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Who Else Really Appreciates The Strun?


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Slap the puncture mod (forgot the name) on a strun and you can clear entire groups of enemies in one shot if they're clustered.  With the mod as it is with 0.3 puncture I shoot through pretty much everything and hit the guy behind them. 


90% armor piercing?  Yes please.  9 ammo clip with mod?  Lawl.


It is actually so stupid easy I dumped my potato strun in favor of some rifles.  Surprisingly even just a Braton with the firing speed mod is ridiculous.


So many choices! 


But when I'm doing higher level content I roll my Strun/Lex combo as I tend to zerg forward and if something survivies me running to it it gets the coup de grace with my melee weapon.



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I think it is garbage. Granted it is only rank 20, but compared to my automatic rifles of roughly the same level (~25), it performs like a dog. Maybe I built it wrong? I only use it for Infested and it is modded with Ammo Capacity (to 11 shots), Point Blank (pure damage) and Fire damage. Even then, any of my rifles or pistols massively outperforms it.


Strun reloads fast enough that maxed ammo capacity is an enormous waste of mod slots (unless you potato it). Armor pen, damage, multishot, and elemental damage it up and you'll be one-shotting enemies provided you aim vaguely in their direction.

Edited by TheTenthDoc
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Strun reloads fast enough that maxed ammo capacity is an enormous waste of mod slots (unless you potato it). Armor pen, damage, multishot, and elemental damage it up and you'll be one-shotting enemies provided you aim vaguely in their direction.


I thought it had one of the longer reload speeds in the game, except for the snipetron and that HMG

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My love is for strun. Quick pickup, with some ranks and proper dmg/fire rate/reload/magazine mods it just gets ridiculous. Seriously I love the magazine, fire rate and reload mods so much you have no idea. No second thoughts on giving it a potato :)

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What exactly do you people mean when you refer to something as a "potato", please enlighten me. :)


Potato is the supercharge thing in the weapons mod window. It doubles the amount of mods you can put on a weapon. And it looks like a potato. A $&*&*#(%& metal potato that only a space ninja would eat, but a potato none the less.

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I really like the Strun too. Its powerful enough to get me out of tight spots when I'm out of energy. I haven't tried the Hek (plan to), but even if its a stronger and more useful weapon I bet I will end up using the Strun anyway simply because I personally think it looks better than the Hek. No offense to People who are pro-Hek, Just my opinion :)

Edited by 7.T.
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It's funny, when I first started playing the game, I bought the Strun and hated it. After a while, when my Braton became to weak to fight higher level mobs, I just started getting mods for shotguns like candy, before I knew it, I had base damage increase, fire damage, elec damage, armor piercing, multishot, and ammo capacity.


So, seeing as I had so many shotgun mods, I re-bought the Strun and the rest is history. It was like the RNG was telling me it was destiny to choose the shotgun.

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