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Your Warfail Stories.


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Went with my plasma sword on a low level mission , only to find that if you roll in a certain way and you get hit by the door lasers you can't melee anymore. It was an exterminate mission... Had to divekick them all.


(Also didn't have skills as the warframe was unranked)

Edited by SpikedFox
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Doing the school alert mission on earth and RNG God decides to drop 2 kubrow eggs in one game, even though I already had one egg from the alert 2 days before.
Was playing with 3 friends, we were on wave 28 of T2 defense and things were getting very tough for us, so I decided to use the lasers. Killed one guy, I proceeded to revive him and then died because of the laser. The other 2 guys tried to revive both of us, and got shot to bits lol. The pod got destroyed and we failed the mission.

Edited by SkilledNoob
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Ranking Mk1 weapons on earth while hunting Kubrow Eggs.


Destroyed a Den. Stalked rolled out of it. Killed my Kubrow, then played King of the hill.


My Kubrow was the hill.



vauban vs stalker.... mk1 furax....

lots of pain






...sorry. my art was marginally better than MS paint but I couldn't resist. it reminds of of some anime gif





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Got Berserker Mod during Dark Sector, host was on opposing team, leaves, migration -_- New host leaves right after him, another migration -_______- never got the mod.

Tried Divekicking an Ancient with an unranked Ash, turns out the Ancient was a Toxic Ancient

Potatoed a Skana this past weekend.

Sold my rare Kubrows Prints.

Tossed Glaive Prime at a MOA point blank, forgot Power Throw was on

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> Mirage HoM with Ogris, shot at target 10 feet away.

> Potatoed a Kubrow I didn't level and sold after.

> Got stunlocked by Stalker's Hate when I had a fully decked out Oberon, shaving my 780 shield and 1025 HP.

> Bringing a bow to Le Panties

> Fighting on Iliad, immediately kiiling Vor and Lech Kril falls inside the ball thingy. He was invisible and took half the team down. It took us 45 mins to get him out of the ball thingy so we could beat him. Didn't even get a Miter part.

Edited by SHIR0B0N
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Doing MR test with primary only, the Corpus was the faction to exterminate and this was when their helmets couldn't be shot off. Not only that..the damned helmet mitigated damage so you were better off with bodyshots. Doesn't help the moa were still a pain in the &#! as ever. You can imagine how many tries it took to pass the test with an un-modded Mk1-Braton..then Latron...then Karak with an unmodded Excalibur with only Slash Dash. Secondary wasn't much better. This led to me being MR2 for the longest time. Also good to note that the mouse ball..pad...thing I was using kept going out of aim. Damn near chucked the thing out the window.


This along with prolonged ignorance of how the modding system worked made Tower Defense (back before they were endless) and ODD agonizing since I couldn't kill anything with Boltor.


Decided to do an invasion by myself right around the time Grustrag 3 became live. Decided to fight against the Grineer...they show up. This is the second time, except my first time seeing them since the first time the party I accompanied with killed em.


You can imagine how long I lasted.


As an aside..I should really consider making an account just to rectify all my screw-ups...I am not the smartest man.

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Start an Apollodorus run with low rank weak gear and a squishy 'frame, two Excaliburs join. I say fine, we can do this. Barely one minute in, G3 finally decide to show up after months. Shade cloaks. Excals decide to fight and receive a free colonoscopy each. G3 start looking for me when I find myself surrounded by a wave of Butchers and Lancers that are blocking my way - then Shade suddenly uncloaks. "Oh there you are!" I am down even before I see what hit me. Fastest survival fail, not even 2 minutes in.

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1)Getting owned by Stalker a few times. The 1st couple of times I wasn't prepared. But on Monday afternoon, me and this group from the Alliance clan were actually winning agsint him........



until he pulled off Dispel and made all of us, except for his target bleedout and they couldn't reach me in time.


I really feel like I wanted to cry on that segment.


2)During the sabotage mission, after a couple of players reached the destination and started the timer, G3 started to show and I left towards extraction after seeing the Lotus transmission gets distorted, only to get mission failed because of the Grineer destroying the machine. 


Talk about bad timing.

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the worst was probably G3 showing up (while i was solo) apparently using the new conclave rating system for their level. using rhino, 3 forma, ignis, 4 forma, detron 4, forma and d. nikana. ignis because it was a low level alert and with it you can pretty much just spray everything and it dies.


ignis, marginal effect after 200 rounds (about 1/8th off their shields)

detron, marginal effect after 7 clips (even less effect for some reason than the ignis)

d nikana + life strike attempting to survive at least until i could wear them down...couldn't even replenish life much less do any real damage. considering one hit wiped iron skin, shields and dropped life to 23...life strike was 0 help.


their shields were regening at a faster rate than anything i had could damage them considering i couldn't just stand toe to toe and slug it out. dropping energy restores, hp restores when i could get some breathing room, which while it kept me alive they'd fully regen.


just gave up after a 15 minute running battle and let them bolt me.


don't see why the grineer tolerate the corpus and infested...they could just send G3, one of each prosecutor type and wipe both factions out easy.

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G3 are more like the last resort, if all other things gone wrong. As those G3 will even attack other Grineer allies as their bloodlust for battle and killing are unbound.


One more thing on my Warfail:


3)Got some good parts and components on this high level alert mission, but the host disconnected and was forced to return to the ship, with the mission failed. They could've quickly found another host with one of the remaining players that are still in the mission.

Edited by (XB1)DrAgOnA2206
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Annnd adding something that just happened a few minutes ago:



t4 surv, 3 people, one got disc....

We were doing fine but.... at 14 minutes all 3 of us forgot about life support.

There were plenty life support units left but nooooo, we all forgot about it.

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