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Do You Still Use Kubrow?


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No. They do have some good utility, but don't want to risk it dying when I leave for work travel and refuse to wait 3 hours before use. If there was no 3 hour wait, I would use. But as of now, I cannot switch between Kubrow (no reason to have more than 1) and will never plan my missions around when Kubrow becomes active.

They are worthless to me. I get more damage and utility out of a sentenil. That's just a fact, yes I have maxed maul and bite, the damage with melee slash is just not there. Guardian instantly replenishes shields , coolant leak makes for quick escapes, sanctuary has situational uses, plus I get an ability depending on sentinel (carrier has tactical purposes in addition to ease of play), helius completes scans, wry knocks things down, etc.).

Kubros just look cooler, that is it.

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I froze my Kubrows...I hope that they make them as useful as Sentinels at some point....they're just sad right now.

They have less dps.
They have less utility.

All they have is more HP...which doesn't mean a whole lot because a lot of hazards and attacks hit them that Sentinels don't give a damn about.

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After leveling my kubrow I put it in stasis until things change with the 3-day wait and maintenance. The wait between activating different kubrows killed my idea of having different ones for different missions like I do with my sentinels. In my entertainment I don't want hassles.

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Oh yes, because any Sentinel is going to shoot soooo far away before you kill a mob.  Just because you're too lazy to level max mods, doesn't mean they are weak or useless, I'm thinking you're doing something wrong.

Yes sentinels have better range, better damage better awareness, what max mods ? what does max damage mean when you can't reach your target before it dies ? Kubrows are completely useless unless one day they can have back mounted miniguns (a real weapon other than fluffy paws ) I will never use them.

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I do although I only use my raska. I usually bring him along for that awesome shield recharge since I don't have the guardian mod you would use for sentinels. However, his terrify howl makes him incredibly useful for defense or just simply cc. I like them mostly for the fact that they can be revived unlike sentinels that blow up. I can't complain about the maintainence for my dog since I play everyday to check it and can afford it but I do see how it's a problem for many. What I do wish is for some other way to go about the 3 hour cooldown. I wish kubrows were easier to exchange out like sentinels so I can have different ones for different missions. That's my only gripe, other than that I prefer kubrows. Heck, all of mine are more powerful shield/health wise than me.


I don't really care that my kubrows don't kill enemies since I rely on mine more so for utility and keeping me alive. I can't count how many times my raska has saved my sorry butt for shields or scaring enemies. It was also nice to get 75 energy right off the bat during mission spawn with my digging kubrow (can't remember what they're called).

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I leveled all 4 types for mastery and then put them in the freezer.


I would use them, but the stasis mechanic ruins it for me. You can't use different Kubrows for different mission types. You can't play around with appearances, because you can only interact with one Kubrow at a time. You can't even check or change the loadout/mods, without bringing them out of stasis and wait 3 hours.


Gene Stabilizers feel a bit like blackmail to me: "login in frequently or we'll take away your stuff". The credits don't really bother me, but the only reason why stasis cooldown even exists is so that people can't avoid using stabilizers. If stabilizers were changed or removed, there would be no need for the whole stasis thing and Kubrows would be much more useable.

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Kubrows are barely good at lower ranks but cost endgame amount of money.


Sentinels with formad weapon *shotgun for me* are very useful, I use mine to take snapshots of rare mobs for the codex and it is a beast when something gets close.  I use nekros a lot.  I fully upgraded a melee tank kubrow with forma and maxed kubrow mods except link shield 7/10 and it just does not kill thing often enough.  On earth my kubrow should at least be as effective as a starter sentinel with shotgun or deth rifle, but it just is not.


Wish they were useful and effective but they just arent.

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Any kubrow that will vacuum up loots off the floor; I will use it anyday over my carrier. :D



Other than that, no, I do not use kubrow, even though I know how useful they are. Reason is, I don't really see the need for kubrow when I'm not playing voids; as for normal missions, don't really need them much since i'm not going for any record or anything beyond that, except leveling and alerting.

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why or why not?




I'm asking this because ......


1) I know a lot of players that i know have stopped generally using them over sentinels.

2) I would like DE to see this and maybe see what they could make better.

3) I personally think the cool down time is killing game play of the kubrow. (and there too expensive for most)




And so the record stands I still use my kubrow but do not pay to rush the cool down so I can not use my guys as much as I would.

still use the anti enemy ones

i find them more useful, carrier isnt needed when u have basicly 999,999 everything and got everything the game already has

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At first I just wanted one of each race with cool pattern/colors.

Now I have an almost shameful number of them xD!


I really like them for looks, utility, and I do enjoy the fact that you can buy few things for the appearance and still have the ones exclusive from breeding (so far). When I think it's time to leave this business I get another egg and wait hopefully for the new puppy.


I've been saved many times by my kubrows, and even with no forma (but using potatoes, yes), they almost don't die.


Sometimes I use them, sometimes I use one of my sentinels. I love the variety!

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