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Petition To Bring Back The Original Moa Design.


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This game is supposed to be happening thousands of years in the future and the technologically advanced Corpus should be showing some of that advancement. The new boxy jointy designs makes it looks like there are


This thing was a perfect design because it didnt look like anything that will be seen soon. It does look like something from a different era.







I totally agree with you. The thing I love most about this game's aesthetic is the super futuristic, almost biological technology (especially the Saryn and Ash) I don't hate the new design but it is definitely less unique and less hyper-futuristic looking.

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I totally agree with you. The thing I love most about this game's aesthetic is the super futuristic, almost biological technology (especially the Saryn and Ash) I don't hate the new design but it is definitely less unique and less hyper-futuristic looking.


FFS the Corpus aren't supposed to look biological, thats the Tenno's job. Also, if you'll recall, the Jackal had the "boxy jointy" design from the get go. Why can't people accept change and deal with it? The new models are more detailed anyways.

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FFS the Corpus aren't supposed to look biological, thats the Tenno's job. Also, if you'll recall, the Jackal had the "boxy jointy" design from the get go. Why can't people accept change and deal with it? The new models are more detailed anyways.


Jack is a prototype, looking incomplete is no problem with a prototype. And lets not forget that we shoot the legs to bring the Jackal down so the game itself shows how this is a weak point. With mass produce stuff you should not have it looking like something that just came out of R&D.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Jack is a prototype, looking incomplete is no problem with a prototype. And lets not forget that we shoot the legs to bring the Jackal down so the game itself shows how this is a weak point. With mass produce stuff you should not have it looking like something that just game out of R&D.


Hyena has the design too, and so far as I know, it was already out of the prototype phase when you fought it.

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Hyena has the design too, and so far as I know, it was already out of the prototype phase when you fought it.


J-3 Golems looks like a normal Ancient but he is now being turned into some sort of giant chicken. Stuff can be changed.

As long as it makes sense and it looks good....

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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J-3 Golems looks like a normal Ancient but he is now being turned into some sort of giant chicken. Stuff can be changed.

As long as it makes sense and it looks good....


Well, the new MOA design makes sense and looks good.



Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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I'm getting that now too. The Orokyn are blingy, the Tenno are biotech, the Grineer are round and the Corpus are retro-futurist. The new design works better for them from a character design standpoint.

And this person actually getst he point.


Yes, although Corpus are meant to be advanced, they advanced for efficiency not appearance. If they wanted a good appearance they wouldn't wear bloody boxes on their heads. If the organic looking armor the original design had gave them more defense in the leg (against guns like boltor it really wouldn't) enough for it to be worth the increase in cost, Corpus would. But the current Model of moa are probably, although less aestheticly alien and futuristic, more efficient to build. Hence the idea of rapid deployment. But iof the Rapid Deployment ones are just as effective as the front line what's the point in the front-line model if it's more expensive but just as effective?.


Corpus may be scientists but they're also business men, cheap greedy business men. Why do you think they make some of their crew use Prods.


"Don't worry they got this, there's no way they don't got this"

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And this person actually getst he point.


Yes, although Corpus are meant to be advanced, they advanced for efficiency not appearance. If they wanted a good appearance they wouldn't wear bloody boxes on their heads. If the organic looking armor the original design had gave them more defense in the leg (against guns like boltor it really wouldn't) enough for it to be worth the increase in cost, Corpus would. But the current Model of moa are probably, although less aestheticly alien and futuristic, more efficient to build. Hence the idea of rapid deployment. But iof the Rapid Deployment ones are just as effective as the front line what's the point in the front-line model if it's more expensive but just as effective?.


Corpus may be scientists but they're also business men, cheap greedy business men. Why do you think they make some of their crew use Prods.


"Don't worry they got this, there's no way they don't got this"


We're pretty much going in circles with these arguments imo.  Those who personally find the new models more aesthetically pleasing will come up with their own backstory for the Corpus that justifies said art direction, as examplified by your post here. 


I can probably come up with an equally feasible backstory that justifies the old models.  Let me try:


The Corpus are technologically advanced in the sense that they are able to build animal-like proxies (the "soldiers" of their faction) like the Hyena, the Jackal, the Moa and the Ospray, to do the soldiering work for them, as opposed to having to do the heavy fighting themselves.  These machines are designed for combat and are advance enough to operate independent of control by say an operator or a crewman.  The Crewmen on the other hand, are not really the "soldiers" of Corpus, hence they are called "Crewmen"; they may stand in for security, but that's about it... they are really just people in spacesuits.  Saying that since the Crewmen have square helmets, then the Moas should have angly, square legs is about as strange as saying since US Army tanks have metal platings and treadmills, the mechanics who built the tanks and the soldiers who fight alongside the tanks should wear metal exoskeletons and run on rollerblades too.  It just doesn't make sense.


And here is some backstory/background for the Moa that will make sense for both the older and newer models to exist in the game:


The old Moa models are built by the Corpus before the Tenno started to invade their territory and putting down mass numbers of their troops, hence these are the earlier versions, and they take longer to build, are more life-like.  However, since the start of the Tenno onslaught, Corpus scientists and mechanics have deemed the older models too cost-inefficient, and opted for the newer, less sophisticated and more mechanical models, that are cheaper and faster to mass-produce, to fill the Corpus ranks that are hollowed out by the Tenno.  


(Edit: think Halo's Spartans.  You have the older, more awesome Spartan IIs.  And then you have the newer, cheaper-to-train, mass-produced Spartan IIIs and IVs.)


See, it all works!

Edited by Gestalt
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  • 4 months later...

Wow, old thread, relevant topic.

Now that Corpus will expand, they are sure to get new units.

However, since moas need to be more unique, the old design is worth mentioning.

Corpus found the solar rails, in the abandoned complexes they found blueprints of Orokin machines..

The discoverys advanced their own tech, but they found thinking machines, and superstitious as they were believed tech need rituals to function.

They reverse-engineered moas, osprays and warframes.

The result is a natural blend of the organic and structured.

So the old organic more Orokin tech may be part of new discoveries.

They even have temples and a Hive Mind on their ships. You tell me what that means...

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*Nekros casts shadow of the dead on this thread!!!*

F YEAH~~~~~

And good idea about reintroducing the organic moas, as the Corpus is indeed going to receive some love in terms of lore, environment, and most like new units in the next patches.

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It is a design issue. The Corprus make very rigid, blocky, mechical forms when building anything from ships to armor. even helmets. the older, organic Moa actually look almost more like something that would match with Grineer designs than Corprus. That doesnt make it a bad design, just a bad fit for the MODERN Corpies.

Having some OLDER moa scattered in, or maybe Moa built as part of a Grineer deal (since there are apparently some negotiations and trade between them) would still work great.

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