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Why Do People Hate Pvp?


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Well this is mostly a co-op PvE game, so it's perfectly possible people come here looking for that instead of PvP. At least, that's my case; it is definitely not my cup of tea, so I came to Warframe because it didn't have in-your-face PvP (actually when I joined there wasn't -any- PvP at all).

If others want PvP, I'm perfectly fine with it as long as it's kept out of my way in enjoying the game.

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Wait, that was the confirmation of it being PvE only? Huh, seems a little shaky. Just a little. 



Go on, find me a place where the devs have said "this game will not have PvP". I've looked before, nothing of the sort was ever said.


No. It started as PvE and the limited lore we had corroborated that as well as the devs responses. But people demanded the ability to kill each other, so it was added. What is the problem? You smashed the lore to flinders and got the ability to kill each other. Win-win.


Look at the earliest devstreams. Look at Steve's reactions. He didn't WANT to add it, but was pushed to. By players and by other devs.


Oh, my bad. That isn't on the forums, so that isn't real.


(Edit) For the record, AGAIN, I do not hate PvP in games that it doesn't screw up and destroy the lore. I DETEST the idea of PvP in Warframe being here because it had to be here to sate player's bloodlust no matter HOW screwed up it makes the game. You PvPers got what you wanted. But it isn't enough so you want more. I get it.

Edited by Kalenath
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The problem is that the player base is full of ex-MMORPG players that came to this game because it didn't had PvP, most of them are not used to competitive shooters, they don't want competition, just want to farm their stuff in peace. They are so used to their godly powers, staying 1h in a mission without dying. Being killed in 1 second it's outrageous for some players.


PvE players join a Conclave for the first time, get completely roflstomped... Hate PvP forever saying this game is not for PvP, come to the forums whine about getting one shotted by a guy coptering from a wallrun. Little does he knows that the guy spent many hours perfecting his aiming and parkour, with fully forma'd gear specially for PvP.

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I like PVP alot but not in this game. I have also not actually tried it in this game, even tho my ingame stats say otherwise (cause of bugs).

I have joined this game when it was purely PvE, like it was meant to be. I don't see how it could be fun and balanced in PvP at the same time. It's not a PvP game.

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No. It started as PvE and the limited lore we had corroborated that as well as the devs responses. But people demanded the ability to kill each other, so it was added. What is the problem? You smashed the lore to flinders and got the ability to kill each other. Win-win.


Look at the earliest devstreams. Look at Steve's reactions. He didn't WANT to add it, but was pushed to. By players and by other devs.


Oh, my bad. That isn't on the forums, so that isn't real.


Stop spreading false information, give me a link, a quote, anything, of any dev saying that this game was supposed to be a PvE-only game. I already posted a link of DE_Steve saying that PvP was planned since the beginning.

Edited by RexSol
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The problem is that the player base is full of ex-MMORPG players that came to this game because it didn't had PvP, most of them are not used to competitive shooters, they don't want competition, just want to farm their stuff in peace. They are so used to their godly powers, staying 1h in a mission without dying. Being killed in 1 second it's outrageous for some players.


PvE players join a Conclave for the first time, get completely roflstomped... Hate PvP forever saying this game is not for PvP, come to the forums whine about getting one shotted by a guy coptering from a wallrun. Little does he knows that the guy spent many hours perfecting his aiming and parkour, with fully forma'd gear specially for PvP.


Nobody was ever complaining about Conclaves, nor will they ever have any reason to. Things staying separate is good. It's all about the dark sectors, which have no business mixing PvP and PvE in the way they do.

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No. It started as PvE and the limited lore we had corroborated that as well as the devs responses. But people demanded the ability to kill each other, so it was added. What is the problem? You smashed the lore to flinders and got the ability to kill each other. Win-win.


Look at the earliest devstreams. Look at Steve's reactions. He didn't WANT to add it, but was pushed to. By players and by other devs.


Oh, my bad. That isn't on the forums, so that isn't real.


Yeah, I was watching those streams too. Didn't really seem like that. If you're basing your whole position off a maybe emotion from Steve, I'm not buying it. Every official dev response since the beginning of the game has pointed towards PvP happening eventually. 


But by all means, keep spreading that hate.

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For the people saying it's a PvE game and that they'd play something else if they wanted PvP:


Why would you want a game to limit itself? Why play The Legend of Zelda only for the direct quests and not look around for whatever else you can find or do? The dark sectors give a new section of the game to be explored and played. It keeps it from being linear. I prefer to have options and not to have to go to another game just to play a specific videogame feature.

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Because people are scrubs. /s


But seriously, it's because many people play this game for the great co-op aspect and welcoming community. They fear that if PvP is added (and I don't count the current iterations of Dark Sectors and dojo dueling real PvP because of how HORRIBLY imbalanced it is) then it will attract unwarranted strife within the community. In addition, they believe that if the game were to have any focus on PvP it would potentially cause the PvE to be lackluster.


HOWEVER, this is the EXACT same problem that occured with the early versions of WoW. People had disdain for PvP and only wanted PvE. Yet over time, the PvP scene grew and attracted many more players than it would have with just PvE alone. Not only that, but both PvP AND PvE grew to be extremely polished and well done. 


I think many people don't realize that if PvP were properly implemented, it would cause a huge boon of growth in the community. Some people come for the PvE and stay for the PvP, or come for the PvP and stay for the PvE. The naysayers are truthfully just alienating a huge part of the audience that would love to take part in this great game.

Edited by -..-
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the Tenno/Warframes were made to deal damage, not really Recive them, in terms of Dark sectoers, there are quiet a few who could make Pvp really unfair (Ash's blade storm, Valkyr infin Hysteria, melee stun invis loki, link Trininty, Sound Quake stun bashee, ect)


things like conclave and Dojo Duels are fine imo, untill someone pulls out their Dragon Ninkana just to one hit everyone, if you know what i mean

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Tries sparring with Brutal Tide -> dies, gets called a noob.

Tries one shot rifle -> kills, gets called out for using broken weapons, lol.


Yeah people who pvp in this game are mostly idiots, who will call you out when you one shot them, but if they use ~100% cold status chance primary when you try to melee its perfectly ok.

A game firstly designed on PvE will never work well on PvP without adjustments.

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Look at you all getting your undies in a bunch, and totally derailing the thread with your arguments. 


Your PVP is broken. (Poster vs Poster)


I think a mod should just lock this up already.


Played plenty of PVP in my day, but I didn't come to Warframe for it. To each their own in what they enjoy, but I agree that it shouldn't be thrown in anyones face by implementing it in a hodgepodge with PVE content.

Edited by Gurzil
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I've never been a big fan of 1v1 PvP.  If I ever did want that I'd go play Blazblue, MvC3, or Dark Souls...definitely not Warframe.  Dark sector conflicts are not only imbalanced, but have extremely poor net code and matchmaking is terrible.  Joining a game where it's 1v4 is a very common occurrence.  Lastly, there is no reward for PvP.  If any alliance is offering a reward, I've yet to ever find an opponent because it has always been 1 side offering credits.


I don't hate PvP, just the bad team PvP in this game.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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Because people are scrubs. /s


But seriously, it's because many people play this game for the great co-op aspect and welcoming community. They fear that if PvP is added (and I don't count the current iterations of Dark Sectors and dojo dueling real PvP because of how HORRIBLY imbalanced it is) then it will attract unwarranted strife within the community. In addition, they believe that if the game were to have any focus on PvP it would potentially cause the PvE to be lackluster.


HOWEVER, this is the EXACT same problem that occured with the early versions of WoW. People had disdain for PvP and only wanted PvE. Yet over time, the PvP scene grew and attracted many more players than it would have with just PvE alone. Not only that, but both PvP AND PvE grew to be extremely polished and well done. 


I think many people don't realize that if PvP were properly implemented, it would cause a huge boon of growth in the community. Some people come for the PvE and stay for the PvP, or come for the PvP and stay for the PvE. The naysayers are truthfully just alienating a huge part of the audience that would love to take part in this great game.


Basically the point is that people want PvE because they came here for the PvE. And the people asking for PvP are the minority because... not so many PvPers come here because there's not much PvP. Kinda redundant, but true. And if PvP is worked on and given more polish, it could attract more players, and that could only be good... this is true as long as the influx of PvP players doesn't make the developers change their path. This is what I and perhaps others actually fear, not the strife that as you can see in this thread already exists.

Therefore, I don't think anyone's saying PvP is bad in itself... BUT I must add that I really, dearly hope there's no PvP barring my access to in-game content anywhere in the future (at least not anymore than Dark Sector conflicts already do), or actually usable gear rewards that can only be earned in PvP or anything in that line. That'd be a ****punch. Put all the PvP you want in the game, but don't try to make me get anywhere near it, nor punish me for it.

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My clan has 60 members so far and the majority pvp all the time and we all have fun (otherwise they wouldn't do it). Why are there so many people who hate pvp and claim it's broken? I want a real answer so I can stop thinking that most people just aren't good at playing the game or using its controls in high demand situations. I don't want that to be the default thought.


i dont know about you, but whenever i try pvp in warframe people tend to take it overboard and cheat or abuse the system. playing so someone else can have fun and you not getting a fair shot at winning is NOT by any circumstances fun.imo. the other half of it is a part of politcs that DE started to try to get going with Dark sectors. witch failed on all fronts because someone ALWAYS takes it to seriously and cheats the crap out of the system. viable tatctics on rail holding are down right dirty and not fun. hell some clan even DDOSed the server to get a damned dark sector. so in short. yes i hate pvp in warframe. do i hate pvp  in general? no. when its fair. i like it. when its a S#&$storm of stupidity? then i hate it.

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