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Low Rank Warframe Players Vs High Rank Warframe Players


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The radial 4 abilities each need to be changed to something interesting and challenging to use or limited in some way, but still very powerful.  Mirage's Prism, Hydroid/Zephyr's 4s, and Excalibur's Radial Javelin (once fixed) are potential examples of this (though Prism is OP, its windup time and damage-dealing mechanics make it interesting to use.)  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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OP, you are either blatantly biased or extremely unlucky (I tend to believe the former), as are some others in this thread that are siding with you.

Players you are desrcibing are of every evel.


I, for example, have opposite experience. Its much more often the lower level players that ignore any attempts of teamplay and chat communication (especially wasting the LS is a thing).


Also, I much more often see low to mid level players coptering like crazy and 4-to-winning everything. Like blinded horny teenagers who just discovered sex.


I guess that if we had reliable stastical data we would find that the spread of the jerk behavior across levels would look pretty much like a classical histogram with normal distribution, ie. most jerks are of mid level, least jerks are of lowest levels (too nobbish for it) or highest levels (too mature for it).

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Yes, you have understand what's the point.

The fact is that, while you have to "play the game" with these Low Rank players the High Rank players in a big majority are nothing more than "press 4 to win", mashing the button until the end of the mission trying to finishing it as fast as they can, litterally @(*()$ up all the teamwork and the gameplay variation that the normal players have to do(a lots of them doesn't even give a S#&$ about the chat except for insulting Low Rank players in the party so).

Now I think that the objective of playing a game is having fun, so these guys are having fun doing this? I don't think so.

Let's discuss about this argument.


This sounds super familiar. As owner of multiple frames and dozens of weapons running any easy/medium difficulty missions it's always easier to just run past bunch of enemies and press the magic button to wreck the battlefield. After which, you just continue on doing the same again and again until the end of the mission. Sometimes even too lazy to prove my awesome marksmanship by fireing one or two shots of my awesome forma pumped Latron prime to kill 2-3 enemies that stand right next to me. It's always easier option to press the magic button and continue onward.


I can only imagine the numb and dumb looks on any random new player, that just managed to get his hands on something new after Braton mk1, and going on the test ride just to find out that he can't even manage to plant one bullet becouse of some 'higher rank' player loves his '4'.




Bout your unhappiness towards 'less co-op' more 'mash the '4'', I woundn't build unessessary hate or negative opinions on players who find it easier to press magic button over some tactical cooperative gameplay. I exactly know what you mean. I think it's safe to say that if you do random missions; it's usually for some personal gain (probably 99% of all encounters) you don't care about the ways getting it and pay only small amount of attenction how you get it done. It just has to be usually done as fast as possible and screw the rest. 


Il'd say it's a result of playing a grindy game, not because people doesn't care.

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You know, when you see a Rank 16 player using a Rhino Prime with maxed efficency and range spamming 4 against lv 10 Corpus trying to finishing the mission as fast as he can it's just like: is this the end game?


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Of course all game are gonna have an elitist within it. But your generalizing all high rank players as that? We're not all "press 4 to win". In fact I tried my best to help my low ranking clan mates as much as possible, giving them taxis, and giving them free mods to reach the highest potential for this game. 

Edited by cryotech9020
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I have to admit that I like using my ult to level up my frame so then I tend to spam it. (Rank 12 dont know if that classifies me as high ranking but mabye having 5 forma builds on like 25 weapons will?) Anyways even when I am spamming my ult I still talk strategy and tend to take low level players to the end game to help them level and they have tons of fun. (I.E. Take em to sechura an carry them). Also just cuase I use my ult alot doesnt mean I dont try and synergize with my teammates. Something I have started to do inorder to make low level players feel better around me is I only use my ult as a panic button, or when I am alone and simply don't want to deal with shooting enemies. However when I am with low levels I tend to shoot like that and or only us melee as it provides me more of a challenge and gives them a chance to shoot things. I think the most important thing is being willing to talk to people in the end. And I have noticed lots of people around rank 8+ (usually never after rank 13 though) tend to just keep their mouths shut the whole round and it is even annoying to me. 

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Of course all game are gonna have an elitist within it. But your generalizing all high rank players as that? We're not all "press 4 to win". In fact I tried my best to help my low ranking clan mates as much as possible, giving them taxis, and giving them free mods to reach the highest potential for this game. 

I think like I have to modify my first post cause I've already "fixed" this mistake if we want to see it as a mistake replying to another pair of people but seems like peoples goes directly on conclutions by the majority of comments, well then I'm gonna modify it.

Edited by Redskull94
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Am I one of those players?


Like during the Venus Mobile Defense Mission for todays Forma Blueprint.


Guess who the hallway hero(s) was/were:





I camp the objectives to insure victory.



No for real that's pretty nice :P , I like a lot Trinity and it's a very viable Warframe even on high level missions(even if it's quite underused) and seems pretty nice that someone have understand that "Defend the Terminal" means "Defend the Terminal" and not "Go on the spawn point of the enemy and kill them there for getting more kills and splitting the exp and the drops away from the team", I've seen many Mobile Defense fail just beacause of this while those MLG Pru 4 spammers are far away from the terminal rushing everything alone with the datamass like someone putted a hot pepper on they're &#! and they have to run as fast as they can for putting it out of the suit at the end of the mission.

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