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Does Having A Rhino In Your Squad Annoy Anyone Else?


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 The closest I've seen to a "rusher", was yesterday on the Energy Siphon Spy alert mission, and there was a 1700 something Valkyr with the new Atterax whip, some how zooming across the map that I didn't even know it was possible....You know the slide+melee move so you can get get across the map faster; but everytime this player did it, holy hell, she gotten to ludicrous distances and it was insane.


Well the thing there is, Atterax can make you fly like zorens/scoliac, and the attack speed buff from warcry amplifies it considerably, lots of fun to use as long as you don't fly off the map.

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I'm not sure why you people like posting about this so frequently lol.


I recall mentioning in another one of the exact thread like this, saying I've honestly never cared much to who plays what. But since then when I expressed that, I decided to pay more attention if I do run into a player playing Rhino and see this "rushing" or "noob-tactics" whatever. I'm still going to say I've never seen any issue since starting this game in regards to players being Rhinos. Most of the time if I run into one, alot of the time, they seem to be very good leaders in my squad (it has nothing really to do with the frame itself, but a good handful of players that try to achieve good teamwork and communication have been playing Rhinos). During the past event with the new gametype replacing survival, I was using my Trinity, and there was a Rhino Prime, Frost Prime, and Ember Prime, and the Rhino Prime player specifically made a nice gameplan for all three of us on what to do and such (me staying at the main pod, filling up the machine, while the other three carefully tread through the map going towards the drill locations). This was only my second or third time playing that gametype so I had no idea yet on a good efficient way to last so long in it. But in all he kept the team alive, he made sure to stop by the main pod if possible to make sure I wasn't too overwhelmed, and we ended up getting way more then the required points needed for the event items.


But anyways, beyond that, most Rhino players I've always ran to, were the ones reviving players in any kind of defense mission, typically telling everyone else not to run out there to keep an eye on the pod, never really ran into them "rushing" before, or none of the other complaints the few players have with them. The closest I've seen to a "rusher", was yesterday on the Energy Siphon Spy alert mission, and there was a 1700 something Valkyr with the new Atterax whip, some how zooming across the map that I didn't even know it was possible....You know the slide+melee move so you can get get across the map faster; but everytime this player did it, holy hell, she gotten to ludicrous distances and it was insane. The only reason I could keep up with her was because I was playing Hydroid using Tidal Surge through the map. The other two players couldn't even get close to the halfway-mark so they said they'll just wait since there's no point...which seemed really discouraging honestly...


But anyways getting back on track here, I know it's all about perspective, but I really don't see why the few of you players make a big deal on what players like to play. I personally never really cared, since it's just a videogame, and as long we're all having fun and cooperating, it shouldn't really matter. Hell, I main a Zephyr, which I never see players use, and it really doesn't bother me one bit. Even with the minor Tornado complaint, I never once heard someone asking me to not use it during (for example), high T4 Defense missions, or anything along those lines.


But ehh, I digress, vocal minority I suppose~

Leaders? You must be new, or a Rhino mainer who is trying to puff up the dignity of those using one.

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Nice necro is in reference to the necro of the thread.


When a thread has died and someone posts in it they call it thread necromancy.


Good job calling him a "noob" when you got his meaning completely wrong though.

the thread does not die unless it is locked. I post where I want. When a thread dies it is plainly stated as such. Necro just comes off as an unnecessary new age term used by internet neophates rhat only causes confusion for a subject that also has reference to an actual avatar class of similar nomeclature.

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my only gripe with rhino is Rhino Prime, he just comes of as a trolling joke by DE. the frame is ridiculously fast for a tanky type and doesn't really have a downside for experienced players. It's just completely unbalanced to have a frame that can do everything the others can do but better(cc,utility,mobility). It could be said that he falls off against long running survival or defense missions but those enemy levels are just absurdly scaled up at that point and comparing anything's effectiveness against that further defies balance anyway.

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Quite frankly I find door hero Nekros more annoying.

At least Rhino can handle himself for a long time, but there are Nekros players who seem to think he's good at survival for a reason other than extra oxygen.


Stomp is really annoying for me cause it screws me up with the sudden floating and slow descent, but that's a me problem.


Excuse me, but I find that extremely offensive when Rhino's go down and I have literally no abilities short of Desecrate and I have to end up going to save hit fat arse.



my only gripe with rhino is Rhino Prime, he just comes of as a trolling joke by DE. the frame is ridiculously fast for a tanky type and doesn't really have a downside for experienced players. It's just completely unbalanced to have a frame that can do everything the others can do but better(cc,utility,mobility). It could be said that he falls off against long running survival or defense missions but those enemy levels are just absurdly scaled up at that point and comparing anything's effectiveness against that further defies balance anyway.


It's not Rhino Prime that is the issue, its the Rhino Prime with the Vanguard Arcane that is the issue. +30% movement speed is ridiculous in and of itself.

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Having random Rhinos in my team doesn't annoy me in any way, unless they constantly do annoying things. Should be self-explaining, but playing a Rhino doesn't make you a bad player, it's just that many beginners and try-hards use him because he's way more forgiving on flawed/inexperienced play.

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Just my opinion, i dont want to start a flamewar (again)^^


just play defense or survival, at a certain point they onehit him through his ironskin, his roar wont do a noticable effect, his stomp would be useless through the incredible amount of HP per enemy...

He is nice at the beginning, but after that, everything he can do, can be done better by someone else.

Stomp? use Banshee for a permanent effect, Vauban for Vortexspam or even Nova for massive Slowdown + Damage Buff + Splosion

Roar? again, Nova debuffs targets for nearly the same amount that roar does, slows them down and lets them explode. Banshees Sonar creates spots who deal up to 1145% damage compared to Rhinos 114%.

Ironskin? meh, Lokis cloak is way stronger, you cant hurt what you cant see ;)

Still, Rhino is nice, he is somehow fun, he is just not that good for the higher stuff in teams. He can do everything a bit, but nothing perfect like others.


And rushing? a Loki or Zephyr is worse, they can run so fast that enemies wont spawn anymore xD

Edited by LazerusKI
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How i deal with rhinos:


If hes a rusher scrublord. I dont care about his fate, he dies, his fault.


If hes a antibullet wall, i support him how i can.


If he uses roar to boost up our damage, then he gets all my teamplay as he does.


If he uses all his 4 abilities, then i build him a statue.



Thats how i played rhino before i sold him, a pure support tank.

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Rhinos are your tinfoil saviors. Remember that.


I don't speak for all Rhino players but I do what i can to make sure the squad survives. I'm usually the last man chasing after every one. If you see me up front is normally means I have some confidence in the players skills. I will run back for fallen teammates all the time

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I don't know why people hate on Rhino/Rhino Prime. Ya he's over used, but so what. There's much worse out there--trollers. I personally believe that there are some frame skills that should not be used, and when they are, cause me to rage and afk just to let them fall and watch them die. Here are a few:


1) Bounce Vauban

2) Tornado Zephyr

3) Tentacle Hydroid


It basically comes down to me being a CC-oriented player. So when I see this ****, I wig out and fade back to let them solo. Me theory is that if they don't wanna be a team player, fine, hope u can solo.

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Leaders? You must be new, or a Rhino mainer who is trying to puff up the dignity of those using one.

Not new sir. I've been playing for a little over a year now.

I never crafted a Rhino before, nor am I planning to anytime soon (nothing against him, but he seems way to bland for my taste).


But please try to be at least respectful. I already stated that this is from my own perspective, and never once ran into an issue like the people who complain about it time and time again on the forums. I'm sorry if you never had a good leader in teams before, but the times I have, they have been Rhino's/Rhino Primes, and they've done a fantastic job. Of course I've seen other players use different frames who lead the group, but I've personally ran into more players who were Rhinos in comparison to, lets say, a Loki, or something.

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I don't know why people hate on Rhino/Rhino Prime. Ya he's over used, but so what. There's much worse out there--trollers. I personally believe that there are some frame skills that should not be used, and when they are, cause me to rage and afk just to let them fall and watch them die. Here are a few:


1) Bounce Vauban

2) Tornado Zephyr

3) Tentacle Hydroid


It basically comes down to me being a CC-oriented player. So when I see this ****, I wig out and fade back to let them solo. Me theory is that if they don't wanna be a team player, fine, hope u can solo.

You forgot Wonder Woman Valkyr.  You know, the kind that likes to lasso her teammates just for the hell of it?

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Only 3 frames in this game I hate with a passion.


Loki/Prime, Rhino Prime, and Nova.


I mildly dislike regular Rhino players because they aren't fully grown lost causes yet like Rhino Prime players.


I've yet to see or play with a Loki/Prime that wasn't a worthless piece of garbage.

I've yet to see or play with a Nova that wasn't full of themselves.

I've yet to see or play with a Rhino Prime that wasn't Captain Tunnel Vision.


inb4 tears and "not all players are like that wah wah"


Spare me, like I said, "I've yet to see or play with" meaning I'm looking for the exceptions.


700+ hours in, still looking.


I own all 3 of those frames, although mainly because I'm trying to get every frame. (Excalibur, Ash, and Oberon and I have them all!)

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Funny that, i play on Ash with Dread and when i'm in a party with 2-3 rhinos, despite them being rush/shoot happy players, i still seem to get the most kills, I just loathe players who knock on me for using Ash instead of Rhino/Prime. Then again that just makes it feel so much better when i kill more than them, support better than them and basically look cool while doing it.

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What a shame. Any frame is capable of rushing ahead and decking everything, though. There might be a correlation in the kind of player that likes to play Rhino, maybe?


Rhino isn't inherently a jerkface, he's just one of the most powerful and well-rounded frames in the game.


^ this, any frame with a good weapon can rush ahead, slay everything and "annoy you" ...


Maybe Rhino is just the most common used frame to do so... but it's not because of the frame...

it's the player's type behind the frame that annoys you: try to focus ur anger not against Rhino <3

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