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Ps4 Login Failed / Timed Out [Megathread]


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Yes, PSN is down and Lizard Squad is taking credit:






Super awesome start to my weekend...

Ya know I honestly see them as the kid on the play ground that takes someone else's ball and gets extreme enjoyment out of it. 

Edited by (PS4)immanks102
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I like how they do this while this event is going on and I've got a 3-day booster going on all while trying to get enough prime parts to get primed flow for the 1 day I have left while the void trader is still here. Peachy. Just dust in the wind I guess.

Edited by (PS4)VariantX7
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Everything seems to be going good now.  If anyone hasn't yet you are going to have to change your password to log back into the PSN.  Sony issued a mandatory password reset last night.  Hope you still have access to your emails....lol


Is that a global reset or country specific?  I live in the UK and have had absolutely no notification, mandatory or otherwise, regarding a password reset. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Login issue 1/06/15


Tried to login after changing one thing in options, told to reset after doing said change and now every time I re log onto the game it tells me "Login failed. Check your info". Seriously, how can it go from working 100% to instant fail in the span of less than 10 mins? :x


Things I have tried to speed up a fix:


Resetting the modem = same thing sadly

Ensuring that it is not a PSN fault = check though zero fix.


Things am in process of doing:


*Writing support ticket

* Re installing app if support turns up nothing.



Update: After resetting the modem for the 10th time and reinstalling the app it seems to have fixed the connection issue finally :3

Edited by (PS4)Destroyr34
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I've been playing this game for going on 3 months now and with the introduction of this new update, that brought about new programing code for the network connections, I've been getting random kicks from the server.  At first I tried all steps mentioned in the other threads except initializing the system, because I'm literally not doing that until everything doesn't work.  With the deletion and reinstall of Warframe I went from having login errors and inability to host/join/invite to getting more logouts in the middle of missions and unable to invite/join/host with certain people.  I feel like the new network code and my ISP do not get along, due to me having a satellite ISP.  The ping/latency is possibly the culprit and there is nothing more that I can do on my end so I'm hoping you can make the network code more compatible with satellite connections.  Thank you.

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