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Earth Based Warframe


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So currently in the game, we have a couple of elemental based Warframes, Ember, Frost, Hydroid, Zephyr, and I guess Volt would count, and yet we still don't have an Earth based Warframe. Just a heads up, I am completely horrible at making names so the following names are going to be really stupid (the name of the Warframe itself is bad). If you find the following names bad, please leave a reply cause I personally hate these names.


Name: Obsidian


Gender: Male


Role: Tank


Health: 100

Shield: 125

Armor: 200

Power: 100


Sprint Speed: 1.0

Polarities: 4 Scratch, 1 D, 1 Dash

Aura Polarity: D




Stone Throw (25 Energy)

Obsidian raises up a rock creating a barrier that last for 10 seconds, reactivating the ability on an enemy will make a slice of the rock fly towards the enemy but making the barrier smaller.


Encase (50 Energy)

Obsidian imprisons an enemy by covering their entire body except for the head making an easy head shot.


Stone Shield (75 Energy)

Obsidian forms a shield made of stone, using this shield occupies one hand forcing you to use your secondary until the duration of the shield is over or until it breaks.


Stone Shelter (100 Energy)

Obsidian creates a sphere of stone around him (kinda like Frost's Snow Globe ability) trapping (or keeping out depending on use) all enemies


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I have always thought that they would do well to take inspiration from the rock powers from Xmen Destiny, or from the Might Ability Tree in KOA for an actual earth elemental.


I get that Oberon is representative of Nature and is reminiscent of earth spirits, but I think everybody is really wanting to throw some stones around.


I'm thinking that even a rockslide continuous form of transportation would be wicked cool

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I think Terra would be a good name. As for the abilities, give him some more mobility and tankiness. For example,

Shelter creates stone protection on all allies within a certain radius (functioning similar to Iron Skin), while also temporarily immobilizing/entombing enemies within a short range, with an additional speed reduction.

Encase traps enemies, leaving the head vulnerable, but also significantly reduces enemy armor or shields if applicable.

Boulder (replacing Stone Throw) encases Terra in a protective shell of unbreakable stone. Using Boulder's momentum and mobility boosts, Terra can travel forward very quickly or launch upwards.

Collapse (replacing Stone Shield) opens up cataclysms in the ground, shooting out stone spikes which impale enemies to objects or structures, immobilizing and crushing enemies. Additionally, Collapse will also violently shake the ground, causing enemies to stumble or be knocked down.

Edited by APBladeX
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Huh . . . Oberon feels more like a Paladin than an earth type of character.  In Essence, Rhino is probably closer to the "Rock" type mindset.  Even then, the elements in this game are:  Heat (Ember), Electric (Volt), Frost (redundant to state the obvious here), Toxin (Saryn), all of which have been covered.  Perhaps it's time for mixed nature (we alread have Magnetic (Mag)):  that leaves Blast (Could be Nova), Corrosion, Gas (though Saryn pretty much gets this already), Radiation, and Viral (again, pretty much Saryn).  Only so much you can do with this setup . . . at least for now.

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I get that Oberon is representative of Nature and is reminiscent of earth spirits, but I think everybody is really wanting to throw some stones around.





Just a heads up DE said that Oberon was the earth elemental frame. 

what? I never knew that, but Oberon is more knight like or a paladin and he's radiation

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Huh . . . Oberon feels more like a Paladin than an earth type of character.  In Essence, Rhino is probably closer to the "Rock" type mindset.  Even then, the elements in this game are:  Heat (Ember), Electric (Volt), Frost (redundant to state the obvious here), Toxin (Saryn), all of which have been covered.  Perhaps it's time for mixed nature (we alread have Magnetic (Mag)):  that leaves Blast (Could be Nova), Corrosion, Gas (though Saryn pretty much gets this already), Radiation, and Viral (again, pretty much Saryn).  Only so much you can do with this setup . . . at least for now.

Oberon is more like a paladin but he's half radiation element

yea Rhino kinda but Rhino is mainly an actual Rhino

with how a rhino charges, it's skin, how it calls or something and how a Rhino Stomps, so Rhino is pretty much an uhh Rhino


Saryn has Viral, Corrosive and Toxin but her theme is Toxin/Poison

Nova would be closer to radiation probably

and even if they're kinda the same

Earth is the ground, rock is those solid things you find on the Earth.

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On topic: Several parts of the skillset seem highly redundant of one another; he's got three different rock shields and two CCs that all do the same thing in essentially the same manner and little else. Even then, the 'tanking element' thing has already been covered by Frost, as evidenced by the ultimate in this skillset outright referencing Snow Globe.


Off topic: Agreed that Oberon doesn't fit the Earth theme in the slightest; he has one ability that incorporates the ground and that's as much "earth" relation as Ember gets. Scott said Oberon 'has a bit of earth in him' to get players off his back for not finishing the list from the DC (which, granted, he never explicitly said he was going to cover the whole list, or even formally agreed that he would make more than just Nova).


Perhaps it's time for mixed nature (we alread have Magnetic (Mag)):  that leaves Blast (Could be Nova), Corrosion, Gas (though Saryn pretty much gets this already), Radiation, and Viral (again, pretty much Saryn).  Only so much you can do with this setup . . . at least for now.


Blast is Nova and Banshee, Corrosive and Viral are Saryn, Radiation is Oberon/Nova/Mirage. That leaves Gas which is presently the worst element in the game.

Edited by Archwizard
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On topic: Several parts of the skillset seem highly redundant of one another; he's got three different rock shields and two CCs that all do the same thing in essentially the same manner and little else. Even then, the 'tanking element' thing has already been covered by Frost, as evidenced by the ultimate in this skillset outright referencing Snow Globe.


Off topic: Agreed that Oberon doesn't fit the Earth theme in the slightest; he has one ability that incorporates the ground and that's as much "earth" relation as Ember gets. Scott said Oberon was 'kinda earthy' to get players off his back for not finishing the list from the DC (which, granted, he never explicitly said he was going to cover the whole list, or even formally agreed that he would make more than just Nova).



Blast is Nova and Banshee, Corrosive and Viral are Saryn, Radiation is Oberon/Nova/Mirage. That leaves Gas which is presently the worst element in the game.

There's always the possibility of a purely Impact, Puncture, or Slash Warframe, or a mixture of all three.
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