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How About An Auction House?


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Over time the price drops because the supply increases or the mod's usefulness drops.  Why should Rhino Prime chassis sell for the same price now as it did 6 months ago?


There's the real reason and I applaud you for being about the only honest person arguing to keep the prices high.  You don't want to buy plat so you want the prices as high as possible.  I don't agree with that, but you're honest and upfront.

Since plat tends to be a bit over-priced, opening the trade market will "spread the wealth" a bit more I think.  Some people get lots of plat by trading now, but people in general would find selling/buying more accessible post-market.

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i am about to do this.


as i wrote in the actual post, i'mma make it ONLY if the trade system does not change with U15.




Unfortunately, an exterior website where you type things is not going to make things any easier on the PS4.  It still requires meeting up in-game, which itself a chore.


I can recall the days of zone-wide trade broadcasts in the original Everquest in the Eastern Commons where you had to send someone a /tell then meet up with them after negotiating.  It was a pain with a keyboard, and it's worse with a controller now in Warframe (also, that Everquest trade system was close to two decades ago now, we can do better?).


Asynchronous trading provided by a market is far superior, even if only because it's considerate of player time and effort.  If you have an hour or two to play warframe, you don't want to spend a significant portion of your "ninja-time" looking at scrolling text (Ninja Scroll joke here).  For the PS4 at least, an additional layer by which you're checking some website outside the game probably isn't an improvement.

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Well, lets hope DE will hear or prayers and will add a functional AH. Community is ready and I think that the game is ready for an AH too.


I was cautiously optimistic that a player market would be integrated into player hubs, because honestly... we don't have emotes and PS4 chat is awkward with a controller... what else would we do there?

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As with everything in warframe current trading system punishes you if you are impatient "here and now" type or lazy who cannot be bothered to interact with game - e.g. reading posts between games, filtering out (ignoring) prolific spammers and resellers. If WTB something and agree on first offer you will get ripped off, if you wait 2-3 evenings for larger purchases and google trading forum - you get a decent price.

Implementing automated trading would reduce need for platinum purchases because:

1. Everything will cost 1 platinum about a week after automated / unattended trading is introduced

2. Non-dedicated players will have more platinum either by saving it on deals or getting it by getting rid of that prime parts, mod stockpile in their inventory.

Therefore DE would have less money to support development and that would reduce general quality of game and i guess nobody wants that.



Automated / unattended trading is a bad idea


Constructive suggestions for improving current chat:

1.Separate WTB, WTS, WTT tabs

2.Ability to exclude posts with certain keywords (sorry not interested in kubrows)

3.Ability to highlight posts with certain keywords

4.Limit amount of posts per hour.

Edited by AirlockMaster
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Automated / unattended trading is a bad idea


Constructive suggestions for improving current chat:

1.Separate WTB, WTS, WTT tabs

2.Ability to exclude posts with certain keywords (sorry not interested in kubrows)

3.Ability to highlight posts with certain keywords

4.Limit amount of posts per hour.


1. Useless really. 3 more chat tabs for trading? Where else have you seen this in mmo?

2. Hard to implement and kinda useless, again - where else have you seen this in mmo?

3. Hard to implement and kinda useless, again - where else have you seen this in mmo?

4. There was a limit for 1 post per 60 or 120 sec in trade chat already. 



Chat dont need improvements, prices needs it. If prices were OK in the trade chat in the first place - no one would ever suggest an AH.

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As with everything in warframe current trading system punishes you if you are impatient "here and now" type or lazy who cannot be bothered to interact with game - e.g. reading posts between games, filtering out (ignoring) prolific spammers and resellers. If WTB something and agree on first offer you will get ripped off, if you wait 2-3 evenings for larger purchases and google trading forum - you get a decent price.


Automated / unattended trading is a bad idea


Constructive suggestions for improving current chat:

1.Separate WTB, WTS, WTT tabs

2.Ability to exclude posts with certain keywords (sorry not interested in kubrows)

3.Ability to highlight posts with certain keywords

4.Limit amount of posts per hour.


Punishes you if you're impatient?  More like punishes you if you want to play the game instead of stare at a chat window.  If you "WTB" something on the console, you might immediately be spammed by 7-10 tabs opening.  It takes FOREVER to try to even respond to them by typing with a controller.  Why bother responding to them?  99% of replies (to WTB AND to people actually selling things) will be "Offer?".


Trading forums online are a joke for consoles, because the web is rather a more separate entity from gameplay.


TL;DR - You don't know anything about how trading works on consoles and you should never speak again.  Unattended trading is DESPERATELY needed.


None of your numbered suggestions would be an improvement on a system that still requires people with a friggin controller to interact with a text box.

1. Useless really. 3 more chat tabs for trading? Where else have you seen this in mmo?

2. Hard to implement and kinda useless, again - where else have you seen this in mmo?

3. Hard to implement and kinda useless, again - where else have you seen this in mmo?

4. There was a limit for 1 post per 60 or 120 sec in trade chat already. 



Chat dont need improvements, prices needs it. If prices were OK in the trade chat in the first place - no one would ever suggest an AH.


Chat doesn't need improvement?!  Chat is the problem!  Prices aren't why people want a player market (auction part is irrelevant really):


1.  Trade channel requires you to look at chat instead of playing the game.  If you try to play matches and trade in between, you demonstrably miss sales, etc.  Instead of being a space-ninja, the game becomes a text-based game.  You can literally stare at a chat window for hours and get nothing done and have nothing to show for it. If you have limited gaming time - do you really want to spend it reading scrolling text in a box that's far smaller and holds less text than is possible on PC?


2.  Trade channel is a text-based interface.  On consoles, this means you have to type all your sales with a dual-shock controller.  You have to navigate the side menu with analog sticks (or again, type with a controller) to find people and type replies/requests for items they're selling.  You will have to reply to many many people... with a controller.  This is horrible, and it is a horrible way to spend lots of a time on a console.


3.  Prices are irrelevant as most people have no idea what things cost.  People will sell things for 200p and 10p in the space of a few minutes.  People on consoles are largely divorced from the pricing of things online.  People on consoles are less likely to follow Warframe-related stuff online, forums, prices, etc.  It's more insular.  A market helps ground the pricing.  


4.  Having protracted negotiations on price and only then having to engage in the tedious process of loading up a dojo, inviting someone, then trading, then adding the items, then agreeing to offers you already agreed on in multiple.... it's just tedious, dull, and a pain in the &#!.  You do this all with a controller mind you.


As for the doom and gloom about prices, market flooding, etc. - there is decided lack of ability to imagine controls on a market despite the fact there are ALREADY controls on the trade system we had (based on MR).  It's stupid-easy to integrate high MR thresholds to ability to list items, and transactions fees for listing, etc.


It's needed because the current system is terribad.  No one that hasn't done trade on PS4 (or possibly XB1) should even have room to comment on that fact.  Consider how painful doing everything in a text-based system with a controller would be.  Consider that console people never get play discounts... EVER.. they don't exist.  Yes... a friggin market is needed.  For sanity and ease of use.

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TL;DR - You don't know anything about how trading works 

Exactly. Typing on console is a pain in ar$e, so why AH really? Where you can just click and buy! What consoles need is many chat windows of course! An a really hard-not-worth-it "intuitive" system of searching\blocking for key words! 

3.  Prices are irrelevant as most people have no idea what things cost.  People will sell things for 200p and 10p in the space of a few minutes.  People on consoles are largely divorced from the pricing of things online.  People on consoles are less likely to follow Warframe-related stuff online, forums, prices, etc.  It's more insular.  A market helps ground the pricing.  

Sorry what? Prices are irrelevant? Haha, plz go and buy bottle of milk for 1200$ and a Porshe for change.

4.  Having protracted negotiations on price and only then having to engage in the tedious process of loading up a dojo, inviting someone, then trading, then adding the items, then agreeing to offers you already agreed on in multiple.... it's just tedious, dull, and a pain in the @$$.  You do this all with a controller mind you.


As for the doom and gloom about prices, market flooding, etc. - there is decided lack of ability to imagine controls on a market despite the fact there are ALREADY controls on the trade system we had (based on MR).  It's stupid-easy to integrate high MR thresholds to ability to list items, and transactions fees for listing, etc.


It's needed because the current system is terribad.  No one that hasn't done trade on PS4 (or possibly XB1) should even have room to comment on that fact.  Consider how painful doing everything in a text-based system with a controller would be.  Consider that console people never get play discounts... EVER.. they don't exist.  Yes... a friggin market is needed.  For sanity and ease of use.



I really cant get a word out of that wave of consciousness... Need market, dont need market... and what MR restrictions in trade chat? There is restriction on number of sales by MR per day. How do you plan to limit, and more important, prove the actual deals to limit them?


Really good to make blunt suggestions, when you have no actuall idea of how they work or how to implement them?

Edited by Vicious_D
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I'm not saying that people should be allowed to sell for ridiculous higher prices, I know some people do and they can get away with it when selling to new players who didn't know any better (IMO they should do a bit of research first before blindly buying things with plat), I myself usually sell with the average price (10p for nightmare mods, 15p for corrupted/rare drop mods etc.)


But with the introduction of an auction house the average price will drop due to undercutting, especially because everyone can see each other's price, there's no doubt some people will undercut the average price just so their item can be sold faster, other people will try to adjust to this and sell for lower too so people will buy what they're selling. Over time the average price might be reduced to say, 5p for nightmare mods and 10p for corrupted/rare drop mods. And for some people who only gets plat through trading (like me), it means that it will be slightly harder to get plat.

Usually in this instance if a few people start selling low the item actually will get bought up by those that know the real value and then sold for that value with a small amount of profit for doing so (thats the whole playing the market that people often do in mmos) and currently happens invisibly even now.  This tends to level out the value of items.


One also has to ask if you want platinum why you dont just buy it from DE (presuming you actually can do so) and actually help support the game rather than expecting others to do that for you.  Sure in some cases some payers cant buy platinum from DE (for various reasons), and a market will go a longer way to actually help all of those players rather than the few that put up with the trading chat.



Therefore DE would have less money to support development and that would reduce general quality of game and i guess nobody wants that.


Actually more people selling gear means you need to sell more stuff to get the platinum to buy the cosmetics, it them may just be worth that individuals time to actually buy some plat rather than sitting around on the trading chat.

Not to mention that any platinum you do buy will go much further when it comes to non-DE maret purchases, so makes it much more worth while to buy small ammounts. So DE will likely sell a lot more smaller packages of platinum in the long run as everyone can see the player market as well s the DE market and see how far a platinum purchase really can go.

Remember DE gives out huge ammounts of platinum as it is.


DE also isnt about to let us trade cosmetics, any time soon. Which is the largest part of where they get their money from platinum (platinum out of the game needs replacing eventually, the only way to replace it is from DE). 

However if anyone could eventually get say 25 plat by selling stuff they dont need (often seen by players as free gains) they may actually then buy that colour pallet with the 50 plat (they bought from DE directly) when previously they wouldnt becuse they think paying 75 plat for the colour pallet is just too expensive.

Sure they are still paying 75 plat all up but they only used 50 platinum they actually paid for with real currency, the other 25 is often seen as free because what they sold, had no use to them anyway thus no real value.  It's kind of like a friend is giving you some cash to buy the thing you want.

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Well, yes, you dont know. Typing on console is a pain in ar$e, so why AH really? Where you can just click and buy! What consoles need is many chat windows of course! An a really hard-not-worth-it "intuitive" system of searching\blocking for key words! 
Sorry what? Prices are irrelevant? Haha, plz go and buy bottle of milk for 1200$ and a Porshe for change.


I really cant get a word out of that wave of consciousness... Need market, dont need market... and what MR restrictions in trade chat? There is restriction on number of sales by MR per day. How do you plan to limit, and more important, prove the actual deals to limit them?


Really good to make blunt suggestions, when you have no actuall idea of how they work or how to implement them?



For the former, you replied to my reply to the poster before you and answered sarcastically in pidgin English that is barely formatted/punctuated.  I like the irony of that fact being mixed with your criticism of my "wave of consciousness".  Your statements would seem to suggest that you think:

A) Typing on consoles is hard (I assume you agree with that).  So AH (I prefer player market, term-wise), where you have to type less? 


Yes, I would think that much was obvious.


B) A sarcastic bit on trading windows/filtering and how worthless it would be.

Yes?  I mean, I opened my post disagreeing with everything he said, of course I thought those ideas were bad.  They would change the essential issue of having a text-based interface for trading on a console.




Pricing is irrelevant if it's too much of a pain to even get the price.  Every message you send on the PS4 is typed... slowly, with a controller.  Likewise, same story with replies.  Multiply that times however many tabs/messages a buyer/seller might need to answer.  There's a very real issue of it just being too much of a pain to actually reply to all those people.  A fair chunk of messages you send will never be replied to, because it's too much of a pain.  Did someone else get the sale/item before you?  Did the user go offline?  Did the user go into a game?  Who knows? 


It's like comparing a grocery store with listed prices with a hedge maze filled with people selling random items.  Their prices might vary from 1 cent to 100 dollar for something like a cantaloupe.  You "could" get a great deal, but it hardly matters when it's such a pain in the @$$ to deal with.





Let me spell it out for you, at the last bit of my post I directly said:  


"Yes... a friggin market is needed." 


I'm sorry if that wasn't explicit enough for you on the matter of me wanting/not-wanting a market.  Next time I'll get a flashing neon sign.

As for what you saw as "no restrictions on trade chat", I actually said "trade system", which you can check.. you quoted the post!  


As for plans, I've already mentioned them (explicitly) elsewhere, but here are suggestions:


1.  Limit the number of transactions (purchases) from the market in the same way that current trades are limited.


If your MR only allows 4 trades per day, then you can only make 4 purchases from the market in a day.  These subtract from your ability to make the in-dojo trades as well (they can keep that for masochists).


2.  Limit the number of "listings" you can have by your MR.  I've suggested values like 1 listing for every 4 mastery ranks (it could be 3, 5, whatever).  


So, a MR 16 player can list 4 items, and a player can't list anything at all till MR 4.  This refers to active listings, so if a MR 16 have three active listings (for a week), they will only be able to add one without taking another one down.  This serves as a measure to combat market flooding, and shell accounts to work the market.  Being able to access the market requires significant time investments from the player.


3.  Transaction fees are carried over from regular trades.  That is, every listing will include the total credit cost to the buyer +clan taxes just as if they were doing it in the dojo.  The seller also has to put up the collateral in credits for their asking price.


In this sense, I think a fixed price market as opposed to AH makes more sense.  An auction could potentially raise the credit transaction cost beyond the sellers' credit total.


4.  Charge fees (in credits) for listing items for a day, week, two weeks.  If you take down the listing, the credit cost if forfeited.  The credit cost can be adjusted as to make the cost of entry balanced in terms of access to plat/convenience (e.g. it could be 50/100k credits per day, or whatever... with some marginal discount on the daily for a week/2-week listing).  All transactions in the market are for plat.  The "trade" channel can handle actual item for item trading.




Those kinds of ideas, basically.  The matter of new players having access to primes, price fluctuations, etc. are somewhat separate to the matter of the QoL issue that trade currently presents (and they can be fixed in different ways, MR-reqs for primes, price floors, and so on).

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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snip me hard

I`ll just ignore grammar attacks, which only gives hints about 'power' of your arguments.


Why limit purchases? Its the sellers, who needs that, not buyers. The reason behind it eludes me...

What is that "listings" you keep talking about ? Where this listed items will live? A board? How it will be different from AH then?

Transaction fees again where? What do you suggest exactly? WHAT trading platform do you suggest? What is Market in your terms?

Charge fees where? Charge for listings - classic form of AH economy.


So... what from what you listed is not AH?


Know the wisdom - walks like duck, quacks like duck... its a duck?

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No. An AH will normalize prices, making it so you can't get items super cheap or hold out for higher than normal sell prices.


Due to ease of exchange, common items will be absolutely worthless, and the market will be flooded with uncommon/rare items, which will devalue them as well.


Think about it, do you -really- want DE to look at global drop rates in order to regulate a huge market? I sure don't.


It's not easy to trade, I recognize that, but it is as it should be, I think. The only way I could think of to improve trading is to not require people to actually load the dojo in order to complete- that runs you into all the usual session joining issues we all hate.

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I`ll just ignore grammar attacks, which only gives hints about 'power' of your arguments.


Why limit purchases? Its the sellers, who needs that, not buyers. The reason behind it eludes me...

What is that "listings" you keep talking about ? Where this listed items will live? A board? How it will be different from AH then?

Transaction fees again where? What do you suggest exactly? WHAT trading platform do you suggest? What is Market in your terms?

Charge fees where? Charge for listings - classic form of AH economy.


So... what from what you listed is not AH?


Know the wisdom - walks like duck, quacks like duck... its a duck?


You started the commentary on readability, smartass.  That should give hints to the lack of "power" in your arguments by your own reasoning?  


We limit purchases because we limit trades.  You don't want a market to circumvent the checks they already placed in the game on transactions.  Besides, if you were paying attention, sellers are limited more than buyers.  Why limit trades at all?  Ask DE, they started it.


What isn't an AH?  The whole thing.  What do you think AH stands for?  Auction House, correct?  Do you know how an "auction" works?  An "auction house" is a means of executing "auctions".  It's in the damn name!  Closed auction prices are variable depending on where the bidding ended.  I was proposing a market where you'd list things at a specific price.  Specific fixed prices (like the in-game DE market for blueprints or cosmetics) are completely different from "auctions" - there is no bidding.  Ergo, a market where players offer items at fixed prices of their choice is a "market" not an "auction house" because there is no "auction" taking place.  


Transaction fees:  We already have credit-based transaction fees in-game on every trade in the game.  They are impacted by clan taxes.  I was suggesting those would be carried over to a player market so that a player cannot circumvent taxes/fees by using the market.  You seem awfully confused about transaction fees considering they're already in-game.  So, in the market, an asking price in platinum is listed along with the credit fees the buyer will incur according to their clan and the item rarity.  Those fees are the same as the ones that already exist.  Completing the transaction removes both the credits and platinum from the buyer, and gives them the item.


Listing costs consist of two parts: a fee for the listing itself (dependent on the duration of the listing) and an upfront fee for the transaction fees/clan taxes.  You do the latter part upfront so that the transaction can executed after the listing is posted without deducting credits later.  This prevents someone from listing an item, getting their credits to zero and being unable to afford the transaction fees on a sale they'd arranged prior.


The fee for listing was already detailed prior, go back and read it again.  The idea is the seller pays a fee to list an item for length of time.  You even led off this post suggesting "sellers need to be limited", and charging a fee for putting an item up on the market is another means of doing that.  Limiting the duration of the sale keeps the market from getting overcrowded with people that might list things then never login again.  It also provides another credit sink.


A "listing" is a term for putting an item (mod, part, whatever) up on a list complete with a price.  Implicit with the term "listing" is that there will be a list.  Then can take various forms, but a sortable menu of listings with options to sort within categories (melee, secondary, etc.) and arrange by price/duration would be the most typical implementation.  This is basic database stuff, and is easy accomplished even by a novice with Excel, MySQL, etc.  Whether you call the menu with sortable lists a board, market, list, or whatever is a matter of preference.


The concept is simple enough.  You already trade credits/plat to DE for specific things at fixed values.  They call that a "market" (the UI even names it as such!).  Same idea, but a "player" market.  Sortable list of things for sale at various prices which players decide.  The list can be accessible from your ship, the trade hubs in dojos, players hubs currently development... it doesn't really matter.  In any location it'll be a sortable menu where you pull up listings of items from players.


If you're still confused about auctions, here's a helpful link:


here's the current Market:



Note the difference.

Edited by (PS4)Zeylon
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We limit purchases because we limit trades.  


- Just this one makes me cry... I`m not even going to argue with 13 yo boy, it seems useless... I have nothing against your idea, but what you saying here is a classic MMO AH (simpliest example - Star Wars - The Old Republic). Auction IRL and ingame are two different things. Also MMO AH for like 6 years have 'classic' fundamental feauters:
1. Buyout
2. House Tax
3. Limit per items on the list.
You`re saying the same things, I dont know why its so important for you to call it Market. Some people afraid of clowns, are you afraid of auctions?
Edited by Vicious_D
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this needs to happen yesterday.




I out that I'm buying Braton P gear. guy responds with 20p. 20p what? 20p EACH. I laugh and tell him(no word of a lie) that id seen an entire set sell for 34p in these forums just before I logged on. laughs, calls me loser, good luck with grind, 85p lot. sry m8, 2 rich 4 me, gd lk. fk u cnt. wtf? gt fkt loser.


ignore contact.


this. happens. all. the. time.


I only ever barter INSIDE the trade chat, this keeps idiots overcharging honest-ish. an in game AH would solve this. of course it comes with it's own problems, but right now it's plat city. actually it's plat city, don't expect DE to do anything about this anytime soon.

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This could work, but I'm afraid of people overpricing things.


On one hand it would make trading much much easier, and could allow for a nice economy.

On the other hand it could spiral out of control, causing new players to pay for overpriced goods.


I don't know the ins and outs of a virtual economy, but I know it's a very fragile system that is easily abused by lovely human beings *cough #$&(% bags cough.*


I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt - in all certainty in my heart of hearts, and every fiber of my living being that I am torn.

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That is clear.  A game AH would make it less likely for people to be scammed into overpaying for stuff.


Well its just one part of it. With AH also comes its problems:


1. Overdestribution - loads of items, that no one needs (T1 keys, common prime parts, common low rank mods)

2. Actually almost impossible to negotiate LOWER price, since people will direct to AH.


With current WF state in trading, actual value will be for T3-T4 keys and rare max mods. Prime parts will drop in price drastically. Cant say about kubrows, because actuall amount of rare breeds grows slower, than prime supply.

And it seems that Arcane helmets only will grow in price, since their supply will NOT replenish.


So situation will change for main trade - pime parts, will change somehow for mods. But thats what we actually need, heh.

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Well its just one part of it. With AH also comes its problems:


1. Overdestribution - loads of items, that no one needs (T1 keys, common prime parts, common low rank mods)

2. Actually almost impossible to negotiate LOWER price, since people will direct to AH.


With current WF state in trading, actual value will be for T3-T4 keys and rare max mods. Prime parts will drop in price drastically. Cant say about kubrows, because actuall amount of rare breeds grows slower, than prime supply.

And it seems that Arcane helmets only will grow in price, since their supply will NOT replenish.


So situation will change for main trade - pime parts, will change somehow for mods. But thats what we actually need, heh.

1. Supply and demand will handle it.  Those items should not be kept artificially high in price anyway.

2. Trade would not completely disappear and a savvy merchant will always be able to get a good deal anyway.


They should drop in price.  The vast majority of players will benefit from the lower prices, and DE would profit as well.


In fact, DE needs to make more things tradeable, especially something consumable.

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1. Supply and demand will handle it.  Those items should not be kept artificially high in price anyway.

2. Trade would not completely disappear and a savvy merchant will always be able to get a good deal anyway.


They should drop in price.  The vast majority of players will benefit from the lower prices, and DE would profit as well.


In fact, DE needs to make more things tradeable, especially something consumable.



DE gets profit from platinum purchases from DE, so its hard to say, if lowering overall prices in Trade will benifit them. Right now people do want that Serration or Blind Rage maxed right now, but have to pay for it, so buy plat from DE is fastest way. Lowering prices may just keep them from that decision. Dont mention DE profits here, it will only benefit players with low platinum\ F2P players.


As for demand and supply - like I said, its not a major problem, its just a problem, that cant be solved easily. People have thousands of thousands prime items on their hands, giving them easy way to sell them is good, but leads to overkill amount of sell offers.


I did said something stupid about impossible conditions for negotiating for a lower price :P It will be of course, but it will be harder to find a good deal, most of traders will try to get more than from AH and will focus on higher tier items, that will possibly even increase in price overall. 


So I see two ways - common tier items will go down in price, moving to AH, while rare tier will go up in price, focusing on traders.

Second way most welcome - all items will go down in price, moving to AH.


No one will remove trade chat, its clear, so its possible to still get scammed even with AH.



In fact DE needs to make money. They will not make cosmetics tradeable, because you already have a way to get it for free. Do void runs - sell keys\gear for plat - buy cosmetics. 


If you want something you`ll have to work hard to get it. 

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DE gets profit from platinum purchases from DE, so its hard to say, if lowering overall prices in Trade will benifit them. Right now people do want that Serration or Blind Rage maxed right now, but have to pay for it, so buy plat from DE is fastest way. Lowering prices may just keep them from that decision. Dont mention DE profits here, it will only benefit players with low platinum\ F2P players.


As for demand and supply - like I said, its not a major problem, its just a problem, that cant be solved easily. People have thousands of thousands prime items on their hands, giving them easy way to sell them is good, but leads to overkill amount of sell offers.


I did said something stupid about impossible conditions for negotiating for a lower price :P It will be of course, but it will be harder to find a good deal, most of traders will try to get more than from AH and will focus on higher tier items, that will possibly even increase in price overall. 


So I see two ways - common tier items will go down in price, moving to AH, while rare tier will go up in price, focusing on traders.

Second way most welcome - all items will go down in price, moving to AH.


No one will remove trade chat, its clear, so its possible to still get scammed even with AH.



In fact DE needs to make money. They will not make cosmetics tradeable, because you already have a way to get it for free. Do void runs - sell keys\gear for plat - buy cosmetics. 


If you want something you`ll have to work hard to get it. 

Big spenders are still going to buy the packs from DE directly so that will be unaffected, same with slots and cosmetics.


The lower prices on the AH would just make buying plat reasonable for a larger number of people, especially those who could not justify the costs before.


Nothing will go up in price except super rare items, such a arcane helmets and legendary fusion cores, since they are the only things likely to be sold via actual bidding auctions.


DE make the most money by making everything tradeable, making plat untradeable, making credits the primary currency, and allowing people to buy slot tokens to sell on the AH. I think that is beyond the capabilities so at the very least, they should make everything tradeable for plat on the AH, including mats.

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Big spenders are still going to buy the packs from DE directly so that will be unaffected, same with slots and cosmetics.


The lower prices on the AH would just make buying plat reasonable for a larger number of people, especially those who could not justify the costs before.


Nothing will go up in price except super rare items, such a arcane helmets and legendary fusion cores, since they are the only things likely to be sold via actual bidding auctions.


DE make the most money by making everything tradeable, making plat untradeable, making credits the primary currency, and allowing people to buy slot tokens to sell on the AH. I think that is beyond the capabilities so at the very least, they should make everything tradeable for plat on the AH, including mats.


We`ll just see what will happen, considering AH will ever be implemented. Resource trade is a good idea, considering we can buy them with plat from DE Market. And I beleive I actually bought a few orokin cells long time ago...

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