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Warframe Overview - The Show About Warframe And Everything In It. ( Show To Be Resumed Soon! Re-Sticky Is Requested. )


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Hello everyone, Its me Alacratha, Youve probably seen a few posts of mine and maybe seen me in game too.

But I come to you here at WARFRAME with something fresh exciting and I think you all will enjoy it.

I am going to be reviewing Every Weapon in the game, Recording Gameplay, giving my thoughts about them and upgrades on what Id recommend.

Now as you may know, we are in a Closed Beta, and Updates to the game are bound to happen.

I will update accordingly, and record a new video if it is needed.

Also keep in mind there will be account resets, so if you see me recording a video with no mods or Upgrades on my gun.. Please dont jump the Gun ( Oh yes terrible pun ) and start saying I dont know what Im talking about unless you have evidence where Im wrong and Ill make a mistake.

Anyways, Shall we?

Here will be a Link to my Channel for all of those people whom would like a link.

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/arrucard1

Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/alacratha
(Shameful Self Adverting I know)

Playlist for WARFRAME Overview:


Ill be starting off with a Basic overview of what this Series is about

WARFRAME Overview - Episode 1 - What this is about


Added: 12/28/2012

Hello Back again this time with a review of it seems everyones favorite Side arm, the AKLATO

WARFRAME Overview - Episode 2 - The AKLATO


Added: 12/28/2012

Alright Throwing another your way, this time the FURAX

WARFRAME Overview - Episode 3 The FURAX



Added: 12/28/12


Change of plans Thought Id make a LATRON video at a later date, but for now here is the STRUN

WARFRAME Overview - Episode 4 The STRUN



Added: 01/01/2013

Howdy Thought Id make an Overview Episode, covering well.. Everything

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 5 Welcome to Beta/WARFRAME 101 Part 1



Added: 01/05/2013

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay on Part 2, I had a ton of issues with Sony Vegas, and
a bit of a scratchy throat. Anywho, youre here for the show

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 6 Welcome to Beta/WARFRAME 101 Part 2




+Added a new Intro/Outro and changed up the recording quality.

Added: 01/07/2013

Howdy So today were doing things Texas Style with a Shotgun called

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 7 The BRONCO



Added: 01/09/2013

BOOM Meet the LATOs weird cousin, the SICARUS

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 8 The SICARUS


Added: 01/10/2013

Finally I bring you another episode of WARFRAME Overview this time with a Big metal Stick- OF PAIN

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 9 The BO




Ready for something dubious? I present the DUAL SKANA

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 10 The DUAL SKANA




I present WARFRAME Overview Episode 11 I am Rhino

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 11 I am Rhino Giveaway video 1 of 3 [ In progress ]



Rolling another one off full of hot molten slag The LEX

WARFRAME - Weapon Overview Episode 12 The LEX Giveaway video 2 of 3 [ In progress ]




And here we are with our last video for a little while, the GORGON feat. Trentacus

WARFRAME - Overview Episode 13 The GORGON Ft.. Trentacus Giveaway video 3 of 3




So.. Ive been kidnapped and Trentacus decided to take over for awhile, and hell be covering the SCINDO

WARFRAME Overview Episode 14 - The SCINDO Ft. Trentacus




Sorry for the delay everyone Been busy, but Ive listened to your guys feedback and adjusted a few things, signed on with a network and more I hope you enjoy.

WARFRAME Overview Episode 15 - The LATRON




Here we go ladies and gents The AKBOLTO

Warframe Overview Episode 16 The AKBOLTO




Throwing another one out there, The HEATSWORD

Warframe Overview Episode 17 The HEATSWORD




Here we go ladies and gents The dealer of Mischief, Loki

Warframe Overview Episode 18 I am Loki Ft. Trentacus



Here we go ladies and gents The BOLTOR~

Warframe Overview Episode 19 - The BOLTOR




Here you go everyone Trentacus brings you another glorious episode covering the SNIPETRON

Warframe Overview Episode 20 The SNIPETRON With Trentacus




Welcome to Open Beta Weekend Feb15th~19th

The WFO Team thought we should make a video for you all to give you a running start




Alright sorry for the delay but here is Episode 21 without further ado, The AFURIS

Warframe Overview - Episode 21 The AFURIS




So it took a little while, but heres Episode 22, the DUAL ZOREN

Warframe Overview Episode 22 - The Dual Zoren




So.. Im kinda Exhausted, and Tired, And well, Its finally done, So Ima sleep now.. Please? I am Excalibur Is finally here @w@

Warframe Overview Episode 23 - I am Excalibur




So.. Heres an Episode.. Yeah Youre Welcome :P The Bratons

Warframe Overview Episode 24 - The BRATON(s)





Warframe Overview Episode - 25 The KRAKEN With Trentacus





Warframe Overview Episode - 26 The Gram




The Lotus, Rises from filth and Decay, and so did this Episode.. Enjoy.

Warframe Overview Episode 27 - I am Lotus - Ft. Rebecca



He is Darkness, He is your Nightmare. He is Ash.

Warframe Overview Episode 28 - I am Ash



Hey everyone, So we got a Classic for you today The Skana(s)

Warframe Overview Episode 29 - The Skana(s)




Hello everyone, back with some more episodes of WFO! ( Sorry for not updating the thread! )

Warframe Overview Episode 30 - The Hek




Heyo! So it's time to bring out one of the purple weapons of justice!

Warframe OVerview Episode 31 - The Amphis




We're back in black, with a special guest of Purplepanda!

Warframe Overview Episode 32 - I am Nyx




HELL YEAH! Internets fixed, and I can finally upload! Kicking it back to the days of old, full of Ice and Cold.


Warframe Overview - Episode 33 - "I am Frost"



We're coming in through the backdoor!- Er.. I mean.. Ah @#$% it. Here's an Episode.
Warframe Overview - Episode 34 - "The Glaive"

Alrighty everyone, it's late, but here it is! The Paris!
Warframe Overview - Episode 35 "The Paris"


Next Video coming soon Ill be having special guests, Trentacus and Matter later on

If youd like to be a special guest let me know in the forums or on my channel

Id like to also offer to the community choices and their picks for what I should review next
Also please tell me what you think of the series and if there is anything I can improve on

Edited by Alacratha
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To balance this, if you want guns that destroys everyting they hit, at least, the guns should be more expensive.....

And I'm not really surprised of reading thos from something that LOVE shotguns, you want that the weapons be somme kind of massive destuction tool and they're not meant to that, the weapons shouldn't kill enemies with one hot, that's why DE included POWERS TO THE WARFRAMES, In my opinion most of weapons are really well balanced (except maybe the Gorgon and Snipertron)

Edited by DeadlyShadow
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To balance this, if you want guns that destoys everyting they hit, at least, the guns should be more expensive.....

I agree, I mean the SNIPERTRON was only what 20k Credits? It needs to be around the cost of a WARFRAME if it's going to be that powerful.

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I agree, I mean the SNIPERTRON was only what 20k Credits? It needs to be around the cost of a WARFRAME if it's going to be that powerful.

yea...should be like that...player can play 1-2 day to get the super op gun to use...it is boring...if u get something so easy.

Edited by Exbeamm
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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying the LEX and so far Sucks A Lot... yeah it does a lot of damage but between a shot and another the standard Lato can make more damage. I'm not convinced by this weapon, i will try to stick with it and see if with some upgrades can do some good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

snipetron costs to much...wen i bought it and used it (beginning to mid levels of the game) versus braton users well pretty much all users outgunned me at the end of result screen i only got like 10-15% damage contribution.

Edited by Montiblanc
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snipetron costs to much...wen i bought it and used it (beginning to mid levels of the game) versus braton users well pretty much all users outgunned me at the end of result screen i only got like 10-15% damage contribution.

Well the SNIPERTRON also is only effective with Headshots, so unless you're really accurate the SNIPERTRON is almost useless. As with the Hip Fire, seeing as the Spread/Cone of Fire is ridiculous.

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I can't wait until you make a video about the... shotgun pistol thing! (forgot the name atm) as with current beta stats it's defined as pistol, has pistol ammo (150) and it's clip size is just 2 shots.

in the video you could talk about how the weapons are all a bit weird due to their 'class' ammo restraints'

example all the other rifles always has a starter of 480 max ammo

all the pistols will have 150.etc etc. you could talk about how that's a bit weird since with the Aklato it's double pistols you'd think there'd maybe be either double the ammo or at least more? (If I dual wielded two guns than one gun I'm pretty sure I've had a little bit more ammo than just the usual one gun amount)

Also maybe a video about all the movements, the forums and most definitely the tutorial do not tell you everything about game play movement.

I'm still trying to figure out how to do a backflip. Saw someone else do so before. kept asking the person, either s\he does not read or simply wouldn't reply.

oh and if you down to this line, whoever, thanks for reading!

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I can't wait until you make a video about the... shotgun pistol thing! (forgot the name atm) as with current beta stats it's defined as pistol, has pistol ammo (150) and it's clip size is just 2 shots.

in the video you could talk about how the weapons are all a bit weird due to their 'class' ammo restraints'

example all the other rifles always has a starter of 480 max ammo

all the pistols will have 150.etc etc. you could talk about how that's a bit weird since with the Aklato it's double pistols you'd think there'd maybe be either double the ammo or at least more? (If I dual wielded two guns than one gun I'm pretty sure I've had a little bit more ammo than just the usual one gun amount)

Also maybe a video about all the movements, the forums and most definitely the tutorial do not tell you everything about game play movement.

I'm still trying to figure out how to do a backflip. Saw someone else do so before. kept asking the person, either s\he does not read or simply wouldn't reply.

oh and if you down to this line, whoever, thanks for reading!

Actually I was probably going to be reviewing the BRONCO after I finish these Two Episodes about WARFRAME. Giving a little bit of an overview to our new Beta Players and some tips and tricks!

And to answer a few questions..

the BRONCO in short is amazing. It's got a quick Fire Rate, and it packs the punch of a Shotgun. Closer to the damage of the BOAR than that of the STRUN.

Ammo wise, I noticed that it's a bit odd for some guns and Side arms to not really pack the same amount of ammo as others.

I.E. Bronco doing more Damage than the FURIS, but has a larger capacity and smaller clip size.

But the AFURIS is an Auto Pistol and should have a MUCH larger pool of ammo for the damage it puts out.

Same with the AKLATO, it should have a larger ammo pool, but it's Clip Size is perfect.

And some Rifles, I.E. Comparing the LATRON vs. the GORGON, some are specifically set that way to compensate for the damage they do and the ammount of bullets they fire.

for example to that..

I like the LATRON, but I'll never run out of Ammo with it even with the fire rate it has and the damage it has. it's well Balanced.

The GORGON on the other hand is a fast firing frenzy of bullets and runs out of ammo faster than you can say.. Actuall never mind, not going to go for a joke with that!

And a Backflip is..

Aiming down the sights ( Right Mouse )

Move Backwards ( S )

Press the Sprint/Roll key ( Shift or V )

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Could you do one about mele combat? Cause the sword play is quite horrible. Unresponsive, slow and ineffective. It feels like a sledge hammer instead of a katana.....

I like the swords except the dual skana :) You can almost kill everyone with one hit (you don't even have to charge on a close combat grineer or on a infected).

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I like the swords except the dual skana :) You can almost kill everyone with one hit (you don't even have to charge on a close combat grineer or on a infected).

Yeah...don't get the dual skana, they're pretty bad. i regret buying them! :(!

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