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Ps4 Renown Pack Ii


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I clicked into the Renown Pack II pretty excited - there's another Renown Pack!



To say that I was disappointed is kind of an understatement, after we've read in here that the message had been delivered that Obsidian needed more Wow Factor or some such.



This is just some Train of Thought I'm going to reinact here:


"Yay, Renown Pack II!"


"Okay, it's a Lato and Skana.  An Obsidian Lato and an Obsidian Skana.  They look pretty neat, I guess they're animated?"


"Oh.  It's not an Obsidian Lato and Obsidian Skana.  They're skins."


"They're skins for the garbage Lato and the garbage Skana."



Nobody uses those weapons any longer than they have to.  They're terrible.  They're not really viable after Earth.


I mean... just.






Renown Pack II, it's only two weapons.  Heck, it's not just two weapons, it's two of the worst weapons.  Why skimp on a Primary?  You know there are two models of Braton - three if the PS4 ever gets the Vandal?  Two Gorgon models?  This doesn't even support Aklato, you know?  There are two kinds of Furis and the paired Afuris that would have been better served with these skins.  Vasto, Akvasto.  Or maybe actually wow us with Magnus, Akmagnus.  You know what makes sense, Obsidian treatment on the Dark Sword and Dark Dagger - they're actually kind of obsidian, and they're actually kind of useful!  Point blank, you need to shoot at gear that isn't starter gear, and a chintzy two weapons out of all of these weapons in Warframe is a weak effort.  This should have a Primary weapon in it.  It should support an Obsidian Aklato.  If you want Wow Factor, toss in another couple weapon skins after that.  REALLY try to please some people, man!

It's a good looking set of skins that you've wasted on some of the worst, earliest, starter noob weapons in the game.  Weapons with no longevity.  You guys produced handsome skins this time, no doubt, but you put a fresh coat of paint on garbage.  When you produced skins for Steam, you chose weapons with some longevity and mid-to-late game viability, and some things that were purely cosmetic and were immune to scaling issues like a skin for Rhino.  Steam got nice work for the Drakgoon, an exceptional shotgun.  The ever-popular Galatine.  Vasto.  Akvasto.

If this is how Obsidian is going to continue, it was seriously dead in the water with Renown Pack I.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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You must not be using them right.


I use my non-forma'd Skana in T4...and with Crimson Dervish, it can kill pretty much every enemy in a few hits...

My 8 forma skana (/w catalyst) is viable to the end of time. Nuff said.


The Lato is viable (for me) until ~Saturn. I've used 8 forma on this model, as well as a catalyst; took some patience and time, but I mainly play lower-level missions now to aid new players.


My MK1 Braton is viable to T3, 6 forma & Catalyst.

Standard Braton is viable to the end of time with catalyst and 8 forma, just like Skana.


Excalibur is viable to end game, depending on play style. So yeah, all starter weapons are viable to mid-late game. If you think the Lato and Skana are the "worst" weapons, you're...out of your mind.


The reason they were included is because the Lato and Skana are easily recognized by all Tenno, and serve as a symbol of Warframe. Even the Skana codex description says it's a "Pillar of Tenno Culture"


Edit: Besides, true Tenno know how to make any weapon useful ;) no weapon is a "noob weapon" or "trash". It all depends on play style and preference.

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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8 Formae on a Skana?  Pretty overkill, eh?  


Hope that's without a catalyst, because with a catalyst that's ... crazy.  You turned the loser weaksauce noob weapon into something so overdeveloped it can't even use all of its mod capacity points.


Regardless of what you can do with your Skana - with any number of Formae or a Catalyst - all of that effort would be better spent on just about any other weapon in the game.



Because the Skana is starter garbage.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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I bought the Renown Pack II and for some reason I assumed that you would be able to use the lato Obsidian Skin on the Aklato. I was kind of disappointed when I found out I couldn't.

I do like the way the skin looks! Is there any way we could use this skin with aklato? I can't imagine it would be very hard to pull off and it would probably get the skins a lot more visibility and utility... Which would lead to more sales likely.

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Just a skin? My wallet is safe then :o

I don't understand though, what was the point of creating a thread asking us about kind of exclusive items we would want, yet not take into account a single point.

To play Devil's advocate, it drums up attention, makes people think you actually care about your community, and it pushes potential sales even if you never actually considered the ideas that were suggested.

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I just don't understand why they're not sending us their A game material here.



Maybe next time they should figure out what they're willing to work on for this Obsidian business and put it to a community vote or something.



Imagine if they'd done that this time.  I'm betting nobody would have asked for paint jobs on the Lato and Skana.



PLEASE really try to Wow some folks next time, DE.  PLEASE.  Review the things that Steam has gotten if you need a roadmap to the vicinity of Wow.  You've made a good skin this time, now put it on some worthwhile gear. 

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I wonder why they didn't include the Braton family, minus the prime version obviously, in this pack? If the skins were applicable to the original PS4 starting weapon group I would be happier with the purchase. If it could be used on Aklato and dual skanas you would definitely see me running around in a T4 mission struggling and probably dying... with style.

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They really didn't put forth much effort in making this Renown Pack useful.


The skins look great, but they're on two of the worst weapons in the game.



They forgot that these skins would mean they're choosing our weapons for us if we want to use the skins, and the weapons they've chosen for us are garbage starter gear.  On top of that, it's only two pieces of gear, with no Primary support, and they didn't bother copy-and-pasting the Lato and Skana skins onto Obsidian Aklato and Dual Obsidian Skanas options.


They really didn't swing for the fences at all.  They bunted.  They are not trying enough to impress us, wow us, or to sell these Renown packs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see both sides of this.  On the one hand, just about everyone gets a Skana and a Lato to start (unless you picked different weapons in the tutorial), so anyone who buys this can use it.


Conversely, in the last renown pack, we got an exclusive Sydana, which I don't think is available on PC or XB1, so weapon skins for two weapons a lot of folks don't use anymore is a disappointment by comparison.


That said, regardless of whether you want or use the skins, you're still getting plat at 20% off :3

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Yeah, I'm not going to shrug off the platinum, but we can't deny that the platinum is not the selling point.


If this Renown Pack were sans platinum, it would not be very attractive.


In comparison, the Obsidian Syandana stands on its own as a cosmetic item (albeit one with, confoundingly, no color customization at all) since it isn't dependent on anything else.  As a Syandana, it can be perpetually relevant.


The Lato and Skana lose relevance pretty much As Soon As Possible.  As soon as you can get another Secondary and another Melee weapon, players bid adieu to the Lato and Skana.


And, furthermore, it says a lot that they wouldn't copy-and-paste the Obsidian Skins for the Lato and Sakana onto the Aklato and Dual Skanas.  The lack of a Primary to round off the set was also pretty bizarre and contributed to this pack's lack of drive to sell itself through worthwhile content.


Again, great skins, woefully squandered.

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I purchased the Renown Pack II this weekend for the plat, and I noticed that a new Unranked Lato and Skana (I'd sold the ones I had) were placed in my inventory after purchasing the Renown Pack.  I decided to use them since I could use the Mastery points, and it turns out that they both have catalysts installed.  If nothing else, this is incentive for me to try out these old weapons with my current mods just to have fun with them.  Not sure if there were any other takers, but this is a very interesting turn of events.

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FYI they recently changed lato. It used to dismember enemies and corpses, bisecting them and blowing to pieces. Now it doesn't. I had a lvl 30 lato with catalayst already so I've decided to forma it after getting the pack, that was when I've noticed that it lost the only thing it had going for it.

I didn't use Lato very extensively.  I ditched it as soon as I learned the Lex was available as an option with credits.  At this point, I'll deck it out with my super-powered pistol mods and see where it lands me.

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You must not be using them right.


I use my non-forma'd Skana in T4...and with Crimson Dervish, it can kill pretty much every enemy in a few hits...

My 8 forma skana (/w catalyst) is viable to the end of time. Nuff said.


The Lato is viable (for me) until ~Saturn. I've used 8 forma on this model, as well as a catalyst; took some patience and time, but I mainly play lower-level missions now to aid new players.


My MK1 Braton is viable to T3, 6 forma & Catalyst.

Standard Braton is viable to the end of time with catalyst and 8 forma, just like Skana.


Excalibur is viable to end game, depending on play style. So yeah, all starter weapons are viable to mid-late game. If you think the Lato and Skana are the "worst" weapons, you're...out of your mind.


The reason they were included is because the Lato and Skana are easily recognized by all Tenno, and serve as a symbol of Warframe. Even the Skana codex description says it's a "Pillar of Tenno Culture"


Edit: Besides, true Tenno know how to make any weapon useful ;) no weapon is a "noob weapon" or "trash". It all depends on play style and preference.


lmao 8 forma? Either you screwed up a bunch or you did it when you had no idea what you were doing. I saw a 8 forma skana build on Warframe Builder but that build only needs 1 forma to fit everything, with 5 mod points left. Also saying T4 or T3 doesn't mean anything, for all we know you could've left at 5 mins. I'd like to know how well your skana holds up 40+ mins in.


While I do agree that no weapon is trash, the renown packs leave a lot to be desired. I would love to see something that actually makes me want to buy plat rather than just being there if I ever decide I need 75 plat.

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It is nice to hear that the Lato and Skana are provided and each have Catalysts, but this is still a skimpy Renown Pack that services some really weak novice gear, that doesn't supply a Primary weapon, and didn't bother copy-and-pasting the skins into Aklato and Dual Skana skins.

When putting a catalyst on "weak novice gear" and proper modding, you can end up with some pretty crucial weapons.  Don't sell them short just because we started with them.


DE seems to be in such a hurry releasing new content, they're leaving a trail of f***ed up S#&$ behind them...

How do you mean?  This deal may not appeal to you, but it's a far cry from a "trail of [fed] up [tish]."

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Putting a Catalyst and throwing some mods on a weapon doesn't make it special.


That Catalyst and the mods are better used on some other weapon.  All things the same, weak-&#! starter gear is always weak-&#! starter gear.


Throw four Formae on it and it'll be a real contender, sure.  But those four Formae would have been better spent on something else entirely.



See where I'm going with this?  :D

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Putting a Catalyst and throwing some mods on a weapon doesn't make it special.


That Catalyst and the mods are better used on some other weapon.  All things the same, weak-@$$ starter gear is always weak-@$$ starter gear.


Throw four Formae on it and it'll be a real contender, sure.  But those four Formae would have been better spent on something else entirely.



See where I'm going with this?  :D

It makes it special to YOU! :D


Haha, in all seriousness though, I see where you're coming from.  I'm just saying, I'd rather have a Catalyst'd Lato with discount plat than a non-potatoed Lato considering the skins they gave us.  Hornet Strike and the pistol slash mod do wonders for the thing in terms of raw damage numbers.

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Hell sell the dam wepons and you got two weapon slots that is another 12 plat you saved.

ok, this set is epic love taking them in to a match with my proto armoured excal i wuold have really like the braton tho foe the winey buts its another slot and it would look bad &#! on hayden tenno's back

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