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Warframes, They Are Not Human Right?


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I've heard one theory on the wiki that warframes are essentially robots remote controlled somewhere else. It'd be real neat if they were heavily modified cyborgs that needed a 'human' remote operator, like if the drones we used today had a human brain.


That would also explain why they can switch between male and female in between missions. You're not switching your clothing, you're literally switching the drone you're controlling. 

I was going to bring up this theory, it's quite astute.  It works from a science fiction background, and it explains quite a lot about the mechanics of the suits.  


The suits DO all have a sort of organo-technological feel to them, too, or is that just me?  Like they were bioengineered, not built or grown.

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Or maybe they are super modified and that's why the Warframes work at all. Their bones are natural diamondoid, their flesh is organic carbon nanomusculature embedded with a fiber optic nervous system, and their skin is covered in balistic scales. The Warframe itself is grown around them in the cloning chamber, the material provided by the Primes. Each geneline serves under a Prime, each one a nexus in the electronic hive mind known as Lotus.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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There are no living beings you encounter in Warframe that are not human or of human descent.


Corpus? Humans, in pressurized suits. Wild guess: To shield themselves from the Infestation, which took most of their ranks.

Infested? Former Corpus, some Grineer.

Grineer? Humans after decades of cloning and cybernetic implants.

Tenno? Humans, the least deformed and corrupted. The hostages are Tenno, sans Warframes.

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Hostage Tenno are human. I don't see why the individuals inside the Warframes wouldn't be human.


Tenno: I believe the Tenno to be either Orokin (original kin?) humans, or enemies of the Orokin.


Grineer: Most certainly transhumanists. Through cloning and genetic modification, they have become disfigured and unlike the humans they once were. They certainly have evident genetic deterioration, becoming more ape-like.


Corpus: Definitely human, but to what extent? Are they cybernetically enhanced?

Edited by Vaskadar
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I like of idea of them being remote controlable techno organic beings controlled by "hostages". They hostages look like you plug them in somewhere.


I would say they were once human, then irreversibly fused with a warframe to serve a greater purpose. There being multiple users of same warframe, so there aren't only 12 tenno. Maybe hostages are part of tenno but still not warframe worthy.


I would say tenno technology realies heavily on orokin designs and items, maybe the warframes were designed by orokin. Then were stumbled on by a group of people who adopted thier technology.

hmm I wanted to say they are searching the space for other orokin items to use. But they are able to craft the items. For which they need to find the blueprints first. I've lost my train of thought

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It's my understanding that Tenno are humans from a far-gone civilization. When you first start Warframe, Lotus is "awakening" you, similar to how you protect Tenno cryopods. Basically, we Tenno are humans from a far-gone past, awakened in a future full of human deviations: the Grineer, the Corpus and the Infested.

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The transhumanist idea is an interesting one, but if they are described as suits, it sort of puts that idea to pot. I was thinking that perhaps the Tenno are genetically modified humans that have been changed to pilot warframes, but I haven't thought of a good way to word my idea.


Basically, if you watch Doctor Who, there is a race called the Daleks that have been engineered to be warriors (removing all emotions like compassion, mercy and love). Over time, they were changed to better pilot their armour. Inside the Dalek is this twisted octopus thing that is all that is left of the original Dalek. Perhaps Tenno were humans, but after perfecting the use of Warframes they engineered themselves into specific forms that were compatible with all Warframes, giving them the chance of perfecting their skills, no matter the situation. Basically, they are humans, but not in the typical sense. For those of you who don't watch Doctor Who, here is a Dalek cross section.






. If anyone on here is a 40k fan, one of the Horus Heresy books (I think its the first one, its been a while since i've read it) where humans are encountered, but they are completely different to humans in physiology, social interactions and psychology.




Of course I could be wrong and we will all have to live with the idea that our badass Space Ninjas are actually crossdressers.

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Many of these debates similar. Similar how? They all point to humans being the origin of Corpus, Infested, Grineer, and Tenno.


The Grinner, Corpus, Infested, and Tenno are all enemies. (I have seen Grineer and Corpus fight each other) So in this case you might say that their all different species of a human. In a Sci-fi theme you could say evolution took it place and humanity evolved into different races of aliens.


Grineer evolved by cloning that led to decomposing and relying on technology to prolong their already decomposing bodies.

The Corpus are a mystery to everyone whether their human or not, but they are all affected by electricity more than the Grineer who uses Tech to improve combat abilities and prolonging their existence. Perhaps Corpus is the most mechanical humanoid.

Infested is basically a mutated alien hybrid of Corpus and Grineer, it is possible Tenno may be part Infested if you have ever fought J3-Golem. However, they still need a host in order to survive and as such are classified as another human origin alien as Grineer and Corpus once originated from humanity. Infested is just another type of evolution and a rather rapid one at that. The Tenno are the oldest living humans. Depending what they look like is a mystery but the hostages are in fact Tenno and a female hostage doesn't have a air filter like the male hostage and shows that she has a mouth so Tenno are in no way biologically mechanical.


This is my Hypothesis after observing things in the game :P

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My pet-theory of stuff that AFAIK works within the known lore:



HUMANITY: Small sections might be starting to speciate off, but for the most part humans are all still human, although perhaps with more visible variety than you'd expect. "The Council" is some sort of vaguely UN-like body that keeps disputes from entering all-out war, and the Grineer Empire and Corpus are two of the larger groups represented.


Despite Grineer/Corpus dominance in most major systems, smaller space-station and asteroid-borne groups exist as tribute-paying protectorates or vassal-states, particularly when outright conquest would not be profitable due to the constantly shifting political and strategic map.


GRINEER: A subspecies of genetically-engineered sterile soldiers, created with a level of biotechnology that has mostly been lost. They used their ground-troop combat prowess to take power (probably after civilization started falling, but possibly during.) Without the same ability to improve themselves, they maintain their population through direct cloning. 


Of the people in the Grineer empire, most are an underclass of baseline humans, doing work that the Grineer either don't like doing or aren't good at. The Grineer themselves have some form of governing body known as "the court", and it seems likely that only Grineer-caste citizens have political power, possibly along lines of descent. 


CORPUS: Unlike the planet-bound Grineer, the Corpus originated from old corporations running trade-ships and asteroid colonies, who managed to stay independent because powerful ground-troops don't you much good in a space-battle. With greater access to old ships, stations, satellites, etc, they had a head-start in robotics, which helps balance out the larger industrial-base the Grineer have from holding Earth.


Even so, a great deal of knowledge has been lost, and the Corpus operate a lot of technology without really knowing how it works. Since their edge in ships and technology is their main defense against the Grineer, their knowledge is strongly protected and their limited human workforce are carefully conditioned and indoctrinated to protect Corpus secrets.


TENNO: Much more mysterious, all the Tenno we have encountered have been associated with the organization known as Lotus. It is likely that whatever formed the Tenno in the past, they are in some subtle respects even further from baseline-human than the Grineer. They are able to intimately interface with certain ancient technologies. With symbiotic suits, they may even be able to use nanotech to make small changes to their limbs and joints for better combat effectiveness. 


The biological history of the Tenno and the role of Lotus (which I believe is an organization and pseudonym) will probably be something that must be discovered with the game-plot.


It is implied the Tenno have some level of diplomatic representation on The Council, either directly or through allies. If direct, then the Tenno are probably some sort of space-gypsies who aren't all thawed cyborgs from the past, which would also explain the necessary support structure to maintain ships, spies, foundries, etc.



INFESTATIONIt is not a race of humanity, but an affliction. The technocyte infestation is likely a creation of ancient technology, somehow gone awry in the many years since the collapse of Orokin-era civilization(s). It is implied there is some relationship to the Tenno, but it too will need to be discovered in the plot. 


Foundry / Blueprints: The Tenno have access to ancient nanotech foundries near Mercury. These foundries have sophisticated AI that can determine which local materials can be used to build certain devices. While much old technology is lost, the Tenno have "trained" these foundries with samples of known resources found in the solar system, and after being programmed with the appropriate size/behavior/strength blueprint-specifications, the foundries will provide a list of which materials can work.

Edited by HvcTerr
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My pet-theory of stuff that AFAIK works within the known lore:



HUMANITY: Small sections might be starting to speciate off, but for the most part humans are all still human, although perhaps with more visible variety than you'd expect.


GRINEER: A subspecies of genetically-engineered sterile soldiers, created with a level of biotechnology that has mostly been lost. They used their ground-troop combat prowess to take power (probably after civilization started falling, but possibly during.) Without the same ability to improve themselves, they maintain their population through direct cloning. 


Of the people in the Grineer empire, most are an underclass of baseline humans, doing work that the Grineer either don't like doing or aren't good at. The Grineer themselves have some form of governing body known as "the court", and it seems likely that only Grineer-caste citizens have political power, possibly along lines of descent. 


CORPUS: Unlike the planet-bound Grineer, the Corpus originated from old corporations running trade-ships and asteroid colonies, who managed to stay independent because powerful ground-troops don't you much good in a space-battle. With greater access to old ships, stations, satellites, etc, they had a head-start in robotics, which helps balance out the larger industrial-base the Grineer have from holding Earth.


Even so, a great deal of knowledge has been lost, and the Corpus operate a lot of technology without really knowing how it works. Since their edge in ships and technology is their main defense against the Grineer, their knowledge is strongly protected and their limited human workforce are carefully conditioned and indoctrinated to protect Corpus secrets.


TENNO: Much more mysterious, all the Tenno we have encountered have been associated with the organization known as Lotus. It is likely that whatever formed the Tenno in the past, they are in some subtle respects even further from baseline-human than the Grineer. They are able to intimately interface with certain ancient technologies. With symbiotic suits, they may even be able to use nanotech to make small changes to their limbs and joints for better combat effectiveness. 


The biological history of the Tenno and the role of Lotus (which I believe is an organization and pseudonym) will probably be something that must be discovered with the game-plot.



INFESTATIONIt is not a race of humanity, but an affliction. The technocyte infestation is likely a creation of ancient technology, somehow gone awry in the many years since the collapse of Orokin-era civilization(s). It is implied there is some relationship to the Tenno, but it too will need to be discovered in the plot. 


I like his explanation.

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ok Mr.Wirse one let me make this clear, Tenndo are human because:

<p>1/the obvious thing about this game is the commander in each race are alway the same race at the minions, Grinnder commander command Grinnder grunt, Copus Eliet enginer work with Corpus normal enginner, big Infestor pack with small Infestor. THIS GOES SAME WITH TENNDO, THEY WORK WITH A HUMAN ( THE OCTORPUS GIRLD) SO THEY ARE HUMAN.

<p>2/ Tenndo use Earthly wepon ( iron melle wepon, gun that shoot iron candy), Grinner are Human and i don't see any Lazer beam in their base, on the other hand, Copus use Lazer ( and glowing magic wand) to kill Tendo. THIS MEAN EACH RACE ONLY USE WEPON THAT COME FROM THEIR PLANET, SINCE TENDO USE WEPON TYPE SIMILAR TO EARTH MOST, THERE HUMAN ( EXAMPLE, PARIS THE BOW)


Edited by Doforcash
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 Corpus are essentially an AI hive mind similar to Geth from Mass Effect

Then why does Lotus make such a big deal about them creating walkers than hunt in packs like real animals and coordinate? That'd be a step down...

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Generations of cloning result into what Grineers are. Corpus are essentially an AI hive mind similar to Geth from Mass Effect. Tenno are a LOT easier to explain, go play Dark Sector.

i thought the corpus is basically a large company which mainly use AI in the form of moas and other machines. the crewmen are just cybernetic humans in suits aren't they?

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Corpus are gearheads who grow human bodies/dolls and replace head with electronic brainbox where they transfer their consciousness, allowing individual to survive both war and spreading infection. They became leading trading force after the war because they relied heavily on machines and focused on mining and manufacturing, they needed to do so to survive against grineer and other possible threats. Grineer were soldiers during the war with some sentients, cloned en masse to counter the mortality rate. Trying to survive the war, they were so preoccupied with fighting and cloning that they lost technology to create perfect clones by simplifying the cloning process to create greater number of clones. Their generals then usurped the surviving government and became the leading force in sol system. Very paranoid as they dont trust anyone and keep cloning themselves, add their flawed gene-structure and you get the reason why they hate tenno so much, though another reason for hating them could be tenno leaving the war after creating virus - tenno spread all over system and hid themselves in cryopods to wake millenniums later when the virus should've killed everyone, to retake the system.


p.s. read GUNNM

Edited by Vesper11
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Tenno are a human clade, as are the Grineer and Corpus.


How much like a baseline human they are is up for debate as the lore is pretty thin but they have pretty human-like exteriors (under the suits).  How much genetic engineering and surgical augmentation is "under the hood" is unknown.

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The problem here is that there are very few hard FACTS.


People who say 'go play darkSector' need to understand that darkSector and Warframe only share and original concept. The two games are not a sequel/prequel to one another and it has been stated as such. Any kind of link between the two games is speculatory at best, and a downright falsehood at worst.


Also, genetic alteration, cyberization and digitization are all different forms of Transhumanism. You could say that the augmented Corpus are Transhuman, as are the Grineer with all the modifications to their size. All of the races in Warframe are H+. That is a simple conclusion, although the journey to reach that conclusion is shrouded in mystery. I think it is pretty safe to say that none of the races are vanilla human anymore.


The Tenno - and their abilities - prove, above all other races, that they are much, much more than a simple human in a suit. You could easily reason that the hostages are diplomatic prisoners that use a more 'aesthetically neutral' construct to perform diplomatic functions with the other races. There is no reason to think that the Tenno are made up of nothing but space ninja. You would never see a country's ambassador in full combat gear, but that doesn't stop him from wearing a concealed stab vest. When crap goes bad, you call in the SAS or the SEALs or something. I picture the Tenno we play to be those kinds of people, rescuing the non-combat personnel.

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