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Runners Who Likes To Play With Them?


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 its happenbd too many times to me..

you join a game and find that the other palyer;s or player just run through it shotting nothing ,trying to finish as fast as possible or something?

in my last sabotage mission i called a guy out for being a RUNNER and you know what he said>??

you could play it slow if you want, but he was the first one to get to the finnish and start the count down clock, screwing me over because im half way there killing all or most of the enemies in my way, not to mention looting lockers too.

do you think there should be a different match up the computer uses for finding squads for (team players) and (RUNNERS) or should we still be all together???????????????????

i perosnally could play solo and do, but when i choose team play i need a team and not a RUNNER or RUNNETRS who leave me fighting like i was playing solo..

does someone agree wiith me ,or am i just a shiiiy player and complain too much?

im not talking about VOLT

Edited by SLYEST1
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Would be good if you could choose a style of play while selecting a match in order to be paired up with others looking for the same thing, as honestly sprinting through maps and such is part of the fun for me. I like the fast paced feeling that comes with sprinting/parkouring/coptering through corridors and such and getting to the finish as fast as I can but I'm not looking to ruin anyone else's fun for the sake of mine either.

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I agree with you. I like to take my time in a mission without thinking that this is Need For Speed or something.


The best solution to end this running thing is to remove the option of pressing E while sliding.

A better and more annoying solution is a triple key access door. Three people is needed to open it.  

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A better and more annoying solution is a triple key access door. Three people is needed to open it.  

An even BETTER solution would be acknowledging that your way of playing the game isn't the only way of playing and finding a way to make everyone happy instead of screwing over one group for your own sake.

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I agree with you. I like to take my time in a mission without thinking that this is Need For Speed or something.


The best solution to end this running thing is to remove the option of pressing E while sliding.

Then you would completely remove slide attacks from the game. I happen to like doing that. Makes me feel agile and deadly.

No, here is what you do. Start using a Loki frame and catch up with him at the extraction point. Then, swap teleport him off of it. Keep swap teleporting him further and further away from extraction, and keep him disoriented to the point that he horks all over his monitor.

You do NOT troll Fate. She trolls you, little speedrunning manchild :)

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I have a build made specifically to outrun rushers. Goes so fast that it can copter off a ledge and back onto it.


But rushers are fine as long as they aren't a liability or being a total jerk. They're just objective minded people.


Rushers not being total jerks.



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I rush from time to time, but regardless whether I rush or not I don't like having to coddle people or have them waste my time in a mission. The OP in this example is using a bad game mode (Sabotage) to talk about it in my opinion.

Edited by TheGuyverOne
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An even BETTER solution would be acknowledging that your way of playing the game isn't the only way of playing and finding a way to make everyone happy instead of screwing over one group for your own sake.

Sure one can acknowledge it, but will they adjust their way to fit another's?...don't see it happening... Now, adding a triple access door. Plausible.

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Well at least runners aren't those A******s who make you wait at the end while they go loot containers and lockers.  I encounter quite a few of those.


Filthy casuals.

are you serious you do realize all the credits they drop you get right? heck they might find a rare resource making your run better.

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I agree with you. I like to take my time in a mission without thinking that this is Need For Speed or something.


The best solution to end this running thing is to remove the option of pressing E while sliding.

Oh my god, NO. Are you crazy? That's the dumbest thing I heard all day. Coptering saves lives. Literally.


A better and more annoying solution is a triple key access door. Three people is needed to open it.  

Even better idea! ... not. Buddy doors are already pointless, no need to make the problem worse.


Guys, I'm a runner myself and I don't just sprint right to extraction. I'm just fast; I like the fast paced gameplay. I do watch out for my squad and I eliminate most enemies as I move with my shotguns or high damage pistols. No one has ever complained before, and I don't complain if they're slow. If you have a problem with it, then just play solo. 

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the way i see it is that if it isnt ext def surv or int then rushing should be the default gameplay style. if the enemies will just keep coming there is no point killing or trying to kill all of them. i rush and still often end up with the most kills so i cant see the issue. 


this game is fast paced. sitting still gets you shot. 

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To be fair, rushers are probably trying to farm something specific, and having players who lollygag around are probably just as annoying for them as they are for you.

The best solution here is to either play solo or deal with it, Rushers are pretty much always going to be a thing

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Just ignore player like that, just continue to play, get good, be fast, and be strong. Playing fast is a good thing, it hone your maneuver skill. But to plain run ahead without killing, shooting cameras and magnetic doors is a scumbag move.

If you like to take your time exploring and open every lockers and containers then I suggest doing a solo run, exterminate mission preferably.

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