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Here's the thing: SK and WF have many similarities! 


1) A jet hammer as a weapon (Jat Kittag VS Jet Hammers from Operation: Crimson Hammer)

2) The playable characters being ambiguous about their true nature (Are the Spiral Knights robots? Or aliens?)

3) Emphasis on instanced missions, and having a maximum squad size of 4.

4) Both have "pets" that have unique abilities.

5) They have an focus on graphical quality and have excellent OSTs.

6) Most gear in both games must be crafted, but can be skipped with the cash shop.

Edited by Singunner
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DE gave us 2 new weapons wich need forma to beed realy good there for most of us where grinding the exp for all the forma

then when we are done formaing(that is a word) they do double affinity how nice from them  right







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