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Anyone Else Just Stopped Playing?


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I don't know why but I just kind of stopped playing. I was enjoying the game and I have been playing since the start but I just don't really understand it. Maybe it is the lack of any kind of real progression in the game but ultimately maybe the game with all of its nice addtional weapons and content every so often is still rather empty. In a way I think the game doesn't really have a soul if you know what I mean? What is the game's real purpose outside of the countless sessions of grinding? Either way I just feel a little saddened by it as when I first played the game I thought "HEY! I will play this for aslong as I live!" but now I find it hard to play it or even go beyond completing more than one mission.

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I've given myself a goal~

first it was to get everything I possibly can~

and after that was done, I gave another task/goal~

and now the goal is to lvl everything up to max lvl~

I've been kept busy with this goal to keep me busy and entertained~

it makes me test and play with all the weapons~

but that's just my opinion, hope you find your joy again~

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The game in it's current state is really grind heavy. Though don't look at it that way, you just need to set your self goals in-game. Once I start feeling burnt out, I start looking towards new frames or and weapons and seeing what I can to do spice up my play style to see if I can't keep things fresh. If you can't get thrilled about that, just take a break. Warframe will still be here when you come back. I stopped playing for around a month and an update  had been pushed out while I was gone and I came back and found playing more enjoyable than the first time around. 

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I play alot less since launch of Open Beta and new whiny players coming in to get stuck in mercury. Patches and fixes making almost everything a cakewalk so even the most talent-free casual can play and i just get bored fast for the last couple of weeks. I have not stopped playing because there are still those awesome moments when the game is really fun but those moments become less and less. Most game additions aim at the new players and old ones like me kinda get left behind when it comes to end-game content, challenge and balanced reward system. But i keep my hopes up that DE will bring out new and hard to aquire raritys and new mods for end-game, better and more bosses, harder mission types and overall things to do with a brain and skill.

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What's the real purpose of ANY game? TO have fun. I'm having fun.

exactly, otherwise i would have quit BFP4F time ago


Happens, just take a break. Maybe update 8 will get you enthused again.

its what everyone waits for. cant wait for that


just gotta find the fun in it, make yourself a goal by buying all weapons and frames level them all up to rank 30, and see if you can make it to the highest mastery rank

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If you think about it, the game is repetitive. It's the same for counter strike and LOL. You play the same maps, see the same champions, and play the same objectives. It's no different as to what you're doing in warframe.

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Don't get me wrong.. the gameplay is what keeps me mostly. I love that third person stuff since mass effect so Warframe is the way to go for me..but none the less... it would be nice to get some new stuff to do that is actually a challenge.

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I stopped to play cause this game is really ennoying... I mean it's a multiplayer game, you should play it with your friends. Except that i can't play with any friends cause the game is bugged everywhere... t'm waiting a new patch who will fix that. But even the update 7 didn't resolve that bug... Play this game alone isn't interesting at all.. Every map are the same, every mission are the same. And you can't go faster if you play alone.

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I've put 137 hours into the game, have 7 warframes, most BPs for the others, no motivation to build them because It gets really boring grinding resources, both sentinels, 33 weapons.

Here's what I do:
New patch comes out - > Build all new guns -> Unlock all new planets/systems if there are any -> Alert hunt for things I need and wait for the next patch.

Game is seriously missing something.

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I am going to take a break myself. I love the game, i'm sure to return after updates, i'm fully aware of open beta status. After leveling the majority of the frames and weapons i do have that repetitive feeling. I would keep on playing if the "prestiging" was implemented (hinted in a livestream) to put some more power into those sexy prime items, and the frames i enjoy the most.


I think that right now the soul of the game is the DEvs, until they put out all the lore and updates and official lauch etc... If you liked the product they gave you wich is still a huge work in progress then your probably more dissapointed being impatient than trully dissapointed. Like you, i guess, i love this game and i think it could be so much more at the same time...but it takes time.


Keep up the good work!

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If your bored just take a break and come back :> or like was mention, give yourself a goal, mine is to max out my current 3 frames and 8 weapons. Also getting with friends and playing together really helps to improve the experience because you'll have many fun moments like watching one of em get stuck running perpetually in the corner xD Also, play a bit of music you enjoy while playing it, something relaxing so you can just chill and enjoy the experience. Alot of people will play a game like its a job and that will make it boring, you gotta play it like a past time, something you do to enjoy yourself.

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I believe dojos will add a lot more playability to the game. From what I remember, you and your clan will be using crafting materials to add/ customize and build upon your clan dojo. Players that aren't in your clan can visit your dojo. This sounds like something for end-game players to invest in. I'm excited about it.

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As people have mentioned, and I talked about on my podcast, the game is super grindy. Because of the free to play / micro-transaction nature of the game, the devs are using a 'carrot and stick' method to things, which is currently in the form of a heavy grind. Not only does that put things way out of the reach of casual players, but that means that any real feeling of progression must come from accumulation of stuff. Thus, by default, that means the motivation they are encouraging in players is to grind for stuff. While I'm not saying it should be very easy to get stuff, look at something the total opposite, say Borderlands 1 or 2. You get stuff so often the game isn't so much about finding stuff as it is having fun with the stuff you find. (Though there is that addictive gambling style reward of loot pinyatas and finding something cool.)


IMO if the game drastically increased the drop rate, maybe like by +30% for mods and +65% for Warframes I think a lot of the motivation for players would change from 'I must grind x to get y' to 'hey, I just got y, how cool, I'm going to go have some fun with it.'


(For the curious, you can find http://www.rabb1t.com/podcast/rabb1tsramblings.html'>my ramblings about Warframe in "rabb1t's ramblings", podcast 103.)


Really you might want to consider your own motivation in all games. (A common theme in my podcasts.) As a few people mentioned, Warframe really isn't very different at it's core. However, the method of reward and feeling of achievement is VERY different due to the grindy nature of how they are holding everything at arms length from you to convince you to spend real world money. But, you may want to think about what is it you want from playing the game. Me, I like it a lot because of the randomization. I like the challenge of not knowing what's behind the next corner. How do I get out of a certain situation. What will I find? Will there be additional goals? For me, if the devs stripped away some of that carrot on a stick style with Warframes and loot and made it more about exploration, discovery, challenge, achieving the goals, I'd be way more interested. (Though I do play way too much currently.)


Consider something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDLNXR0F7sU'>PayDay 2. Here the entire focus of the game design is on challengeing the players. It's not about 'have you made them play 100 hours to get the ultimate silenced pistol', it's about the level design, the enemy AI, the challenge of not knowing where your goal is. These are the things that would make *me* more interested in Warframe, and I think you may be similar, and the attractivness of what is there of that has lost it's shine compared to the realization that to get it you have go get past all this grind that is there due to the micro-transaction models.

Edited by rabb1t
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I don't have every frame, but so far, every frame has been, for lack of a real word, "funable."  There's some combo of powers and (low-end, readily available) gear that makes any one of the frames I've tried plenty of fun to use.



So ... maybe DE doesn't need to make BPs drop more frequently.  Maybe you can skip straight to the step "how cool, I'm going to go have some fun with it."



I mean, if you don't have fun grinding, but you're grinding so you can get something to make it possible to grind faster ... you might have a mild psychological disorder.

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If you have opened all frames and weapons or just the ones you want then, yes, there is nothing to do.

This isnt unique to this game this happens in all games, there isn't one game out there that doesnt have this.


And i can never understand the critique of something being "grindy" since ALL games, much like the previous point, consist of you doing stuff over and over. There isnt a game out there that you dont eventually repeat stuff constantly. Giving you side things like WoW adding Pokemon so you could do something in between the grind doesnt change that fact that you will grind. 

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