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Open Beta Agreement. Little Shock, But Not Really A Surprise.


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...methinks I should make another General Disclaimer thread on the topic of resets. >_>


BloodDoll, is English not your native language? Apologies if I'm wrong, but it's possible some things are getting lost in translation here. 

No it's not my native language (half Japanese), so sorry if what I write is tough to read. I try my best.


I wish they would offer optional refunds. I'm really saddened by this. It's not just this thread but some other issues that bother not only me but a good amount of other friends of mine on steam, raptr and some here I talk to.

Edited by BloodDoll
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You are talking about the optional reset that is going to happen with U8, and in no way they are saying that they are going to make a mandatory reset now or with Update 8. They are covering their bases and making sure people understand that a mandatory reset COULD happen, when the beta ends or at any given point they deem fit. Which is actually, nothing new and was known from the very beggining

Yap, that's what i am feared of. 

At current stage End-game is pure farmer. And even if you dedicate to that kind of endgame, reset will simply "crush" you. I can't endure knowing that there is possibility that my endless farm efforts will be nuked down. 

It's understandable for Closed Beta, because every game cleans up after Closed Beta. 

But rarely any F2P game cleans up during OB (Actually non that i know of) . 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Y'know how a lot of restaurants/stores have signs saying "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"?


... When was the last time you were refused service at one of those?


I saw this drunk guy get refused service at an Olive Garden. And some A****** at Cheddar's.

Edited by FatalX7
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If they do have to reset everyones accounts due to some major technical failure, then they would inform us, and considering the devotion that DE has to the games fan base at the moment, I have a feeling they may compensate us for doing so.


They have also said, that the reset that comes at the end of Open Beta, is purely optional. By your choice, you can either reset your account back to 0, and have no frames or weapons OR, you can keep all your weapons, frames and whatnot, but lose all of your stats. This is so that at the end of the beta, everyone starts on the same level, with a wipe to the leaderboards.


You went into the game knowing that this could be the case, I fail to see a problem. If they do have to reset, I won't mind, I'll just do it all again!

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The only reason that could force them to reset all our characters and progression would be a very huge rewriting of the source code of the game that wouldn't work with previous builds, which is still very rare among all video games. Plus, I think I heard them during last streaming saying clearly that "reset option will be given because players asked for it, and only for those who want it". So don't panic .. Sometimes when reading video games forums I feel like reading school girlies crying for nothing. Sometimes there are good reasons to be worried about, but this isn't one.

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Yes cover thy arse is indeed the golden rule of bis. I'm going to keep playing in good faith that they are just covering thy arse. Having said that though I think it will be likely i wouldn't hang around much longer if I lose everything I've worked for and wasn't compensated for it in some way. If they do I won't be upset at all but probably be moving on to something else.

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Also if everyone thinks this is bad you should see the agreements most game devs have to sign in order to work somewhere. The non compete usually contains something like up to 6 months of you departure we are allowed to keep you from working wherever we feel like. First time I saw that I freaked out a little bit. Fortunately never heard of anyone enforcing that on peons like me before.

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This is mainly to protect DE from any suits or problems a player may bring up if they have to reset the account for any reason, such as Optional resets which the player agrees with, and also any unseen exploits that were un-seeable or unprovable that the player had done.

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