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Cover Mechanic Other Then Crouching


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Just like the title says.  Not sure if its been suggested before but I think gameplay would be improved with a cover system similar to Mass Effect or Gears of War.  I think sticky cover could help improve stealth gameply as well, allowing a way to easily peek around corners, and track enemies.

Love the mod system, love the crafting system since items do not have too many individual components, with very easy to understand recipes.  Love mission select.  Overall great game.



 Let me clarify what I mean by sticky cover.  I wouldn't want a change to movement, such as pressing the dash button, running into a wall and getting stuck there.  I would want the ability to press my back to the wall at my discretion, toggling myself in and out of cover.  Not an automated feature, such as Gears of War, which would create a negative impact on mobilty imoa.  So i suppose my original comparison to GOW wasn't the best.  I'd rather have it more like Splinter Cell, strictly as a player option.  Hope this helps.

Edited by Orimaarko
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Warframe is meant to be a fast paced game. I actually would like to have sticky cover IF warframe was more strategy and whatnot. Sticky cover would make warframe VERY Slow paced, and maybe even make people a bit OP.

 Have you played ME3 multiplayer or Gears?  Neither is slow at all, and the cover system adds a level of precision to the controls that Warframe is missing.


Additionally if the dev wanted an entirely fast paced experience, why include any stealth elements in the game at all.  Having sticky cover options doesn't mean a player has to use them.

Edited by Orimaarko
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Actually I played a bit of Gears of War, but I have played a Sh*t ton of Ghost Recon Online.

GRO imo gave one of the best cover mechanics, but it slowed it down, because your staying in one spot dispatching enemies, and clearing the whole area while taking next to no damage. Same goes for GoW, except I admit GoW made it faster BUT still your dispatching tons of people.

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The Devs themselves have tried sticky cover as a mechanic and agreed together in the past that it indeed severely obstructed the fast flow of gameplay and decided against implementing sticky cover.  Not only would sticky cover slow the game down, but it was made clear that Warframe was not originally designed to be another tactical shooter; even now the Devs are trying to stay away from the pvp tactical shooters that so dominate the F2P Shooter game genre available now.  As discussed in what I believe was the second livestream, the devs decided against it as a whole and will by all probability not add it into the game anytime in the future.

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The Devs themselves have tried sticky cover as a mechanic and agreed together in the past that it indeed severely obstructed the fast flow of gameplay and decided against implementing sticky cover.  Not only would sticky cover slow the game down, but it was made clear that Warframe was not originally designed to be another tactical shooter; even now the Devs are trying to stay away from the pvp tactical shooters that so dominate the F2P Shooter game genre available now.  As discussed in what I believe was the second livestream, the devs decided against it as a whole and will by all probability not add it into the game anytime in the future.

Good to know. Sadly it's also probably a deal breaker for me. I much prefer the tactical options afforded by sticky cover. Its why I didn't play Army of Two much and will probably mean I'll spend my money elsewhere. I see it as "Why have a third person shooter without the key game play element that separates FPS from TPS. "

Thx for the info.

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Good to know. Sadly it's also probably a deal breaker for me. I much prefer the tactical options afforded by sticky cover. Its why I didn't play Army of Two much and will probably mean I'll spend my money elsewhere. I see it as "Why have a third person shooter without the key game play element that separates FPS from TPS. "

Thx for the info.


This is in no way a tactical game. Think more hack and slash with shooting elements. So Ninja gaiden with guns. or the (it wasn't that bad) Ninja Assassin movie if the protagonist had an AK strapped to his back, And used it. Lots. That said i wish the melee elements were fleshed out some. Cover mechanic isn't necessary. You have a crouch button for a reason.

Edited by xStonedRaveNx
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Good to know. Sadly it's also probably a deal breaker for me. I much prefer the tactical options afforded by sticky cover. Its why I didn't play Army of Two much and will probably mean I'll spend my money elsewhere. I see it as "Why have a third person shooter without the key game play element that separates FPS from TPS. "

Thx for the info.


Well if you liked those systems so much why not just play GRO or GOW?

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Well if you liked those systems so much why not just play GRO or GOW?

Really? The community could do with far less of your attitude, the only way warframe thrives and continues to grow, is through the support of a strong expanding community. If you want the game to fail, continue about your business S#&$ting on everyone's parade telling them not to bother playing.

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Really? The community could do with far less of your attitude, the only way warframe thrives and continues to grow, is through the support of a strong expanding community. If you want the game to fail, continue about your business S#&$ting on everyone's parade telling them not to bother playing.


What parade he already said it not having sticky cover it is a deal breaker. He never became a player or a customer in the first place.

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Actually I played a bit of Gears of War, but I have played a Sh*t ton of Ghost Recon Online. GRO imo gave one of the best cover mechanics, but it slowed it down, because your staying in one spot dispatching enemies, and clearing the whole area while taking next to no damage. Same goes for GoW, except I admit GoW made it faster BUT still your dispatching tons of people.


The only time Gears isn't slow in pacing is when you're playing online against other people. The only way it's fast is just the intensity of it and the need to move from spot to spot. The movement and all is also much more sluggish and restrictive than this game as well. This really wouldn't benefit from a cover system. I would rather it keep its current style where I'm on the move trying to shoot enemies than trying to stay behind a wall and pop them without getting shot.


Gears is also slowed down quite  a lot when playing high difficulties where popping out for more than a split second can get you killed, so you literally can't come out at times or you just die. That doesn't feel like this game at all.

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Really? The community could do with far less of your attitude, the only way warframe thrives and continues to grow, is through the support of a strong expanding community. If you want the game to fail, continue about your business S#&$ting on everyone's parade telling them not to bother playing.

Whoa, chill out kiddo. The guy said he liked the mechanics of another game better, and Tetsmeha said "well, if you like those games better, then why don't you play them?" It's a fair question.


It's not as if he said GET OUT NO1 LIKES U N UR DUMB. ヽ(`Д´#)ノ Everyone keep calm and step away from the keyboard. (╹◡╹)


I definitely think WARFRAME has more in common with Bayonetta and Vanquish than with Gears of War, but I wouldn't mind if there was a "take cover" button. Still, I really agree with the other posters -- and the developers -- that it's not necessary, and doesn't really fit the style of the game.

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Well I know I'm not alone.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/31183-utterly-bored-with-this-game-now/


Well if you liked those systems so much why not just play GRO or GOW?

I said I would didn't I?  ME3 multiplayer is fantastic and I've already logged well over 200 hours into it.  I'll play this some still, but won't be putting any money into it atm.  And I am a potential customer for the devs, the most important kind.  They don't have my money yet and have yours already, and I think they'd prefer that I spend mine here. 


The stealth needs fleshed out more and, if the responses to this post are any indication, that won't be happening, since more stealth would slow gameplay considerably.

From initial plays of the game I received the impression the devs wanted a flexible combat system, one either fast or slow, since stealth has been somewhat incorporated into the game and there's a sticky post regarding future stealth additions.  The only other action stealth game I can think of is SC: Conviction, and that too has the option to stick to walls if wanted.  If stealth is a priority, I think sticky cover can be a huge leap for that style of play, so I made the suggestion. 

Again, just because a mechanics in a game, doesn't mean players have to use it. Seems like the responders in this post wouldn't use it even if it were an option.  I think that kind of flexibilty and decision making would be an incredible asset to any game, and I can't think of one that provides its players with that much freedom in how to play, choosing between either cover to cover "slow" crawl, or all you can shoot "hack and slash" , and anything in between.   

I'll revisit from time to time to see what changes are about.  Games in beta are always on the move.

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The biggest issue with sticky cover is this:

You go to do some parkour around some cover and suddenly find yourself hiding behind a wall.

That would ruin the flow of gameplay and movement and limit/cause big issues with the parkour and ninja movement they are trying to include.

Either the cover is too sticky so you constantly get stuck on it when trying to quickly go over things or its not sticky enough making it nearly impossible to actually get into properly and use.

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The biggest issue with sticky cover is this:

You go to do some parkour around some cover and suddenly find yourself hiding behind a wall.

That would ruin the flow of gameplay and movement and limit/cause big issues with the parkour and ninja movement they are trying to include.

Either the cover is too sticky so you constantly get stuck on it when trying to quickly go over things or its not sticky enough making it nearly impossible to actually get into properly and use.


Couldn't agree more.  See my edit for clarification.

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Edited original post for clarification.

What your describing is more of a hard cover rather then sticky cover.

Sticky cover is where when you get close enough to cover you suddenly stick to it and enter cover regardless if that was your intention or not.  When you made your comparisons to ME3 and GOW that just reinforced that that was what you were wanting to get implemented.  That would thuroughly ruin the parkour aspects of gameplay.

Having a button to toggle between in and out of cover would also be a step away from the fast-paced action that the devs want in this game.  They dont want the game to turn into a series of pop into cover, poke your head up and shoot and then duck back down to cover to avoid retaliation

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The stealth needs fleshed out more and, if the responses to this post are any indication, that won't be happening, since more stealth would slow gameplay considerably.


This is honestly one of the stupidest things you could have said as well as one of the dumbest leaps of logic. Stealth is optional, stealth has nothing to do with being stuck to a wall and designing the game to stick you to walls at all. Did I mention polishing stealth is nothing at all like introducing a sticky cover system?

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What your describing is more of a hard cover rather then sticky cover.

Sticky cover is where when you get close enough to cover you suddenly stick to it and enter cover regardless if that was your intention or not.  When you made your comparisons to ME3 and GOW that just reinforced that that was what you were wanting to get implemented.  That would thuroughly ruin the parkour aspects of gameplay.

Having a button to toggle between in and out of cover would also be a step away from the fast-paced action that the devs want in this game.  They dont want the game to turn into a series of pop into cover, poke your head up and shoot and then duck back down to cover to avoid retaliation


Then why feature stealth mechanics?  We'll call it hard cover then, and a hard cover system would improve stealth play imo.  I'll be sure to go put it into the pinned stealth post.  It's the option I want, so if I want to solo stealth a mission I can.  Then if I join a team in online play, I go balls to walls with the rest of them, and never think about entering cover.  Additionally, a "hard cover" option would be an excellent addition for snipers on defense maps, allowing them to take cover while reloading from a perch.


Just a few ways a cover system could be utilized by a player without interfering with the fast pace play style of others. 

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