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Tenno Riot Shield


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Shoot over it with your pistol. Bash with melee key. Guard with block key. Barrel through crowds. Become the ultimate squad pointman and tank. And when clan emblems come out? Smack it right over where the Grineer emblem is.


We're done here.


*Drops mic.*

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A riot shield? Serious? All we now need is a killcam and we get another COD


That's... not what I was suggesting at all, and that was extremely disrespectful of you. I depise Call of Duty.


In the interest of preventing a thread hijacking, I will point out that Grineer use these Call of Duty weapons quite frequently. They shield bash, and they scream "ALL GLORY TO THE GLORIOUS KDR" every time they do it. They then teabag the hell out of whatever poor Tenno they happened to kill, take a dump on their chests, and proclaim that they've slept with the Tenno's mother.


I simply feel like we should be allowed to do the same.

Edited by Kahruvel
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Riot shield is...actually a nice idea. Barring all the short sighted COD invoking.


Would this take up the Primary or Melee slot though? I mean, the Tenno -can- use their Gorgons and Hek's one handed. (See wall running and aiming down sights while jumping, NO loss in accuracy.)


Could it be a bit too effective if it's completely impenetrable? Maybe not...except Corpus could have a really tough time dealing with you.


I think a sort of solid energy shield projected from the palm would be good, allowing for the shield to 'break' under EXTREME stress, with a good reason for it to magically come back later on. (Ammo system perhaps, limiting your use of the shield so you need to think strategically?)


All in all, great idea, OP.

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That's... not what I was suggesting at all, and that was extremely disrespectful of you. I depise Call of Duty.


In the interest of preventing a thread hijacking, I will point out that Grineer use these Call of Duty weapons quite frequently.

Because they are a war seeking race of clones...

I already see all those people hiding behind their riot shields moving like turtles to prevent damage.... It will be so much fun I cant even describe it....

Just because the enemies do something doesnt mean we have to do the same......

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mith be better instead of melle wepon a one which blocking blocks 100% dmg and thats only its made of retracting plasm when its not used it will be nothing but a small device http://images.wikia.com/ha


I E space ninja captain america (without patriotism and phisic defying bomerang shield)

Edited by omerdr
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To those who invoke that the idea of a riot shield is silly because we are "ninjas" let me remind you that we on a regular basis use high powered shotguns and railguns that would wake up the entire ship with the first shot.


I for one would love to see a tower shield like melee weapon implemented which can lead to some fun gameplay against gun wielding enemies. You would still be slowed by it when you use it like when swinging a heavy weapon so you can't just run through a level all invulnerable and bash everything to death. It would also be useless against the infested as you would get swarmed from all directions. Also make it a high level unlock like 3-4 and you have a fun alternative to just slice and dice.

Edited by Ageless_Emperion
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To those who invoke that the idea of a riot shield is silly because we are "ninjas" let me remind you that we on a regular basis use high powered shotguns and railguns that would wake up the entire ship with the first shot.


I for one would love to see a tower shield like melee weapon implemented which can lead to some fun gameplay against gun wielding enemies. You would still be slowed by it when you use it like when swinging a heavy weapon so you can't just run through a level all invulnerable and bash everything to death. It would also be useless against the infested as you would get swarmed from all directions. Also make it a high level unlock like 3-4 and you have a fun alternative to just slice and dice.


Shields simply slow down the game flow.....

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Shields simply slow down the game flow.....


I whole heartily disagree with that. It will -speed- the pacing of the game if a player has the freedom to move while under fire. A frame that needs to recharge their shields, can continue to advance with their riot shield. OR they can -not- advance and wait for their shields to recover. See how that works? A riot shield speeds up gameplay by giving freedom of movement.



And to -anyone- that dares invoke "It's not in the theme of space-ninjas"-. You are...a special kind of person. It's a cop-out phrase. As many more reasonable people have mentioned, you're using huge railguns, shotguns and hammers. 'Space ninja' went out the airlock along with realism.

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 As many more reasonable people have mentioned, you're using huge railguns, shotguns and hammers. 'Space ninja' went out the airlock along with realism.


That doesnt mean we have to make Tenno a shield hiding joke....

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I could see this being a very cool option, but there would have to be significant trade-offs, such as sacrificing your primary and melee weapons in favor of a shield, of course the shield would act as a bashing melee weapon with massive knockdown and stun ability, but reduced damage and speed as a result. It should also always be carried in one hand and raised while aiming, with a significant movement speed penalty as well as an accuracy penalty.

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Reminds me of japanese history, samurai have tried experimenting with large segmented shields resembling turtle shells to block incoming arrow, and later, tanegashima volleys. I can imagine ninja carrying around decorated shields designed to look like moving bushes for camophlage and defense. Popular culture has depicted such shields that involve projectile firing mechanisms.

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