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Rant About The Current State Of Single Daggers.


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Ok I'm pissed off. So if we got 15 points in this new event, we got a new dagger. "A plasma dagger" oooh...


Here's the deal, daggers are the worst type of melee weapon in the game at the moment, there is absolutely no purpose going with a dagger instead of a terrible shortsword, or any other weapon.


We all remember the Karyst right? yeah you do, the dagger we all joked about for being so horrendously slow? WELL, This new "Plasma dagger"; The Sheev has 0.1 LESS attack speed than that, AND it does less damage. That is pathetic! 


Remember back in melee 1.0? when daggers were actually worth using? 

My favorite weapon in the whole game was the heat dagger, all because of the favors of its charge mechanic. 

The heat dagger used to do 100% heat damage on charge, and had about 50% proc chance base if you charged it. This could be used tactically if you combined mods so you would do 1 damage type while charging and 1 damage type while using normal melee. Daggers were fun, and favored Stealth playstyle and regular raid playstyle.


As of now, daggers are just plain tiny sticks that you wave around even slower than you would wave a hammer. They are used to attack single targets, and the codex says they they attack fast. That is not the case, they are slow as hell and have the lowest DPS of all weapons.


DE needs to show daggers some love, and this is another great example why charge attacks should be brought back.

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Perhaps they'll look back and improve upon daggers Soon, but really, they're very situational at this point. You cna only use a dagger if you are snooping around and want to stealth attack an enemy, and even then, you will alert all its allies ad byebye stealth mission, plus so many weapons absolutely outclass daggers, there's no reason to use them other than as mastery fodder


Charge attacks though, probably will not come back, DE rarely reverses decisions this far away from it being changed if i'm not mistaken

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My issue with single daggers isn't their speed, since they have some kind of hidden buff for being a dagger, but the REAL issue is the terrible, terrible hitboxes they have. When I can spend several seconds quick meleeing something with the karyst before it finally connects, there is something horribly wrong.

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My issue with single daggers isn't their speed, since they have some kind of hidden buff for being a dagger, but the REAL issue is the terrible, terrible hitboxes they have. When I can spend several seconds quick meleeing something with the karyst before it finally connects, there is something horribly wrong.

Yeah, I can agree with that. 

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Perhaps they'll look back and improve upon daggers Soon, but really, they're very situational at this point. You can only use a dagger if you are snooping around and want to stealth attack an enemy

But there is no longer an advantage to bring a knife to a stealth mission, you might as well bring a hammer or a katana since they do more damage.


Back in melee 1.0 It was great doing stealth runs with daggers. or using Loki/Ash for that invisible damage boost. I Actually used Gas damage on my heat dagger since it worked so well with the charge + invis buff. I could charge a heavy gunner from behind and he and his friends would take 1k+ gas damage per second because it proc'd so often.

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As far as i can see in most RPGs Daggers follow the idea that for the short range you have with it that you could either get a very high critical chance (including backstab mulitipliers), very high chance of dealing a status effect (often damage over time effects) or just plain a lot of base damage.


This is often combined with a very high attack speed in order to get the attack done as soon as you are in range. Seldomly or never have i seen daggers which are supposed to be slower than a two handed battle axe.


Same goes for other games with dagger or knife type weapons. Heck, look at many modern military shooters were the knife is a one-hit kill type of weapon. So it's not like the trend is only in RPGs.


However we have seen that the devs see Warframe as a quasi-rpg. Scott himself using RPG terms to describe Warframes like Caster and Tank. Which means comparing melee weapons to RPG counterparts should be legit.


So it's kind of perplexing to see how Daggers not only fail to live up to their RPG counterparts, no crit focus, no high damage focus and now slow attack speed, but seem to get worse with each new weapon. What are they thiking?

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