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"so What Are You Waiting For!" I'm Waiting For You To Die, Ordis.


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i like ordis gives life to my dull ship even if he repeats himself. he also gives me some secure feeling like im not alone.


ordis i love you


"what are you waiting for" that line is adorable to me

Edited by gir240
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Ordis is still yelling at me to go make the Archwing when it has been building in the Foundry for the past day. Jesus, I hate him, he is do damn annoying and his quotes are perpetual repeat after every damn mission. And even after muting him, his inane text boxes still pop up and take up part of my screen. Can I throw his AI module out the airlock please?

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Well, since getting my Licet I was expecting more usefull information from Ordis indeed. For example he can tell us when extractors finish their work or when new alert begins. Probably he even can tell us something from the game lore from his old recordings. Sometimes Ordis mentions the old war. Otherwise I like it.

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When U14 hit, I played through the tutorial and roughly at the 3 minute mark, even before I learned the new UI, I made a post here asking how to make Ordis shut his stupid mouth. And muting him isn't enough. Now, everytime he says something and I working on a project in the Liset, I have to wait for his speech box to go away and stop covering up the buttons on the UI before I could do anything else.

So help me, Ordis, when I figure out how to unlink you from the life support system and remove you, we're going to play a little game.

Archwing gun target practice.

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I like him but he has flaws

- needs more lines or at least needs to say them less often, we should have a slider for that

- quest lines shouldn't repeated until i go crazy, if i am making the item he should stfu about it


He could get more lines and i would like that but would like it more if we had more radio messages like the grineer enforcer one, it makes them feel a lot more real to me. We could have a radio jockey like three dog who reports on recent events and some other funny quotes, and possibly plays music too.

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This thread reminds of when my friends and I used to discuss how we wanted to take that one ship droid from SWTOR, throw him out of the airlock and use him for starfighter target practice.


I agree that they need to reduce the frequency of his voice clips as well as increase how many he has.


It would be fun if DE gave us a quest to either fix ordis or push him off the edge completely.  That way if we wanted a pissed off crazy AI we could get one. 


I would also like to see Darvo run more missions.  He's a welcome change from the Lotus.

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I think its the same as everyone else

he needs more lines and shouldn't repeat quest lines. I mean, when my archwing was building, every single time i came back to my ship "what are you waiting for" awaited me. I just wanted to leave the ship more and more. Whatever, at-least he can watch my kubrow

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Done? Seriously people it's right there.

Did it occur to you that

1) repeating the same line every time you come back from a mission is a bug?

2) repeating the same line every few minutes about a item currently being built is a bug?

3) muting him entirely, when what we need is a slider to decrease frequency of speech, is a rather feeble workaround?

4) muting him doesn't remove the popup every few minutes anyway?

5) saying ignore the popup isn't a solution, since the popup takes up a good portion of real estate, and players without giant monitors can't see around the popup?

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Did it occur to you that

1) repeating the same line every time you come back from a mission is a bug?

2) repeating the same line every few minutes about a item currently being built is a bug?

3) muting him entirely, when what we need is a slider to decrease frequency of speech, is a rather feeble workaround?

4) muting him doesn't remove the popup every few minutes anyway?

5) saying ignore the popup isn't a solution, since the popup takes up a good portion of real estate, and players without giant monitors can't see around the popup?

Yeah I get it's a bug but everyone is getting so fussed up about his voice. The popup is obviously still there...but it's not what everyone has been talking about. Everyone just wants him to stop talking. And I am not going to go one about other technical stuff and his frequency. I'm just saying...IT'S RIGHT THERE! JUST MUTE HIM! Everyone is still asking for a mute...WHEN IT'S RIGHT THERE!


Ok o_O?

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