design, build and test - The dev team could have spent that time actually fixing, making the game even more exciting to play. - i.e. new maps, remove the repeitive need for farming on the same map etc.

- It would have been much easier to put the design screenshots out to the community and have them voice their opinions then just go ahead and build and release it with no warning.


Personally, I don't like the new Mod UI, I don't remember half the names of all the mods and so being able to look at the stats and pictures really helps me. Now I have to hover over each one, less time actually 'playing missions'. 


Overally it's made me have a negative experience about wanting to mod my warframe - and modding is a massive part of this game which means, if I can't go back to the old one or the new one doesn't improve immediately, I'll have to decide to stop playing which sux as I really like playing it. 



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It's day one of something you're not used to. Once you get a bit more used to the names and the areas each mod is in and sorting them, it actually has a lot more info and functionality. You're just used to looking at hte pictures.

"Get used to" =/= "Remember name of every mod in game".

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The new mod UI is very very BAD, much less visual and intuitive than the old one, it's a real pain to navigate.

Please DE switch back to the previous one ASAP, it is a big step back, it MUST remain visual, as you can recognize the mods immediatly.


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I guess learning to adapt yourself to the new mod UI is a gigantic effort right?

You will get used to it.


Learning to adapt doesn't mean it's any good. How about if I ask you to play FPS with your feet? You will get used to it.


I really like it, I like how I don't have to leave my weapon to only open it back up to fuse things. And I like that I can quickly hover over the mods I need to read them. And I don't think you could see stat changes until you added the mod.


I think people don't like change, and when change happens they don't want to adapt out of fear.


Sure it's not user friendly, but if I recall 15 years ago, games weren't even gamer friendly. No instructions, nothing. Just play the  game and learn.


I guess learning is too hard nowadays.


"Sure it's not user friendly" - That's my point. Learning isn't too hard, most people just think it's a step backward from the old UI. There are good changes and there are redundant ones. So you agree it is less functional, but you still want us to get used to it. Pretty ironic considering you're implying that you're smarter than most people by your last statement, yet your argument suggests the exact opposite.

Edited by Bibibabibu
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Why is every update progressively focusing on making things pretty at the cost of functionality?

The new mod interface is terrible to navigate! It was much easier to quickly browse through or mod loadouts with the old UI. With this new crammed and awkward UI I hate remodding, because I have to squint and slowly scroll through all my mods. Can't imagine how much worse newer players are having it, since they actually have to mouseover every mod to read the description, since we can no longer see the mod details at a glance.



At this rate, I fear for U15 changes.

I am a kind of new player, and I'm struggling with the changes just because of that.


I need to know the name of all the mods or mouse over all the mods I have just to equip the one I'm looking.

Edited by Thymon_LHF
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This exactly,

im really impressed how those 2 dudes from those livestreams,..

who make the UI, seems to actively be doing everything to make it harder to use the UI with every update to it...


takes a hell of alot longer to do the simplest of things now,..


And it only seems to be worse with every update,


EPIC FAIL UI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Because everyone complains warframe is too easy, so the UI team is making it harder... for us to navigate

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You can no longer pick the mods by how they look, you can't scroll through and see "Oh, the blue-ish one with Nekros and Crewman, I am always installing it". You need to scroll through the whole thing, read each name, remember each name... I kinda wish we at least had a function like "expand all", which makes the mods be in one row (instead of two) and all of them (included the installed ones) be fully expanded.


I don't like the collapsing idea, not at all.

Also the pictures colors, i think the bronze,silver,gold color should not be inside the mod pictures but rather stays around the border . Now the mod collections primarily consist of 3 dull colors rather than previously was really colorful.

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The only thing that I dislike about the new UI is the ability at a glance to see which mods have been upgraded

The little dots at the bottom are just not clear enough


The old system with the white boxes were so handy and easily visable


A brighter colour would be so much better..


I also agree with some of the other posters that the mods would look so much better it they had the gold,silver and bronze on the border instead of the whole mod

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I won't lie...this new system is going to take quite a long time for me to get used to, probably never. I'm used to the relatively similar system used since U8, and expecting me to adapt to something after a year and a half without issues is a tall order. Granted, the system fits the theme of the UI ever since U14, but I do genuinely feel like its a bit more tedious and clunky to do so. Only more time and experience with the new UI will tell.


Slightly off topic. I understand that this is a discussion thread, but please refrain from resorting to semantics and witticisms to try and get the upper hand on someone who doesn't share the same opinion as you. People here are allowed to express their opinions, and its to be understood that its merely an opinion even if its portrayed as a factual piece of information. Simply trying to put others down isn't the mark of a good debater. 

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I won't lie...this new system is going to take quite a long time for me to get used to, probably never. I'm used to the relatively similar system used since U8, and expecting me to adapt to something after a year and a half without issues is a tall order. Granted, the system fits the theme of the UI ever since U14, but I do genuinely feel like its a bit more tedious and clunky to do so. Only more time and experience with the new UI will tell.


Slightly off topic. I understand that this is a discussion thread, but please refrain from resorting to semantics and witticisms to try and get the upper hand on someone who doesn't share the same opinion as you. People here are allowed to express their opinions, and its to be understood that its merely an opinion even if its portrayed as a factual piece of information. Simply trying to put others down isn't the mark of a good debater. 



You are welcome to call me out on a comment i made directly... I am not here to argue or to put others down, and do not get angry. Language is mostly about connotation and tone, not the actual words. Just because I say something extremely cruel, many will overlook the statement at first glance because I said it "nicely". Conversely, people think that because they are asked for feedback, they can make a statement with the tonal arrangement that everyone thinks the same as them, which grossly misrepresents the purpose. Just because you understand it to be opinion, does not mean everyone will also.


With that said, the one point you did not make, but is the reason why I am going to delete my above post... Me criticizing others in their method of speech is honestly worse than someone stating opinion as fact, because as your response showed, it derailed the purpose of the topic at least a little. Even a little is too much.


Aside, (back on topic), I actually agree generally with your stance on the UI... For those of us acquainted with the older UI, it will likely take a lot longer to adapt than a brand new player that signed up for the first time today, but the real test of the UI's success/failure will be in a few weeks or so once people have adapted to it. As you said, only time will tell.

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After I have the chance to look at the new UI more in-depth I think I can get use to it, I even dare say it's better. The filtering system is better, I just need to put a little effort to learn the new system. The filter is better on one example, if I like to try my luck to transmute for 'Shield Flux' that is common and with a polarity of Naramon ( -- dash) I could filter the UI to only show common mods with dash polarity and then filter some more with 'Duplicates'. And there's also more filters in the arsenal,  it's great. I have a couple of things to say that need an improvement:


1) Transmute. When we want to transmute, I need them to show on top just like when we fuse mod so we can know for sure if we're using the right mod and don't accidentally use the wrong one. It's not a problem if we're using all duplicates 'tho.


2) Fusing, there's no tool-tip when we hover on 'Duplicate' or 'Fusion Cores' icon, this might be confusing to new players.


So good job UI Team.

Edited by Dalawantahr
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After I have the chance to look at the new UI more in-depth I think I can get use to it, I even dare say it's better. The filtering system is better, I just need to put a little effort to learn the new system. The filter is better on one example, if I like to try my luck to transmute for 'Shield Flux' that is common and with a polarity of Naramon ( -- dash) I could filter the UI to only show common mods with dash polarity and then filter some more with 'Duplicates'. And there's also more filters in the arsenal,  it's great. I have a couple of things to say that need an improvement:


1) Transmute. When we want to transmute, I need them to show on top just like when we fuse mod so we can know for sure if we're using the right mod and don't accidentally use the wrong one. It's not a problem if we're using all duplicates 'tho.


2) Fusing, there's no tool-tip when we hover on 'Duplicate' or 'Fusion Cores' icon, this might be confusing to new players.


So good job UI Team.


I did not even think about the 'Duplicates' and 'Fusion Cores' buttons now having no description... Yeah that is a bit of an oversight. I also think the various Tabs (All, Warframe, Primary, Secondary, etc) should in some way be merged with the 'Filters' function, because they are really all filters anyway.

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I did not even think about the 'Duplicates' and 'Fusion Cores' buttons now having no description... Yeah that is a bit of an oversight. I also think the various Tabs (All, Warframe, Primary, Secondary, etc) should in some way be merged with the 'Filters' function, because they are really all filters anyway.

Agree but I'm trying to find out why they have made the filters the way it is, must be a reason behind this design. And found out another cool thing about this new UI. When we fiddles with a load out, say you rank up your Kubrow and have some points to spend, in the last UI was back and forth between arsenal UI and Mod UI using the back button or ESC key (well that's what I did anyway). But now when your in the Kubrow arsenal, there's a "Mod" button below that will take you straight to the Mod UI and already filtered out to only show Kubrow mods, how cool is that. Then you proceed to fuse things and your done, guess what the "Back" button do, take you back at the Kubrow load out in arsenal. 

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I don't think the UI team actually play this game.

Shocking how this could be considered an improvement.

Also, anyone want to link all the feedback threads from before U14.5 asking for an overhaul of the mod UI?

I read the forums all the time and do not recall any threads, and it has never been a Hot Topic.

UI team motto "If it ain't broke, break it."

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Well that's like your opinion, man.


Personally I love the new ui. After getting used to the new placements of the card info I found it to be much faster than the old one.

and thats just your opinion, which isnt any more important than him or the rest of us.

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I just wanted to update my view after playing with the new MOD UI for a few days.

I've got used to the side scrolling which is fine.


- Choosing a MOD, then choosing what you want to do next takes a bit of re-learning because I would think of the latter first.

- Not sure if anyone noticed but End of Mission Screen when you see what mods you've collected, it used to be you could see at least 4 mods before you needed to scroll, now you can just see a maximum of 2

- Still can't see what type of fusion cores are better than each other apart from the colour (bronze, silver, gold)

- It's frustrating to have to scroll over each card to get the vital information

- Having the whole mod coloured as Bronze, Silver or Gold is not neccesary, I prefer the older style, with just just edges having a glow

- Seeing the rank of a mod needs to be a little bit clearer





As a Digital Producer in my day job, I have to say the latest update to the UI is one of the biggest suprises and shock decisions I would have expected.


- Firstly, the old UI was actually pretty 'new' since it's been available less than a year especially PS4 players who have just had the update to U14.

- The majority of users liked the old Mod UI so the decision to revamp it is... well an odd decision because it takes a lot of resources to plan, design, build and test - The dev team could have spent that time actually fixing, making the game even more exciting to play. - i.e. new maps, remove the repeitive need for farming on the same map etc.

- It would have been much easier to put the design screenshots out to the community and have them voice their opinions then just go ahead and build and release it with no warning.


Personally, I don't like the new Mod UI, I don't remember half the names of all the mods and so being able to look at the stats and pictures really helps me. Now I have to hover over each one, less time actually 'playing missions'. 


Overally it's made me have a negative experience about wanting to mod my warframe - and modding is a massive part of this game which means, if I can't go back to the old one or the new one doesn't improve immediately, I'll have to decide to stop playing which sux as I really like playing it. 

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Sorry I meant the different types like  common c2, c3, c5 etc  or is that not how theywork anymore?

They appear to have added additional ranks of Fusion Cores, Commons still only have a max rank of 3, but Uncommons and Rares both come in 3/5 and 5/5, and I think I've seen other ranks too.  So you can tell Commons apart without relying on color, but Rares and Uncommons look the same.  Mercifully, the silver color is the most distinguishable, but it's not a great solution.

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Functionality has been reduced. That has nothing to do with learning - things were easier and simpler before. They have been changed to cater to the console faction - but so far I have seen very little of the new UI that I liked.


Update 14.5 gave us some improved new UI for mods - but that does not change the fact that the old UI was better in terms of functionality - and that is essentially what the new UI has to be measured on. Yes, the new UI is "more pretty", but you probably don't care that your car is "more pretty" if turning around a corner is becoming a bother.


My playtime has gone done A LOT. This is primarily due to the new UI.


Again, this has nothing to do with learning. I CAN use it. I know how to use it. But it frustrates the hell out of me and I find something else, non-Warframe thing to do.

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