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Preferred Melee Weapon For Charged Attacks


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that really depends on the weapons.

take zorens iex they do 1.5x crit dmg on charge and 3x dmg on normal attacks so theyre a weapon made for normal swings while heat swords are slow and doesnt get the same output on normals that zorens have so u would prefer to use charge/reflex on them instead of Ppoint/fury.

but after some update (i didn't play then yet) normal swings got severely nerfed. i tried speccing for swinging attacks and they just don't cut. +42% dmg seems a rather small bonus for a weapon with such small base dmg. then there's melee crit chance, it takes a lot of space, but gives only a small unnoticeable bonus.

i use em for quick charges. (a charge for 200-300 every second is not so bad)

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It doesn't stack at all. Pressure point doesn't affect charge attacks.


Not sure about that... the charge attacks of my Fragor deal 450 + 338 +177 damage.


Here's proof:




The weapon has +75% AP damage, + 60% Fire damage and + 125% charge damage

Edited by Tyrian3k
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Not sure about that... the charge attacks of my Fragor deal 450 + 338 +177 damage.


Here's proof:




The weapon has +75% AP damage, + 60% Fire damage and + 125% charge damage

So wheres the Pressure Point mod? You only got AP, Fire, Charge Damage.


Charge: 200 Charge damage * 1.25(125%) = 250 + Charge Damage = 450


AP: 75% of 450(Charge Damage) = 337.5 = Rounded up = 338


450*.6(60%) = 270 * [65.5%(.655) Vor fire reduction] = 176.85 = Rounded up =  177

Edited by Basara
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Ok, i'll make it clear for you.

You are standing. Runner is running. He ran to you and now is standing near and about to explode. During this time window(before starting to explode and exploding) you can fully charge attack with dual skana and dual either with maxed ranked reflex coil and unable to do so with dual heat swords due to its slow base charge speed. And if you are doing defense infestation solo, you are about to handle all the infested by yourself. You can run towards every runner charging your swing to prevent their explosions, but eventually you won't catch all, so its better to just stand near pod/decoy and swing with charged strikes - all the infested will run to you and get a hit in their face. And While doing so - you will succed with dual scana/either and won't with dual heats swords, cause 1 mis = 1 stagger following with chain reaction.... You can dodge then, but you won't be able to kill lots of things if you miss that window.

Stronger charge hit doesn't mean better if you can kill thing with less needed force.

Your best option is the Gram. 

Every time it hits the ground it has AOE, this includes the light melees as well. I'm not sure if its broken but realistically your AOE is 4 metres (assuming average character height is roughly 1.8m), resulting in whatever you effect catching on fire or whatever your elemental is. 


I also see what you are saying about the runners and charge times. My method of combating this is that once you see a bunch of those pricks running at you instantly start swinging the sword, doing light melees. This is because once you commit to combo-ing light melees you cant be stunned no matter how many mooks surround you. Not to mention once you start swinging the arc of the blade has such a wide circumference of area everything just gets cut down.


Then the tactics for fighting the ancients are somewhat different. 

when you see a disruptor, healer or toxic running at you (sometime all 3 at once) i use the AOE jump attack, it knocks them on the ground for about 4 seconds, once they are on the ground they are easy to finish with a single melee blow (admittedly i do have the gram a lvl 30 now so taking lvl 25+ ancients is not that difficult anymore). 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dual Zorens with maxed Reflex Coil, Killing Blow, Sundering Strike, Organ Shatter, and Crit chance, along with level 0 Deep Freeze. 125 charge damage (before elemental) every ~0.4 seconds, not including crits.

Edited by rCaliberGX
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Pressure point only applies to normal attack, and I presume spin / jump attacks.


Killing blow only applies to charged attack.


Having tried a few dual weapons, I must say that you really do have to use each of your candidates to get a feel for them, as you really will have your own preference even if you think the stat numbers already tell you enough.


For example a comparison of Dskana vs Dheat to the exclusion of all else:


After getting them both to 30, I actually prefer Dskana (My real dual fav is Dzoren). While Dheat does around 50% more charged damage, it charges roughly 30% slower then Dskana. The charge speed difference in practice means that the Dskana, for me, is far easier to use and much easier to time. I can charge swipe 2-3 times before runner can pop and therefore have a much bigger margin, I can take out chargers much easier due to the easy margin on timing whereas with heat I actually have to pay a bit of attention to distance and timing.


It's really not something numbers can convey to you, and you can only tell when using it in practice, and everyone is going to have their preference. Some will find that Dheat's charge time doesn't bother them much with a nice reflex coil, while some (like me) will find that that 30% reduction in charge time on top of reflex coil makes all the difference.


Not to mention, suitably modded, if Dskana and Dheat both take 1 charge to kill, there's really no advantage to Dheat's charge damage. Only in scenarios where Dheat can 1 hit vs Dskana needing 2 hits will Dheat be superior, which happens more often for grineer and Corpus. If you're killing infested in 1 charge anyway, Dskana would be far superior in terms of charge attack.


Finally, your style in using the weapons matter a lot too: I love slide spin attack personally, and I tend to open an attack with a double spin. I could really only use that when I'm packing Dheat or Dskana due to their spectacular spin damage (too bad killing blow don't scale on em). On the other hand, my personal favorite dual melee Dzoren doesn't do slide spin well, but damn that speed and native crit makes it a real pleasure to play.


At the end, many of the melee weapons have decently defined pros and cons, making it fit for different purposes.

Edited by finalgenesis
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Thanks for the info guys ! 


I am currently in the process of building a Rhino and to me personally I find the Scindo more aesthetically pleasing compared to "DA BAN HAMMAH".


But comparing the Fragor and Scindo exclusively, which is statistically superior ? I'm taking the numbers from Wiki with a pinch of salt so I'd appreciate the feedback !

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But comparing the Fragor and Scindo exclusively, which is statistically superior ? I'm taking the numbers from Wiki with a pinch of salt so I'd appreciate the feedback !


Gram leans towards anti-Grineer.


Scindo leans towards anti-Infested.


But a Gram is still workable against Infested, and the Scindo is still workable against Grineer. So if you don't care about/can't decide on a specialization, pick whichever one you think looks cooler.


Edit: Derp. I mixed up the Gram with the Fragor.


The Gram has slightly lower regular attacks, but has equal charge damage with a higher charge and swing speed than the Scindo. Gram's better for charging, Scindo for regular attacks.

Edited by A5PECT
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The Amphis is fantastic against Corpus (since the AoE attack can easily hit those flying ospreys,) but it doesn't do very well against swarms of Infested.


The Gram works quite well, has a fast charge time, and handles infested much better than the Amphis.


I haven't tried the Scindo or the Fragor, but the Gram felt slow enough before I had a high Reflex Coil on it. I can't imagine going to a slower charge attack. I'd have to re-learn when to start my charge attack while Chargers and Runners are coming to swarm me, and I'd need to be sure to stand further back from corners to have time to complete my charge.


So I'd go with a Gram, myself, though you could switch to an Amphis for Corpus if Ospreys are annoying for you.

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Dark Sword for me. Supercharged and with a high level Killing Blow it's devastating. I really like the look too.


I don't like any of the heavy melee weapons, the screen shake makes my eyes/head hurt.




Does the Dark Sword deal damage to multiple opponents ?

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Why do people completely ignore the Fragor in favour of Scindo? Triple damage doesn't apply to Ancients and regular infested die from a single hit from either weapon so where is the benefit? Fragor ignores armour.

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Greetings fellow Tenno.


I'd just like to get your thoughts on Melee, in particular the Charge Attacks - as I am having a blast with it as opposed to the good ol' hack and slash, i.e. spamming "E".


I find Charge Attacks to be more efficient, given the timing is executed correctly. I am currently ranking my Cronus however for my next melee weapon I'd like to be able to hit multiple targets with, which brings me to either Dual weapons or Heavy.


So what would be the best melee weapon for charge attacks that will enable me to hit multiple targets ?


I'm using Excalibur by the way, thanks !




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