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Kubrows Should Be More Like Riley


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For those of you who don't know, Riley is a playable dog character in Call of Duty Ghost. Recently, after taking some down time from kubrows, i decided to pick mine up again and take him on some missions. Even though it was a pleasurable experience i couldn't help but be annoyed by some of its behavior, such as:

    1. Blocking my shots.
    2. Daydreaming
    3. Not understanding when it's a good or bad time to attack




So, blocking my shots...

Every so often my kubrow decides that it would be a good idea to park in front of me and block that really important "swag-omg-muchskill" shot that i usualy take every time i stop to kill an enemy.


w8cB4Fv.jpg Those ears can block anything.


Now, standing in front of me and bodyblocking incoming fire is not actually a bad thing (because i can heal most of the damage it takes with the Pack-Leader Mod), but when your kubrow is taller then you it makes it pretty difficult to return fire. I propose that, when in combat, your kubrow takes on a "crouching" position such as not to block my fire but still be able to block enemy fire. This would also prevent it from looking like an awkwardly placed statue that i chose to take cover behind.




Quite often, usually in-between transitioning from one enemy to another, my kubrow decides to take a break and have a deep thought about what just happened. This is very frustrating because it breaks the immersion i had before and brings me to the point where i ask "Kubrow! Y u no do something?!". This also happens when an enemy is fairly close and attacking me (or i'm attacking him) but for some reason my kubrow doesn't do anything, which brings me to my next point...



Not understanding when it's a good or bad time to attack...

Kubrow AI is not very good a judging the situation and adapting to it. It often attacks when it shouldn't and doesn't when it should. So, i propose that we suplement their AI with commands from us. And this is where Riley comes in, for you see, Riley is very squishy and wouldn't be able to last long in a gunfight, so most of the time he sticks close to it's master, guarding his back, and only when he receives the command does he charge in to battle, attacking the selected target.

Kubrow AI would function similarly to that: it would stay close to you; if an enemy aproaches it attacks; if you give the command he charges foward. And this doesn't only apply to simple attack commands. It can also be used to guard objectives, trigger abilities like Scavenge or to position him behind cover.


Also, another thing that's bugging me is when you haven't been discovered yet and perform a stealth attack on an enemy your kubrow will immediatly attack the nearest enemy, alerting everyone. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's working as intended, but they should behave like sentinels, only attacking when you've been discovered.


TL;DR Kubrows should crouch so we can fire over the taller ones. You should be able to give him orders.

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Also the way they attack, sometimes they jump straight onto the enemy splitting it in half, but why the f:)ck most of the time do they have to jump backwards before attacking at X location (where the enemy was) giving time to the enemy to move and avoid the damage... and if it fails, it will f:)ck!ng jump backwards again and do the same idiotic thing, I usually love how DE do things because they pull out VEEERY cool stuff, but with the kubrow attack, they kinda went full retard for a moment

Edited by Iacon
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The AI is one thing, the other is Kubrows dying to technical/reallife problems, the next thing is the 3 hour stasis (wanna customize a Kubrow? wait 3 hours)...


and so on...


Cute idea, doesn't really fit WF and implementation is just terrible overall.


Sorry but it's just the truth.

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Along the same lines as stated above. The Kubrow should follow a similar path as the player. I dont know how mnay times I would jump over the water in Gate Crash just to have my dog stop in the middle and die. I stopped using him during those missions or on missions I knew there be obstacles that would kill him.

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and thats is why my kukrows are not that tall, they are more combat convenient :)


what it really bugs me is that they sometimes just stay in the same place doing nothing, until i get far away enough to make them teleport back to my side...

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"Sirius, we've been here for five minutes, just open the locker already. Or run off and Chase nothing...that's fine too."

Seriously though, companion specific waypoints would be nice. Click an enemy or item to target specifically. A big threat? Throw a waypoint want a locker targeted for thief, throw a waypoint.

Edited by Aerothan
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