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Loki's Switch Teleport ability


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ive been playing with the loki warframe since i was invited to the closed beta, i really love this warframe. However there is one slight thing i dont like about it, and thats the teleport ability. the switch teleport ability says it confuses the enemy, how ever if you use the power the ememy is not confused at all, if you use this on an enemy thats shooting at you he will still continue to shoot at you after you switch teleport with him, wheres the "confusion". it would be really cool if you used this ability on an enemy and he started shooting at his own teamates or something. i just find i hardly ever use this ability, this may not be true for some but i would like to get your guys opinion on the matter. should they re-vamp his switch teleport ability?

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I agree with you in that the ability at present is kind of useless, especially for its power cost, but don't feel like it should "confuse" enemies in the same sense that it means to "confuse" enemies in other games (confusion = attack your own allies).

Instead, I would propose that the swap target be disoriented for a few seconds, effectively taking it out of combat while repositioning the targeted enemy and yourself as usual. How would this help? This change could allow you to use swap teleport to remove a strong enemy (grineer heavies) from combat for a short duration, which would buy you time to deal with the other threats in the room, and then deal with the heavy guy.

Even still though, there aren't units tough enough currently to even warrant needing to use the ability, even if it were modified in the aforementioned way. It's just a troll skill imo :p

Also reduce its energy cost, because it is way, way too high for this skill. The devs were all hyped about how it would be cool to use in combination with Loki's decoy ability, but the two together costs 100 power...the only thing I could even think of using that combo for is to traverse annoyingly long distances or get through buggy laser fences. Otherwise, I'd much rather use 2 invisbilities or a radial disarm.

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Yea i feel you @therealtuna, i like your idea on taking a guy out the fight. i really dont care what they do with the power besides make it usefull lol. like you said it cost way to much energy and its almost pointless, im sure some people will say they have creative ways in usuing this ability. i do like this switch teleport skill, but it just needs tweaked to have a more signifcant reason to use it.

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Another possibility for this skill would be to add an extra effect to it - for example, when you're teleported, you will knock down all enemies standing around you. Or blind them. Or perhaps even the radial disarm effect could come into play.

For myself, though, I'm aiming to switch to the Trinity warframe as soon as I've collected all the materials needed for it (where art thou, chassis blueprints? ; _ ;). The one thing I really, really liked with the Loki warframe was the invisibility (standing still with the GORGON, blasting bosses and heavies - aww yeah), but as I've already upgraded a weapon, I can only afford to go pro with one warframe as of now, and I'm aiming for Trinity... Which leaves me unable to use Loki to it's full potential. I mean, I have ten or eleven points just sitting there in the pool...

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I want it to have the same range as Decoy. The current range is so small, the few times I would want to swap teleport with someone on the other side of a room, they're too far away. But as pointed out, swaping places with someone 5 ft in front of you does nothing. They arn't confused or disoriented; they just turn around and continue shooting you.

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I agree.

I never use this ability, it's just a waste of energy.

Do you know what it should do? After the switch, the enemies should act exactly as you were invisible for a few seconds. That would be cool. They wouldn't shoot at you because it would be like you were gone! After that few seconds, they would re-spot you.

That's my opinion.

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Do you know what it should do? After the switch, the enemies should act exactly as you were invisible for a few seconds. That would be cool. They wouldn't shoot at you because it would be like you were gone! After that few seconds, they would re-spot you.

It would be harder but the best would be to have them switch focus to the enemy you teleported with and shoot them!

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It would be harder but the best would be to have them switch focus to the enemy you teleported with and shoot them!

I was like, "What the hell?", when I was teleported so suddenly. Turned out to be my ally wanting me to clear the room. People really need to make full use of the VoIP system and at least inform the players when you want to teleport them.

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I was like, "What the hell?", when I was teleported so suddenly. Turned out to be my ally wanting me to clear the room. People really need to make full use of the VoIP system and at least inform the players when you want to teleport them.

It adds something unexpected and interesting to gameplay that's a tad bland at the moment.

Edited by MegatechBody
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It adds something unexpected and interesting to gameplay that's a tad bland at the moment.

I agree. Still, that guy should've informed me. I could have died if I don't act fast at that moment (considering how weak I am, and I am the weakest of all).

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I agree. Still, that guy should've informed me. I could have died if I don't act fast at that moment (considering how weak I am, and I am the weakest of all).

Yeah I think since I've only had it happen to me a few times and I don't fear dying much I find it more amusing than anything, but if a player spammed it or it happened often I think it would get on my nerves.

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Do you know what it should do? After the switch, the enemies should act exactly as you were invisible for a few seconds. That would be cool. They wouldn't shoot at you because it would be like you were gone! After that few seconds, they would re-spot you.

why not just have all the hostiles just de-agro you(except the one you switched with). or even shoot the person that you just switched with. thus it would add a use to the switch teleport on a boss or heavy unit that is not = to dropping them into a pit.

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While i've never played with the Loki frame, i always thought that switch teleporting an enemy would: a. make you temporarily "invisible" to the enemy group you teleported into and b. cause the enemies to fire on the teleported enemy for a short while. If that doesn't happen then, indeed, what is the point?

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