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When Will Survial Actually Become Survival And Not...


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Read it again. We had no trouble killing the enemies we saw, we saw less than 50 enemies total.

Ah, then you don't understand how spawning works. Try staying in one spot instead of all over. Enemies can only spawn in places you aren't already looking.

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That's because you aren't killing them fast enough. That's how survival works. Desecrate is unfortunately needed, but that doesn't mean stacking 4 of them improves it x4. You need to still be able to make bodies for desecrates. The more you kill in a quicker time, the more enemies you will eventually kill in the end due to respawns, which means more 'chances at oxygen'.


Infested = Crap Drop Chance


ODS = Crap Spawn Rate


Crap spawn rate + drop chance = Crabs !

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RNG dependency of Life Support pods and doesn't require Nekros? Seriously just had two T4 Survival Runs and we couldn't even make it to the 20 min mark because of Low Enemy spawns and lack of Life Support from Lotus. This is absolutely unfair especially since the way to acquire T4 Keys is already a chore. I consider anything under 20 mins a waste of the Key. Looking from Feedback, Excavation is doing well with the players, and i hope it finds it way to the Void.


I sense lots of potential in the excavation missions.


As for survival, it's survival. What do you want mate what do you want?


On topic.. I feel like it's definitely possible to go longer than 20-30 min on a party set up of your own.. but then again 20-30 minutes is the average time. And you really do have to have a decent necros in your part to do well.. 

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A lot of people figure the higher teir survivals are all Ooooo ENEMY KILL EM RUN KILL EM. That's now how it works. You kill when it's efficient. That's my issue with novas in the part running across the map spamming 4 (unless it's a low strength build nova). Everything is better in bulk :D.

Stick together, clump up enemies and hover around LS modules. Pop one in moderation; aka coming too close/lack of enemies. When they run out move into the next huge area.


The most important part to it all? STICK TOGETHER. I can't stress this enough. 

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RNG dependency of Life Support pods and doesn't require Nekros? Seriously just had two T4 Survival Runs and we couldn't even make it to the 20 min mark because of Low Enemy spawns and lack of Life Support from Lotus. This is absolutely unfair especially since the way to acquire T4 Keys is already a chore. I consider anything under 20 mins a waste of the Key. Looking from Feedback, Excavation is doing well with the players, and i hope it finds it way to the Void.


Depends on the players as well. If everyone is running from room to room rather than staying in the same room together, the spawn is split up and made terrible, thus low enemy population.


Excavation has the same issue, somewhat, sadly, but at least there's no time limit overall. That and Excavation missions are only replacing terrestrial Survival tilesets; Earth, Ice Planet, Phobos, as far as I know.

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Wait till 14.5 lads.


You can kill everything without activating the digs if you wanted.

Still dident fix the old survival mode though.....

it still have the exact same problems as OP listed..


They need to implement the same mechanic as the new surv. mode

the new mode dident fix the old mode..

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I feel same way just after a Alert mission. Everything started normally, but all others players disconnected one after the others because they got killed in less than 1', so I ended finishing all the infested but after than spawn rate drop radically, never be more than 3 infested insight.


So I ended up at 7:33 without oxygen but "Alert Survival extraction" show AT 10:00.

-I didn't FAILED the mission because I am still alive...

-I CANNOT win nor end it because timer is stuck at less than 10 minutes so no extraction

-I can only abandon mission because there is NO WAY to win.





The big problem  is I get low rate of spawn and I cannot make to 10:00 because some dude flew away.

-The "not a problem" is to kill enemies, why ... NOVA, 4 (baboum).

-The "not a problem" is to go and activate the capsule, why ... NOVA, 3 (portal).


If it is a survival mission base on enemies or oxygen CANNOT be made because there is not enough OXYGEN AND ENEMIES so we have a problem on the mission. And moreover, I restart the mission on solo and even than, I hardly made it with wave of 5-7 enemies. They may be level 30+ but few infested is still few life support.

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Its interesting to me that every time someone says spawn rates are to low, someone comes up and tells them how they're doing it wrong.

I avoid survivals because the spawn rates are to low. killing 5 mobs immediately on sight does not change the fact that I won't see more mobs for 3-5 minutes longer after that. The problem is not how fast people kill, or what room they move to, the problem is there aren't enough spawns to support the mission. 

Survivals need a serious re-work, More mobs, more spawns, faster spawn rates, More oxygen, better oxygen drop timing. No amount of moving or speed killing is going to make it better, fixing the problem is going to make it better.

Edited by -Malachi-
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Its interesting to me that every time someone says spawn rates are to low, someone comes up and tells them how they're doing it wrong.

I avoid survivals because the spawn rates are to low. killing 5 mobs immediately on sight does not change the fact that I won't see more mobs for 3-5 minutes longer after that. The problem is not how fast people kill, or what room they move to, the problem is there aren't enough spawns to support the mission. 

Survivals need a serious re-work, More mobs, more spawns, faster spawn rates, More oxygen, better oxygen drop timing. No amount of moving or speed killing is going to make it better, fixing the problem is going to make it better.

That may be how you want survival to be and how you want to play it, but in my response I was explaining how to succeed at survival currently. You have to play the way that yields you the best results, and it just so happens that's how you have to do it in order to go further in survival. Just because you think that doing it your way should be right, doesn't mean it is. Boycotting survival methods with a "well I'm not going to do it that way, because it should be this way" is just setting yourself up for failure. I tell people that they're doing it wrong because they are. I've never had a problem with spawns because I understand how to play it. With it, I'm explaining how they can succeed, (trying to help them) but people are too stubborn to play the way the game has to be played, because they want to play it their own way and fail. I'll agree, they do need to change the amount of RNG in oxygen dropped. Spawns are fine, more would make it too easy.

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That may be how you want survival to be and how you want to play it, but in my response I was explaining how to succeed at survival currently. You have to play the way that yields you the best results, and it just so happens that's how you have to do it in order to go further in survival. Just because you think that doing it your way should be right, doesn't mean it is. Boycotting survival methods with a "well I'm not going to do it that way, because it should be this way" is just setting yourself up for failure. I tell people that they're doing it wrong because they are. I've never had a problem with spawns because I understand how to play it. With it, I'm explaining how they can succeed, (trying to help them) but people are too stubborn to play the way the game has to be played, because they want to play it their own way and fail. I'll agree, they do need to change the amount of RNG in oxygen dropped. Spawns are fine, more would make it too easy.

Survival should not be a worser version of mobile defense where instead of defending a freaking computer, you have to watch a ever-decreasing amount of oxygen and hope a pray you get enough or else you will die and miss out on probably getting that mod you wanted. (The same comparison can be made to Defense, Sabotage on Earth, and Excavator too.)


If I wanted to play mobile defense, I would do it, but I can't because I need to constantly farm for parts that refuse to freaking drop on a gosh dang gamemode that the Lotus refuses to cough up Lifesupport on her end. I have done these missions multiple times and always thought it was my fault that I ran out of Lifesupport but I realized after another attempt that it wasn't, just the Lifesupport capsules refused to come....it was insane...

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i dont think it should be 100% but for sure much higher than whatever the hell it is now


i've had this exact same problem so many times where i just cant make it because of the lack of enemies, lotus just cant speed things up

it makes survival -which, when it works out is a really fun time- into a boring waste of time and keys.

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I have suggested adding the power cell carriers from excavation as life support carriers/medics on survival missions. They would carry life support with a 100% drop rate chance.



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