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First Nail In The Coffin.


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Funny thing is i dont need mods anymore and play with people i meet in council chat just farming rubedo on pluto for them. Just chillin with some music in the background and having a chat as we play through stuff. I just dont like the fact they changed something thats seems so stupid and the reason given is even more stupid. 


You try getting past wave 9 or even getting to 15 in a pug on Xini Viver as the game stands atm. Its not easy. As for only playing with uber geared dudes, the games free and many play free and they dont have what we have and it will be ages before they do. This has just created an even bigger gap between the 2 different types of people playing.


There was nothing wrong with the way it was. If people were gearing to quickly and they cant add content fast enough just lower the drop rates slightly. Making big changes to any game will also cause issues even if its "in beta". Dont realese to open beta untill you have something thats nearly ready or its your own fault for creating situations.

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Play any other MMORPG.


Do you play endgame content with PUGS effectively? Rarely. You do it with people you know, or people who have been recommended to you by people you know.


Or you play with people whom you know you can trust, like as you mentioned, Council chat.


Xini is not easy? Just bring a Nyx or two. You'll change your mind.


Admit it. The "something wrong" was them allowing us to keep mods for NO RISK whatsoever. Yes, perhaps they could "Save" the mods every 5 waves. Wanna know how they can try implementing that?


When you stop whining like a child and suggest it to them like a mature adult would.


You remind me of when the guys at Killing Floor tried to Beta Test their game. #1 issue with the Beta Testers? "Omg its not liek COD".

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Wow died cos it was the same thing over and over again for too many years.

Diablo 3 died from bad decisions being applied to the game.


You have removed 75% of the fun from Warframe for me and my friends with this patch. We loved defense and seeing how far we could push the level of mobs etc. 


YOU say you like the challenge and then say that them adding this new death loss idea is to hard

AND what the heck you bring diablo III into this over something this little

PLUS its called BETA for a reason 

Edited by SeriousPawn
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At wave 10, I ended with 21 mods, over.


At wave 15, I ended up with 19.


At wave 18, I lost 12 or so.  


My point being, I don't mind getting 40 mods in 20 minutes.  And though it's a bummer that I lost 12 mods in 12 minutes, it wouldn't take me  but 5 minutes to get all those mods back.  With that said...  I really dislike infected. lol

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Taking away mods from defense failure.


Find the guy/gal who decided this and hand them their P45 as quick as possible. Do yourselves a favor and stop even more bad decisions like this from being implemented.


We now dont play with our under geared friends or people in public groups as failure isnt an option.

We only play with highly geared friends or people online as failure isnt an option.

Look ^ ^ ^ this is what you have created. This is how you want Warframe to be?


Wow died cos it was the same thing over and over again for too many years.

Diablo 3 died from bad decisions being applied to the game.


You have removed 75% of the fun from Warframe for me and my friends with this patch. We loved defense and seeing how far we could push the level of mobs etc. Now its a Chinese farm fest of 5,10 or 15 rounds and out. If too much loot being dropped in defense is the issue try employing someone who can use a calculator. Sort Nyx's Chaos out so its not so game breaking in defense and people cant push to wave 35+ so easily. Dont ruin the overall feel of the game.


Player death - removal of mods i accept. No revives = your out.

Cyro death - Floor looted items should stay. This would be correct. Did a gnome come and loot my pockets when the cryo was destroyed? Did a hole appear in my little mod bag? Why? Why? Why? dropped loot is NOT a reward.


You farm for loot. You get loot. Your happy. You upgrade.

You get no loot. Your unhappy, Cant upgrade.

You stop playing ^^^ 


You have created a noob vs elite scenario. Noobs will hate elites cos they wont push past wave 10/15 ever and elites will hate noobs cos they cant ever go past wave 15 with them.


Sort it out please. 



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DE_steve is too wrapped up in his new online ego at the moment. Seriously dont quote a guy that has his own head up his own arse from becoming popular due to exposure. The lazy bastard aint even adding locations for weeks and the lady in support said she has to remind him constantly.


I laughed so hard at this, you have no idea. Steve is probably one of the most humble devs you could ever meet. This guy was all flustered when I talked to him, being quite, quite aware of Warframe's shortcomings, much more than the customers. He isn't drining any Koolaid, and he is putting in overtime after overtime. The joke, at DEHQ, goes: "When Steve is still here, you haven't worked long enough this day." And they mean it. This guy is breaking his back over this game. You know what I don't give a rat's arse about? Reading "XxStonefaceKillah187xX" on a mission. Don't give a flying single coitus about it. You know what I do care about? That man working his buttocks off. 'Cause he does, buddy-guy-pal.


We used to talk about taking the game to wave 20. See if people were ok with it and how they felt about the difficulty. Now its just not an option, you just take the loot and run without even being challenged.


You're not an option. I keep enjoying wave 30 Defense, thank you very much. Nothing has changed. You go in, fight to 30, and leave. Not a thing. Just doesn't work with PUGs and never did before, unless you got lucky. Only now you don't get rewarded for failure, and you cannot oxerextend because there are no repercussions. Now they are. Good.


As for only playing with uber geared dudes, the games free and many play free and they dont have what we have and it will be ages before they do.


You don't even know waht you are talking about. We're casually leveling our frame/gear in the process to Wave 30, via bleed XP, grabbing boatloads of mods and resources. No "ubergear" required. I for one went in there sans Focus/Flow/Continuity, with nothing but Reach (uncommon mod) and Streamline for my frames, punched Saryn, and Banshee through to 30 from ... 5, 6, while I was leveling pistols and melee in Defense. So did my buddies.


Dont realese to open beta untill you have something thats nearly ready or its your own fault for creating situations.


You know who shouldn't have gone Open? Firefall. You know who could've gone earlier? Warframe. This game is ready, and it's solid. Still stuff to iron out, but the core is working just fine.

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They could've just made it to where you lost the loot that dropped from the boss if you fail or quit.  That way, defense missions remain unaffected and people are discouraged from boss abort farming.

Edited by Soulie
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The OP is not exactly written in the most proper way, but I have to admit it's not a very wise move. Imagine a player getting THAT drop he/she wanted in a defense mission and thinking to him/herself "finally!", and then 3 toxic ancients show up and murder the pod with extreme prejudice.

Does anyone really think this game needs any more stuff that can make players frustrated?

You should only lose your loot if you abandon the mission or lose your connection. If DE want to make sure that people are not failing missions on purpose to leave early and ruin other players' missions, add a "report" function and start handing out bans.

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what op wrote was a rant, but i agree with his point: what you picked up during the mission is NOT the reward. why should you lose it? the reward is that one common mod the game keeps offering you thru waves 5-15.

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Even if I don't farm defense missions for exp and/or mods, I understand how the OP feels to lose everything you picked up. 


I decided to try to run a defense mission all the way to wave 20; which I did, but the pod died at wave 20 due to a "hidden" Grineer Roller stuck there attacking the pod while we were busy fending off a few Minigunners. Lost 10+ mods in the process. 


To be honest though, I am neither for nor against their decision to do this, since endless defense is like Survival Mode for Warframe. It makes sense that they added a risk factor to Endless Defense missions. However, I do think that this system is just a tad bit unfair that you lose everything.


A suggestion (from a good amount of different people) have popped up saying that you get to keep your rewards starting from the previous checkpoint (continue/exit game). I think that's what they could implement to make it more fair that you keep what you get since the previous checkpoint.


Sure, OP's tone is uncalled for, but he makes a good point.

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The Defense Missions are MEANT To get to nigh unbeatable points, and it is up to you to work out a way with friends, or on the forums to get a group that can do them. I rather LIKE losing mods when I fail, I should not be rewarded for failure, and getting your Mods, the strongest thing in the game even if you fail IS a reward. If your friends are too weak for now, then run them through some lower level content. There is a plethora of Frames that can solo effectively. It is also HIGHLY suggested to bring some sort of AoE monster with you when you do Defense, Be that Nyx, a Supa Tank Rhino, or Banshee to tone down on the sheer number of mobs coming at you.


As far as Ancients go, they are meant to be a Gear check as I see it. If you are struggling more than you should be when you get to them. Get out at the first chance you get. Know what you can and cannot take on, and if you fail you learned your stopping point.



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I find this all kinda funny, because I was under the impression that if you failed you lost everything anyway.

I never found out that you keep the loot even if you fail. :B

People already did leave at wave 15 most often, it was always rare to find a group able to go to wave 20 or wave 25.

And it was only the uber geared people who didn't really care for the mod drops that did go to wave 25.

People, start looking at the challenge ratings of levels and mobs, and play within your skill level. The Dev's shouldn't have to cater to you being under-powered.

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Taking away mods from defense failure.


Find the guy/gal who decided this and hand them their P45 as quick as possible. Do yourselves a favor and stop even more bad decisions like this from being implemented.


We now dont play with our under geared friends or people in public groups as failure isnt an option.

We only play with highly geared friends or people online as failure isnt an option.

Look ^ ^ ^ this is what you have created. This is how you want Warframe to be?


Wow died cos it was the same thing over and over again for too many years.

Diablo 3 died from bad decisions being applied to the game.


You have removed 75% of the fun from Warframe for me and my friends with this patch. We loved defense and seeing how far we could push the level of mobs etc. Now its a Chinese farm fest of 5,10 or 15 rounds and out. If too much loot being dropped in defense is the issue try employing someone who can use a calculator. Sort Nyx's Chaos out so its not so game breaking in defense and people cant push to wave 35+ so easily. Dont ruin the overall feel of the game.


Player death - removal of mods i accept. No revives = your out.

Cyro death - Floor looted items should stay. This would be correct. Did a gnome come and loot my pockets when the cryo was destroyed? Did a hole appear in my little mod bag? Why? Why? Why? dropped loot is NOT a reward.


You farm for loot. You get loot. Your happy. You upgrade.

You get no loot. Your unhappy, Cant upgrade.

You stop playing ^^^ 


You have created a noob vs elite scenario. Noobs will hate elites cos they wont push past wave 10/15 ever and elites will hate noobs cos they cant ever go past wave 15 with them.


Sort it out please. 


Please take the argument that you wish to raid/do end game with your level 1 friend to other games.

Lets see how serious will take you on WoW forums for instance when you state that you have a friend who just joined and wish to play end game with him, so please lower the requirements for every raid and dungeon in the game, so the two of you can play together.


The amount of negative votes you got on your post, mirror the depth of the issue with your stance.

When you wish to compromise, then please visit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/32244-defense-maps-module-loss-upon-failing-a-simple-solutioncompromise/

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Losing everything you picked up because you died is not a challenge.  It is frustrating tedium, because you just wasted however many minutes you managed to survive, which can be pretty damn long if you're getting to high waves on defense missions.


Challenge is the thing that tries to make you die, so you don't get the completion rewards.

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Honestly, I personally don't mind losing mods on fail, but that's just me. However, the best thing I have heard toward defense missions to reach a happy medium was if they were to do a save every 5 missions that you continue to battle out. Ex: You get to wave 9 and fail. Everything from wave 1-5 you get to keep and from 6-9 you lose. This way you still get some rewards, but not all. Basically, you just lose the mods for failing that section of the defense.


I do agree though that currently there is a problem. I refuse to do defense unless my clanmates are on that are supercharged. Usually we can hit wave 20 or 25 at that point depending on our warframe comp. It kind of makes it boring sometimes because I want to do defense, but I don't trust the system or the pugs enough to push past 5 or 10.

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The thing is, from the sounds of it they don't bother to extract you if you fail a defence mission. Lotus says extraction is coming soon blah blah blah. If your cryopod explodes they probably shrug and consider the location overrun. Therefore no loot.

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yea on defense missions it does sort of ruin them, maybe make it so on those you keep up to last level or something, 1-5 u fail  and get nothing , fail after 5 > 10 you fall back to lv 5 stuff something to encourage people to try to keep going , right now its lv 10 and out most times.... unless you have a special group willing to keep going for fear of losing all the loot lol 

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