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The Shop Seems To Much Like Cheating To Me!


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Dear Developers, I understand that making a Free to Play game has many troubles, but your shop is a gameplay killer.

In fact it's so bad in my opinion that I feel I should  have never spent the money. This game is Pay to W... err Make shortcuts!


I love playing this game! The gameplay is brilliant as well as the design, but after becoming a founder I can't help but feel the Shop is just a shortcut (No different than cheating). I really want to continue playing this game, but at this point I can't because I no longer have the desire to attempt finding things and farming for credits because I could just buy them, Which in turn denies natural gameplay. Other than leveling them up, Which sadly they are more powerful due to the fact it already has an Orikin installed. 


After playing around 100 hours (Ok it says 30 on my game, but that does not include the hours not logged in the system) the platinum I have completely killed my desire to keep playing. I honestly hope that this statement is taken seriously, I know you can find everything by just playing, but whats the point if you can just shortcut the whole game by buying it instead. Having to level it up is not excusable as a way to even that out!


 still want to support this game, but I will not if it continues down the current path of buying weapons! I know they already have my money, I could care less about loosing it, but I care that this game takes a much more honest approach to it's Free to Play design. 


If League of Legends can do it, so can you!

Edited by Kregoth
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100+ hours huh?


So you've played for 4 days straight since joining right?



also using League is a bad example



Cause it does the same damn thing



Yeah you can grind for days to buy your champ of choice... or you can RP and have them instantly.



You still have to play them to be good with them.


All buying weapons does is save you time farming, and building for them.


Also if you've been a founder for five days... where's your badge?

Edited by FrostWolf
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Dear OP.

You havent got the slightest damn ducking idea what pay2win is.

This game is so extremely forgiving towards free players, that it allows you to craft and get EVERYTHING with the exception of 2 things: Inventory slots and decorative colors.


There is hardly any game on the market AT ALL which would be as free player friendly as warframe, so with all due respect, please take a dictionary and school yourself on the topic before you start talking literal b********.

Thank you.

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I'm going to point something out about League that I do every time someone uses it as the perfect F2P model.


Those people playing as new champions the week they launch. Yeah, hardly any of them saved up IP specifically to pick them. Most of them are bought with money.


These are champions with no real defense created at this point, so that's just as bad, if not worse because it's PVP then.


As for Pay to Win, I will give you that Warframe does have a few things where it feels like it pushes you towards using money, but then that's the point of the F2P model. If it were really easy to get items, there would be no reason to pick them up.


When evaluating a F2P model, it's important to look at the fundamental draw of the game, as well as the balance offer ease for money creates.


Simply put, look at the difference between Champions Online and SWTOR. Both of them have faults as F2P games, but both of them are set up for the sake of creating a character and filling their shoes. In this respect, SWTOR wins hands down in its F2P model, as the free options all still enable you to create widely different characters and see things through to the end even if it requires you to run a couple of group missions now and again. Champions, which follows in CoX's footsteps, locks you out of classes, character creation options, and even out of your own character if you pick the one that's on trial for the week. While SWTOR does have aesthetic options locked, they aren't the core drive of creating your character in the KoTOR model, it's your actions that are important (the first game had like 6 faces if you remember).


Warframe also doesn't have problems with balance in the same way, since it is all PvE. Plus, almost everything can be unlocked via playing the game (this is why I want colors to be open toward F2Pers, but it's not a core part of the game's appeal so it's not too damning).


I'm not going to vote you down, but it you're going to complain about the model, you need to understand it first.

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Given the join date, the claimed hours of play, and the complete and utter lack of factual accusations, not to mention the rather blatantly false claim of being a Founder, I'm going to say... the OP is a troll account.


Downvotes for you.

Edited by Scowlface2
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Simple means of putting it is this...


League of Legends isn't a Pay2Win first off.... the only paying aspect is to skip the requirement to get IP and buying the champion of your choice. It is also a cosmetic requirement which doesn't help you in any means besides making the character look better.


Warframe isn't a pay2win either. It's a Pay to skip weeks of grinding at it's limited to a series of things, Inventory slots and what you can make from the Shop BP items. It however doesn't allow you to buy items from alert missions on the exception of Orokin Catalysts and Reactors.

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Perhaps the OP needs to clarify which aspect of cash shop is P2W. The fact that he had been playing four days straight without sleeping is a feat in itself.

No, don't say that the forum is messing with your joining date, I don't believe that.


obviously posting on an alt account so he can still get invites on his main, same thing people who threaten to quit do.


as the DE's have said before and i totally agree with: the game is pay for convenience. it's by no means pay to win. sure if i don't wanna wait for stuff to be done in foundry, i can pay to rush it. or if i can't seem to get on for those lucky reactor/catalyst alerts, i can just buy the ones i need. but if the problem is resisting the temptation to take the shortcut, then that's a personal issue. you don't have to just buy everything, and it's your own choice to do so.

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Dear OP.

You havent got the slightest damn ducking idea what pay2win is.

This game is so extremely forgiving towards free players, that it allows you to craft and get EVERYTHING with the exception of 2 things: Inventory slots and decorative colors.


There is hardly any game on the market AT ALL which would be as free player friendly as warframe, so with all due respect, please take a dictionary and school yourself on the topic before you start talking literal b********.

Thank you.



No need to get riled up my friend, but to answer your Question. How is that worthwhile? You can grind the S#&$ out of this game, or just not and buy the weapons you want. I should have to go through the same game as everyone else who may not have money to spend. Being able to buy a gun with a super rare Oriking pre-installed is nothing more than A bypass. And it gives you a massive advantage on playing the game. 


Also My total play time is around 30 hours (as the game says), but that does not include the hours I played before version 7 came out. not all my play time nor account age is logged correctly.

Edited by Kregoth
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My personal definition of a pay to win game. .


Giving players the ability, or forcing the players into a situation where they can or have to pay to gain an advantage which players who do not pay has absolutely no access to. The closest thing Warframe does to being Pay to Win is the Founder's Program, and even then, the stuff you get through the program is for the most part slightly better variations of otherwise average gear.


League of Legends and Warframe are both games that do NOT do this. You do not have to pay a penny to gain an advantage. In fact, league forces you to play the game to gain an 'advantage' through buying runes with IP. Warframe lets you earn it through playing the game.


They both use the same exact business model. I'm sick of reading people contrasting the two when they're doing the same exact thing.


Want to know a game that does do this? It's called Runes of Magic. End game is so heavily dependent on the people who spend the cha ching on shop items that you might as well kiss your chances at PvP goodbye if you don't spend money. That aspect of Runes of Magic totally ruined it for myself and my friends.


That is a pay to win game.

Edited by Dancingfirefly
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Perhaps my term for Pay to Win is being used to broadly  What I am referring to is the fact that I can shortcut myself through anything as long as I have the money!


Your not going to WIN for using money, but you can sure as hell bypass half the game doing it, So perhaps Pay to Not Play? Regardless of what you say, the fact that I can cut all my playtime in half by just paying money is not something I feel is a fair game for all.


P.S. I am a founder, but I have no clue how to activate the badge! 

Edited by Kregoth
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Perhaps my term for Pay to Win is being used to broadly  What I am referring to is the fact that I can shortcut myself through anything as long as I have the money!


Your not going to WIN for using money, but you can sure as hell bypass half the game doing it, So perhaps Pay to Not Play? Regardless of what you say, the fact that I can cut all my playtime in half by just paying money is not something I feel is a fair game for all.


That's not paying to win. It's pay2convenience. Out of all the F2P games I've played, I can confidently say that Warframe is the LEAST pay2win out of all of them.

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Because some of us have a life. Y'know, a job, wife and kids, house payments.

Less time, but we do have money to spare. With a little bit of money, we rnjoy the same benefits with what little time we have to play, vs people who have loads of free time.

Also, we support the game with what makes the world go around; Cash.

I bet you'd be totally willing to work for 300 a month. Or for free.

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IF you really are a founder log out and log back in and your badge should be fixed.

As for the rest of it, it makes me laugh. The only things people ever pay for in f2p games are shortcuts(credit boosters/xp boosters) and cosmetics.

The only other thing the devs could charge for is planets, they could lock anyone who doesn't pay out of certain areas. I'm sure nobody wants that.

Edited by ZEDD
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Because some of us have a life. Y'know, a job, wife and kids, house payments.

Less time, but we do have money to spare. With a little bit of money, we rnjoy the same benefits with what little time we have to play, vs people who have loads of free time.

Also, we support the game with what makes the world go around; Cash.

I bet you'd be totally willing to work for 300 a month. Or for free.


I'm in that same boat my friend, I LOVE this game and will keep playing most likely, just not spending anymore money. 


I wuld never work for that kind of money, I am not some immature child. 


If all everyone wants to do is post hate at me, please kindly PM that hate instead. there's no reason to bring hostility simply because I put forth an opinion about the mechanics behind the market system.

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Dear Developers, I understand that making a Free to Play game has many troubles, but your shop is a gameplay killer.

In fact it's so bad in my opinion that I feel I should  have never spent the money. This game is Pay to Win!


I love playing this game! The gameplay is brilliant as well as the design, but after becoming a founder I can't help but feel the Shop is just a shortcut (No different than cheating). I really want to continue playing this game, but at this point I can't because I no longer have the desire to attempt finding things and farming for credits because I could just buy them, Which in turn denies natural gameplay. Other than leveling them up, Which sadly they are more powerful due to the fact it already has an Orikin installed. 


After playing around 100 hours (Ok it says 30 on my game, but that does not include the hours not logged in the system) the platinum I have completely killed my desire to keep playing. I honestly hope that this statement is taken seriously, I know you can find everything by just playing, but whats the point if you can just shortcut the whole game by buying it instead. Having to level it up is not excusable as a way to even that out!


Please change your stance on your payment system, otherwise you just created the perfect example of a Free to play, but Pay to Win game!


I still want to support this game, but I will not if it continues down the current path of buying weapons! I know they already have my money, I could care less about loosing it, but I care that this game takes a much more honest approach to it's Free to Play design. 


If League of Legends can do it, so can you!

Pay to win. In a pve game.

Are you a Grineer or something?

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Badge is automatic and you cant disable it....so good try lying but do some research first.


first of all I am NOT lying about being a founder, but for some reason even relogging is not showing my badge, I have the Hunter level package. 

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Again sir I believe your issue is one of self control. I bought the founder pack but only bought one frame and a couple of weapins to try. After thst I thought the game wad so awesome I would get the items in game. You can also craft reactors and catalydts wheb you get the drop and it makes it all the sweeter. Love the game and I will prety mucj use the plat only for cosmetics. Honestly ibjust wanted to give money because the game is great and they should he rewarded for the work. Sorry about misspells lazy phone use. At the moment I think thst the mechanic is pretty much just right and the amount you would need to spend to supercharge something is so very veery small. And its a good option for people to try out stuff before they decide to grind for it.

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what do you think they should do instead? that's simply how f2p works. you can play the game for hours if you have the time for it, or you buy a shortcut to save some time. some like it that way, some the other.

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