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Xbox One 14.5- Updating Issues


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This is just getting annoying, I've still trying to update the game, have managed to get it from 900,000KiB odd to 100,000KiB.

I, like many others, work for a living and only have a couple of hours a day to play this game, and not being able to is getting frustrating. I've re-started the game 100+ times now at least, with no success on getting more than like 5% of the update at a time getting the "Some content updates could not be downloaded.....". This is probably mainly due to my S#&$ty connection (sky provider) - 3mb down 2 up, at most I'm downloading at a terrible speed of tops 500,000B/s, averaging less than 100,000B/s

Have reading from page 6 of this thread, from my understanding this downloading issue should have been fixed by now.


Is there any update on this??


As a web developer myself, I am very disappointed with the poor quality of this update with the many issues followed. How can code this bad be allowed to go live with obviously without the proper testing before hand!


EDIT: having getting home from work at ~21:10 (UK time), I've gone from 260,000 Kib to the 100,000Kib as mentioned above, and its now 23:15 - as of time edited

Edited by (XB1)chroniX Knight
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:~: I GOT IT TO WORK!!! :~:


So this is what I did:


Another user mentioned that if you keep restarting the update, it'll eventually succeed: 

* The reason why is because despite the update requiring a restart, it will still save the partial progress. You'll notice that each restart of the update goes quicker and the total file size of the update becomes smaller. So after updating in partitions I got it to work. (Hopefully this is the case for everyone).


However I did take necessary precautions:


- I turned off wifi from all wifi streaming devices and turned themselves off as well.

- I left xbox parties and made sure all apps were closed on the console other than Warframe.

- I reset my router and used the least amount of ethernet cables required for the xbox's connection.

After all these steps I finally got through. In case it helps, my internet speed is 2.8 Mb/s and I download at an average of 300 Kb/s. I hope this helps anyone who is still having trouble! If not, then I guess patience is the only alternative for now :/.

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This is absolutely pathetic. It's beyond believable that this problem has persisted for so long, and rather than make the situation better this 'hotfix' has actually made everything worse. I used to be able to download small chuncks at a time and I had actually almost made it half way through updating, and now since this hotfix I can't even get past checking updates before it crashes and tells me to restart Warframe. I have never before in my life posted on a forum, and yet here I am because this is such a massive freaking mess.

Obviously One more person expressing their outrage at this isn't going to fix the problem any faster, but seriously the lack of communication between DE and their customers is disgusting. We haven't heard a single thing apart from that a fix is supposedly in Microsoft's hands waiting to be certified, and that's going to take who knows how long. And everyone arguing over compensation, it's almost laughable, like DE cares at all. Sure this is a free game and you can't get compensated for something you didn't purchase, except for the tonne of people who have paid for platinum, myself being just one of those, bought things like boosters which are going to waste, things being rushed in the foundery for absolutely no reason now, basically just throwing the platinum down the drain, time spent farming for kubrows which are currently being neglected and dying is now time wasted, daily login rewards have been lost and will now take a week to get back, the list goes on.

Again, obviously DE isn't going to give out free platinum, for one they don't care (go ahead and prove me wrong), secondly there is no fair way to distribute it. What I do demand from them is a formal apology. I have never come across in all my years of gaming a mess like this. When are we going to hear anythign from DE? When are they going to tell us if they're going to extend the event for those who haven't been able to access their game because of their royal screw up? When are they going to talk to us at all? Seriously the entire customer relations team should be fired. Or maybe they're too busy bending over for the favoured PC and PS4 crowd which are still able to pull out their wallets and dump all their money into the absuldrly overpriced platinum and prime bundles to be able to take a single look at the forums and see that people are angry and frustrated as hell and that their attempts at fixing this has only made it worse. People posted as soon as that hotfix dropped that it only made things worse, but have we seen it remedied? No, of course we haven't. Pull your heads out and fix this, now, and start actually listening and talking to your customers. F*** me...

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