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A Kubrow For Frohd Bek : Dear Lotus Please Hear My Call


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Dear lotus Mighty Pristress among us , you divine icone of our past , you our saver , you who saved us all.

I'm here to plaid on your Kindness . Cause you always give us all your love, I think it's now my turn to do something 

I beg you Give me the opportunity to offer a Kubbrow to someone. a loving furball wich this person will play with 

Please , Let me offer a Kubrow to an old man, who behind a cold figure is in my opinion just a Chairmen under pressure. Let me give a Kubrow to the poor Frohd Bek . His agressivity  is in my opinion due to the sorrow of a lack of love. 

Please let me cure him by realise one of his dream. every one deserve to be loved and i think he might be a good caring person with.


I know it's strange but i fell a bit guilty of erase someone dream , particulary when it's nothing harmfull . yes me a Tenno have remorse , maybe. but those remorse made me stronger, by always thinking of the consequences of my actes . I killed bringed death , destroyed , I also saved a lot of peoples now I want bring a smile on Someone Face . 


Please I'm much more older than him , I barely saw him as a child wanting a puppy . I can give him those I only need you to agreed so I can fullfile this dream . 


Please Lotus 


Your servent 


ShinigamiZack the Santa Frost 

Edited by ShinigamiZack
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Nice to see that people are still leaving their sanity at the door before coming here... I think.


But I do want to tell you, there's this great new invention called sleep. (Not for the weak!) It helps to prevent things such as this.



Edit: Also, inb4 moved to off topic.

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I know it's strange but i fell a bit guilty of erase someone dream , particulary when it's nothing harmfull . yes me a Tenno have remorse , maybe. but those remorse made me stronger, by always thinking of the consequences of my actes . I killed bringed death , destroyed , I also saved a lot of peoples now I want bring a smile on Someone Face . 


This annoys me at times. We're mindlessly slaughtering people, left, right and center. 

Hoping that becomes the job of the Red Veil. I'd like to do a Batman and be a bit merciful.

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@TheCrimsonCrown How dare you speak about lotus as she was a dead god ? She bring us to live ,take care of us, she even miscalculate some timer to make us have more fun ! True tenno won't forget the Lotus 


@ GhostSwordman If by leaving my sanity at the door you mean taking pity for someone you are right , instead you are wrong 



I just want to offer a Kubrow what's the probleme ? should I have to be insane to caring about someone ? why us, tenno should have to fight all te time ? you know , now . how many feral kubrow die cause some peoples want to have one ? how many life got crush ? yes it's a game , but even in a game I like to be like I am: someone who try to bring joy . sometime peoples just need a warm smile , here I want give him a warm furball , a kubrow , and maybe he'll become more ... nice with peoples i think it could be a good thing . Cause if you being mean with someone , what ever you done to him, he won't be nice with you in return. I won't a favor traitment, I just want to offer him the kubrow he wanted to have before i stole his genetical device . by the way it seems that I'm more lucky than his scientist. I get my kubrow instead of a degenerate mix of  fur and teeths, I remember the joy of having my first kubrow, I think Frohd deserve to knew this joy , cause loving is the greatest thing of the world  

Edited by ShinigamiZack
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