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Boltor Prime: Killing The Game?


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I'll say it again: the BoltorP most definitely does not blow the Soma out of the water. It. Does. Not.


They're very comparable. If you think different, you think wrong. Period.


The Braton Prime is a wholly different issue and the Gorgon (of whatever ilk) was never meant to be in the same class as the Soma.


So what we have here are impressions fostered by misinformation and ignorance. It pretty much renders this thread useless.


Wow, you really don't get any better do you? We aren't even talking about the Soma or the BratonP here, we're not comparing these weapons to the BP, this is completely irrelevant and sidetracked. And it's not an impression if you see it happening with your own eyes. Don't be a devils advocate when you clearly have no idea what we're talking about and lack the ability to stay on topic please.

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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strongest weapon in-game? LOL this one it far from strongest weapon in the game try using in t4s 50 minute+ and u will see boltor p. falloff pretty bad

from what i see it only op when using againt "low level" enemie that u can just one shot everything and said it a best weapon in the game

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strongest weapon in-game? LOL this one it far from strongest weapon in the game try using in t4s 50 minute+ and u will see boltor p. falloff pretty bad

from what i see it only op when using againt "low level" enemie that u can just one shot everything and said it a best weapon in the game


Taken from DPSFrame: Using their standard build formula for each weapon


1) Boltor Prime 16964 DPS

2) Latron Prime 13838 DPS

3) Soma 13028 DPS


etc etc it just goes from downhill from there. Boltor Prime according to DPSFrame and the majority of the community agrees that the BP is the strongest in terms of DPS


In that case, what do you think is the strongest weapon if not the BP?

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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U Should atleast try it againt higher level enemie or late game content before come up with strongest weapon in the game


With 4 corrosive projection on lvl 100 Eximus (extra hp one) boltor prime probably get around 1-1.5k pershot synapse or even amprex has much higher fire rate/mag capacity and can go even 20k in one bullet


or phage with 4 corrosive projection using viral even lvl 100 enemie still die pretty quick compare to boltor p. even 2 mag i dont think it can kill them


i use boltor prime alot that why i know it not the strongest weapon in the game even m.prime nova + headshot all the time take an entire mag to kill any lvl 90+ eximus enemie



Edited by ComplexityZ
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U Should atleast try it againt higher level enemie or late game content before come up with strongest weapon in the game


With 4 corrosive projection on lvl 100 Eximus (extra hp one) boltor prime probably get around 1-1.5k pershot synapse or even amprex has much higher fire rate/mag capacity and can go even 20k in one bullet


or phage with 4 corrosive projection using viral even lvl 100 enemie still die pretty quick compare to boltor p. even 2 mag i dont think it can kill them


i use boltor prime alot that why i know it not the strongest weapon in the game even m.prime nova + headshot all the time take an entire mag to kill any lvl 90+ eximus enemie




And how many players are fighting level 90+ enemies? Besides, this isn't about them, read the OP. This is about newbies getting what can best be described as God Mode for the star map, and then becoming bored of the game.

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U Should atleast try it againt higher level enemie or late game content before come up with strongest weapon in the game


With 4 corrosive projection on lvl 100 Eximus (extra hp one) boltor prime probably get around 1-1.5k pershot synapse or even amprex has much higher fire rate/mag capacity and can go even 20k in one bullet


or phage with 4 corrosive projection using viral even lvl 100 enemie still die pretty quick compare to boltor p. even 2 mag i dont think it can kill them


i use boltor prime alot that why i know it not the strongest weapon in the game even m.prime nova + headshot all the time take an entire mag to kill any lvl 90+ eximus enemie




You have pretty good statistics and info. I'll take your word for it since you have done so much playtesting and everything, editing original post

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Mastery Rank needs to be buffed and damaged needs to be nerfed by at least 25%~33%. The Boltor series has been my favorite guns since I started playing, but Boltor Prime's overwhelming power just feels... horrible. It really does suck the fun out of using the weapon.

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U Should atleast try it againt higher level enemie or late game content before come up with strongest weapon in the game


With 4 corrosive projection on lvl 100 Eximus (extra hp one) boltor prime probably get around 1-1.5k pershot synapse or even amprex has much higher fire rate/mag capacity and can go even 20k in one bullet


or phage with 4 corrosive projection using viral even lvl 100 enemie still die pretty quick compare to boltor p. even 2 mag i dont think it can kill them


i use boltor prime alot that why i know it not the strongest weapon in the game even m.prime nova + headshot all the time take an entire mag to kill any lvl 90+ eximus enemie



The thing is, we're talking about low-level play and beginning player's access to weapons that turn the game into a cakewalk.


Synapse and Amprex need a lot of forma to get that insane level of damage, whereas Boltor Prime is amazing right out the gate and can be built faster.

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i know what we talking about i just argument about strongest weapon in the game that this thing is far from strongest


and the point of this topic i agree about raise mastery needed for boltor p. atleast 8 or more and disagree about nerfting this waepon DE should buff another gun instead more nerf ( imo )


more nerf it just make more people raging in the forum but buff another gun doesnt hurt like braton p , burston p , and much more underpower prime weapon

Edited by ComplexityZ
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Taken from DPSFrame: Using their standard build formula for each weapon


1) Boltor Prime 16964 DPS

2) Latron Prime 13838 DPS

3) Soma 13028 DPS


etc etc it just goes from downhill from there. Boltor Prime according to DPSFrame and the majority of the community agrees that the BP is the strongest in terms of DPS


In that case, what do you think is the strongest weapon if not the BP?


Latron Prime + Soma hit more consistent Headshots and have better Critical Chance hits and Critical Multipliers. Critical Headshots deal 4x of regular headshot. Latron Prime sports greater accuracy, ammunition economy, status chance, and greater critical, while maintaining roughly 80% of the base DPS of the Boltor Prime with your numbers here. Trading off base, on paper damage for greater performance at a higher player skill ceiling seems like a rather fair tradeoff to me.


With regards to Soma, why are you comparing two automatic rifles, one leagues rarer, requiring 4 components and 10 Orokin Cells, to a shop weapon? Weapons that require no work to farm for, and thus are less rare, should justifiably be less powerful or at most equal. Look at Dread/Paris Prime and Latron Prime/Wraith and all the other precision weapons. Primes are always at the top, or share the spot with another weapon. 


This is not limited to Primes as well. Brakk is leagues more powerful than Pyrana because it is rarer. Brakk is stronger than AKBronco Prime in DPS, whereas AKBronco Prime is stronger Status wise, because Brakk is still rarer than AKBronco.

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raising the mastery req is not enough imo


bolt projectile weapon has no place outperforming DMRs/snipers and other ballistic assault rifles at any range over medium range 


just give boltor prime damage falloff and moderately disruptive recoil to offset 

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raising the mastery req is not enough imo


bolt projectile weapon has no place outperforming DMRs/snipers and other ballistic assault rifles at any range over medium range 


just give boltor prime damage falloff and moderately disruptive recoil to offset 


I remember old boltor bolts drifting erratically anything past medium range.

It seems to be gone for some reason.

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Latron Prime + Soma hit more consistent Headshots and have better Critical Chance hits and Critical Multipliers. Critical Headshots deal 4x of regular headshot. Latron Prime sports greater accuracy, ammunition economy, status chance, and greater critical, while maintaining roughly 80% of the base DPS of the Boltor Prime with your numbers here. Trading off base, on paper damage for greater performance at a higher player skill ceiling seems like a rather fair tradeoff to me.


With regards to Soma, why are you comparing two automatic rifles, one leagues rarer, requiring 4 components and 10 Orokin Cells, to a shop weapon? Weapons that require no work to farm for, and thus are less rare, should justifiably be less powerful or at most equal. Look at Dread/Paris Prime and Latron Prime/Wraith and all the other precision weapons. Primes are always at the top, or share the spot with another weapon. 


This is not limited to Primes as well. Brakk is leagues more powerful than Pyrana because it is rarer. Brakk is stronger than AKBronco Prime in DPS, whereas AKBronco Prime is stronger Status wise, because Brakk is still rarer than AKBronco.

Lmao, why not compare the looks of a weapon and make a huge deal about it, because it probably affect the DPS of the weapon in your case as well. Hard to obtain weapons does not equal higher damage.

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Lmao, why not compare the looks of a weapon and make a huge deal about it, because it probably affect the DPS of the weapon in your case as well. Hard to obtain weapons does not equal higher damage.


For example Marelok > (wait no scratch that) Marelok >>> Lex Prime

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Latron Prime + Soma hit more consistent Headshots and have better Critical Chance hits and Critical Multipliers. Critical Headshots deal 4x of regular headshot. Latron Prime sports greater accuracy, ammunition economy, status chance, and greater critical, while maintaining roughly 80% of the base DPS of the Boltor Prime with your numbers here.


The numbers sported in that quote was indeed a full crit build for the LatronP. Yes while headshots are going to deal more damage it requires skill. When skill = more damage, there is no problem. A new player has to learn to gain headshots on every hit to maximise the damage for the LatronP (and the Soma too, although it isn't as reliable on headshots compared to the LatronP and is MR6 so there is no need to worry about new players getting it). A Boltor Prime offers insane DPS for little to no skill that is easily acquirable at a very early stage in the game. This is where the problems lie.


Also it was more of a rebuttal than anything, this has gotten WAY off topic and deviated into a typical weapon comparison thread.


Wait. LatronP is MR0... This may also be a problem...

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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this is why i run S#&$ weapons. the game suffers from a case of "best weapon" and even worse is how the game is set up so that you dont need any other weapon, so it gets insanely boring insanely quickly. this NEEDS to be fixed, the boltor prime needs to be nerfed, or more good weapons need to be added to the game. after you get a weapon like the boltor prime, and you see no reason to use other weapons, this games replay-ability turns to nothingness. i agree 100% Boltor Prime is ruining this game.

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I still do not see why a particular weapon is RUINING the game. I use the Boltor, and it is a fun weapon, but there are other weapons I prefer. It always depends on your style of playing, and if someone manages to pick up a Boltor Prime (either by buying the parts or by grinding for it) then bloody well let them.


This is a cooperative game, after all. I am always very grateful for good players with good weapons when I am being rushed by a mob of level 99 enemies. Seriously.


And not everybody chooses the Boltor - which is not a hit-scan weapon, which requires some skill, and which is a one-trick pony. It just does that trick very well.


There are other weapons which can do tricks, and sometimes those are better suited - yes, the numbers might be lower, but those numbers are theoretically. Using a Mirage with Mirror and shooting an Amprex will clear a room faster than you can aim your Boltor. There are synergies at work, and thus some people like to figure those out and use them, and others just want to shoot stuff in the head.


I suck at aiming - that's why I use a Phage. The Phage is a glorified light saber, or a swiss army knife, depending on how you look at it. At medium spread I could easily kill everything that was coming through the portal during the Gate Crasher event. I was aiming at the portal and they all died before even entering it.


You can't really do that with a Boltor.


Do I run around bleating that Phage is destroying the game? It is my favorite weapon, and I use it whenever I can. Sometimes a mission requires something different, or I am leveling another weapon, but in the end I return to those weapons that I enjoy most.


So if people enjoy the Boltor Prime - what is your smegging problem with it? You don't have to use it. Just use whatever you want and let people play the way THEY want.

I have seen people use a heavily modded and forma'ed Amprex to take down an entire room full of enemies.

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I still do not see why a particular weapon is RUINING the game. I use the Boltor, and it is a fun weapon, but there are other weapons I prefer. It always depends on your style of playing, and if someone manages to pick up a Boltor Prime (either by buying the parts or by grinding for it) then bloody well let them.


This is a cooperative game, after all. I am always very grateful for good players with good weapons when I am being rushed by a mob of level 99 enemies. Seriously.


And not everybody chooses the Boltor - which is not a hit-scan weapon, which requires some skill, and which is a one-trick pony. It just does that trick very well.


There are other weapons which can do tricks, and sometimes those are better suited - yes, the numbers might be lower, but those numbers are theoretically. Using a Mirage with Mirror and shooting an Amprex will clear a room faster than you can aim your Boltor. There are synergies at work, and thus some people like to figure those out and use them, and others just want to shoot stuff in the head.


I suck at aiming - that's why I use a Phage. The Phage is a glorified light saber, or a swiss army knife, depending on how you look at it. At medium spread I could easily kill everything that was coming through the portal during the Gate Crasher event. I was aiming at the portal and they all died before even entering it.


You can't really do that with a Boltor.


Do I run around bleating that Phage is destroying the game? It is my favorite weapon, and I use it whenever I can. Sometimes a mission requires something different, or I am leveling another weapon, but in the end I return to those weapons that I enjoy most.


So if people enjoy the Boltor Prime - what is your smegging problem with it? You don't have to use it. Just use whatever you want and let people play the way THEY want.

I have seen people use a heavily modded and forma'ed Amprex to take down an entire room full of enemies.

Well you know people are putting formas into weapons and potatoing it to get better, hit harder, shoot faster and what not. And when it is doing what it is supposed to do, they complain.

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