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Form A Sort Of Solar Government? Thoughts?


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So, the whole deal with all this Dark Sectors BS got me thinking of solutons to not only be fair to the general warframe population but to the Alliances owning sectors and to promote actual competition instead of a few clans rail blocking and dominating the Map through supposed shady tactics. This is where I got that idea that what if we all as a community formed a sort of Mild government to prevent Alliances from being outrageous with taxes, etc. while still allowing the Dark Sectors to be of benefit too them? This would have to be something the community agreed on in the majority and would take some organization to do so but I think it possible assuming enough people are interested and willing to do it.


Thoughts? Ideas?



Edit: Keep in mind Im just asking for thoughts and ideas regarding it to see what the community thinks on the idea and/or other ways to improve DS politics. Implementation is one thing, just discussion on the idea here. Leave any grudge at the door and try to leave something with a little depth to it.

Edited by Echoa
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Oh, yeah, I can see some V's warlords being in the government, I'm sure they would make Sechura have 0% tax...


Not going to work, not going to happen.


Incredibly useless reply...lets have something more than "i dont like V, it wont work"

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Ambitious concept ... 1+ for brass

BUT it would be a monumental challenge to establish formal rules of governance


Edit:  I would like the part of Benjamin Franklin if it were to be done though ...

Cool fur hat, contemplative smile, general pain in the rear - yeah I could go for that

Edited by ElHefe
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The whole point is to NOT have someone govern that. The tax is set upon the victor and no one else. 

And how can you be certain, that someone like that won't be in the government?


Incredibly useless reply...lets have something more than "i dont like V, it wont work"


Oh, yeah, I can see some warlords of one of the alliances setting insane taxes being in the government, I'm sure they would make Sechura have 0% tax...


Not going to work, not going to happen.


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And how can you be certain, that someone like that won't be in the government?





Even if they did end up being in it, the point would be for the WHOLE to set what is fair not the FEW so thats really a moot point.



and all you did is reapeat "i dont like V/ (insert X alliance here)" we got it man

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So, the whole deal with all this Dark Sectors BS got me thinking of solutons to not only be fair to the general warframe population but to the Alliances owning sectors and to promote actual competition instead of a few clans rail blocking and dominating the Map through supposed shady tactics. This is where I got that idea that what if we all as a community formed a sort of Mild government to prevent Alliances from being outrageous with taxes, etc. while still allowing the Dark Sectors to be of benefit too them? This would have to be something the community agreed on in the majority and would take some organization to do so but I think it possible assuming enough people are interested and willing to do it.


Thoughts? Ideas?



Edit: Keep in mind Im just asking for thoughts and ideas regarding it to see what the community thinks on the idea.  Leave any grudge at the door and try to leave something with a little depth to it.



As morally correct as it may seem to return to the community, alliances are under no obligation to do so. The funds to build rails, to support a conflict, etc. all initially came from the alliance themselves. 


Anyone who takes a rail has a right to tax whatever they please, because that's how the rail conflict system works. If enough of the community doesn't like it, it clearly doesn't show, especially since the unpopular alliances continue to stay in control of a rail even though the current rail conflict system gives clear advantages to attackers.


You, me, and other people may not like the fact that certain alliances have put high taxes onto DS nodes, but the only thing we are within our right to do is to persuade people to fight against them in the next conflict, alongside participate in the conflicts ourselves. We have no right to complain because they are within their right to tax and form pacts with other alliances. Giant groups banding together is nothing uncommon in politics. Hell, look at the United Nations.


In other words, alliances are perfectly within their right to tax as they please, as they took the rail. They are also within their right to form pacts with other alliances. As players our only right is to support a rail that you believe will have reasonable taxes, and to take the initiative in challenging controllers by being the first to start a rail conflict.



I'm done typing this out again and again to explain why this isn't needed and is how not only Warframe, but real life works too.

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I'm done typing this out again and again to explain why this isn't needed and is how not only Warframe, but real life works too.



Real life also has anti-trust laws, etc. to help protect the people without companies, etc. having their profits,etc. completely destroyed (how effective that is, thats another story). They dont have free reign IRL which is what the alliances have.


Pacts are one thing, completely eliminating all potential competition and strong arming the system is not legal in real life. It was not suggested for 0% tax, no pacts, etc.


As it stand there is less than a handfull of alliances that have the ability to control nodes, with a very slim chance any new alliance could do it which is not a good system as then the only way for that to change is for X alliance to dissolve on its own.

Edited by Echoa
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I think we'd need improvements to the dark sector system before we could have something like this. I'm not sure what kind of improvements, but the whole process would need streamlining.


Constructive discussion on this topic is also welcome.

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Real life also has anti-trust laws, etc. to help protect the people without companies, etc. having their profits,etc. completely destroyed (how effective that is, thats another story). They dont have free reign IRL which is what the alliances have.


The companies still control their own profits and prices. Why do you think cellular packages are so much more expensive in the US than in other places, where all the companies have the same ridiculous prices?


The point is, taxes are decided by bureaucrats and lobbyists, and the only choice we have in real life is to elect our own representatives (select a side to fight for) and in the case of state, city, country, sales taxes, decide by ourselves whether or not to purchase a particular thing, or live in a particular place (decide whether or not to play the dark sector).


Either you take action and help overthrow a rail, or you make the conscious choice to not play dark sectors. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Regardless of morale grounds, whoever takes a rail takes it through fighting and winning, and has complete rights to tax it as they wish. We have no right to complain when they have not violated any rules. Having a developer managed political system, like EVE online, is unhealthy for the community and defeats the point of Dark Sector Rails as well. 


Quit whining about how an alliance has to throw hundreds of millions to take a rail and "should" provide low taxes. They spent their war coffer money, they built the rail, they took it fair and square, so they have the right to govern as they wish. You and I have the right to make the conscious choice to support someone else and to not play that Dark Sector while they control it.

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Quit whining about how an alliance has to throw hundreds of millions to take a rail and "should" provide low taxes. They spent their war coffer money, they built the rail, they took it fair and square, so they have the right to govern as they wish. You and I have the right to make the conscious choice to support someone else and to not play that Dark Sector while they control it.


I was asking for discussion on the topic i presented, while your opinion is valid not once did I sit and whine and if the only feedback you have is "deal with it" then thats fine. I and my clan have been taking action as best we can as a small group by boycotting nodes and helping with conflicts on others, so before you make an assumption on someone and their actions you should probably know what theyre doing. 

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I was asking for discussion on the topic i presented, while your opinion is valid not once did I sit and whine and if the only feedback you have is "deal with it" then thats fine. I and my clan have been taking action as best we can as a small group by boycotting nodes and helping with conflicts on others, so before you make an assumption on someone and their actions you should probably know what theyre doing. 


Apologies if it seemed it was directed to you personally, but I've seen too many whining threads about things that complain about taxes on solar rails, and as idealistic as these ideas are, that's not the point of this whole competition, which is to promote more time investment in the game. 

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The companies still control their own profits and prices. Why do you think cellular packages are so much more expensive in the US than in other places, where all the companies have the same ridiculous prices?


The point is, taxes are decided by bureaucrats and lobbyists, and the only choice we have in real life is to elect our own representatives (select a side to fight for) and in the case of state, city, country, sales taxes, decide by ourselves whether or not to purchase a particular thing, or live in a particular place (decide whether or not to play the dark sector).


As for prices being set by these companies, yes they do have the ability to do so for the most part as they please (to some degree) they do so with potential repercussion which doesnt exist when you can block competition entirely. NEVER once did I say they had to have no taxes, etc.  ANYWHERE so you're arguing a point i didnt bring up in the OP. The whole problem here is that there isnt a way for new alliances to put up a fight  due to Rail blocking (which is very apparent if you look at the conflict history)


They are free to set taxes within reason, and free to control nodes, but do you really think its fair no other alliances can enter the fray?

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Apologies if it seemed it was directed to you personally, but I've seen too many whining threads about things that complain about taxes on solar rails, and as idealistic as these ideas are, that's not the point of this whole competition, which is to promote more time investment in the game. 


The problem is there is no competition, taxes can be set, etc. im not so concerned about that as the almost total lack of any contending the nodes outside of a couple alliances. If anyone else trys they get immediately crushed. 

Edited by Echoa
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