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Warframes Having Their Own Sounds.


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So the idea is that each warframe would have their own sound-set and they would automatically use them.

 For example when killing an enemy they would say something like Banshee:"too easy", Volt:"rest in pieces", Vauban: "another one, and another, and another.", ect.

 For when they stealth kill something they would say something different.

 They would also respond to the messages of lotus like "thanks lotus, got it, roger"

 Or when a stalker appears they would taunt them. 

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I'd rather have them stay as they are, just being quite. I'm already annoyed by ordis's voice as well as bosses like alad v and sargas ruk, having warframes that are talkactive would just make me quit the game all together.

Edited by mcryseria
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I prefer them being silent, but that didn't stop me from trying my hand at exactly what you're suggesting 



Spoiler-hidden-self-advertising-links aside, to give the Warframes voices would destroy a level of the immersion of you BEING that character - especially since you have so little unique control over how your character can act as it is (given lack of emotes, another thing I DON'T want to see added).


There's also an element of Warframes not being able to speak (as hinted at by Alad V's "mute peasant" line) that's in play as well - though I think it's more of a case of aphasia ( http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/366936/scitech/science/the-science-of-game-of-thrones-did-hodor-suffer-from-aphasia - the condition as described by means of Hodor), out character's have SOME speaking ability (as is demonstrated by Mirage being able to "laugh" in the questline to get her) but they are limited to a select area of vocal pronunciations. I like to think that our characters COULD speak, but they'd only be able to say one thing. For example, one Tenno might only be able to say "Mars. Mars." while another could only whistle a single tune.

Edited by Morec0
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You must be very new here to be assuming nobody has once before suggested this.


I admire your ballsiness, and good luck dealing with the potential flame that may follow, If I'm remembering the older forums from way back.


And as all others have said, I enjoy being a mute peasant. It makes the Tenno very likable. I imagine if they spoke they would each then have a very annoying feature. It's just not fitting of them.

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