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Let Us Truly Wield Our Melee Weapons.


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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I couldn't find a thread for the life of me.


So how 'bout the option to select our melee weapon, much as we do our pistols and rifles? I know this would require extensive animation work, but man would it be awesome to be able to run around with our swords out; wallrunning, rolling, backflipping, etc. I'm sure melee lovers would rejoice!

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Actually I was thinking about this. It would be nice to cycle melee to the forefront. So F rifle>pistol, F again pistol>melee, F again melee>rifle. For those folks that want to be all melee. Course cycling through all the weapons would be a hassle so we'd need another way. F to move one way, another button to move the other. E should stay bound to melee attacks cause well if you have your rifle out and you want that quick swing you still have it. Dunno, just spitballing here.

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Actually I was thinking about this. It would be nice to cycle melee to the forefront. So F rifle>pistol, F again pistol>melee, F again melee>rifle. For those folks that want to be all melee. Course cycling through all the weapons would be a hassle so we'd need another way. F to move one way, another button to move the other. E should stay bound to melee attacks cause well if you have your rifle out and you want that quick swing you still have it. Dunno, just spitballing here.


Make holding down F and then E the way to switch maybe? Maybe not the other way around though. We don't want people pulling out melee when they try to switch after slashing.

Edited by Yikitama
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it may sound contradictory to the OP (though none is intended), but I find it kinda cool that the weapons are only drawn when needed. like... efficient and without waste or need to show off the blades. They leave the sheathes (or their resting position), do their job, and return to their resting places. Even if not carrying guns, I think it is kinda cool to run around and do acrobatics (climb/sommersault/use zipline etc) without melee weapons bared, then just unleash them enough to dispatch of the obstacles on the way and carry on.

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FINALLY someone who had the same thought as I did.

Yes, it's a purely aesthetic idea but I would go as far as to PAY to see this idea being implemented.


Also, I love what Vilesavant said about being able to cycle to the melee weapons with the F button while still having the E button for a quick melee attack.

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it may sound contradictory to the OP (though none is intended), but I find it kinda cool that the weapons are only drawn when needed. like... efficient and without waste or need to show off the blades. They leave the sheathes (or their resting position), do their job, and return to their resting places. Even if not carrying guns, I think it is kinda cool to run around and do acrobatics (climb/sommersault/use zipline etc) without melee weapons bared, then just unleash them enough to dispatch of the obstacles on the way and carry on.

That is a very good point. Did real warriors carry their swords unsheathed when not locked in combat?

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I just wish i had a way to sheath my primary weapon. I use melee far more. I'd like to just keep the primary on my back, and have it draw when I fire. Melee weapons can stay sheathed too. Something just irks me about doing melee runs, while carrying a hek or gorgon around, and never firing it. I tend to switch to my akbolto, simply so I am not lugging around a large weapon.

So I guess that would be a solid compromise. Not running around with swords drawn the entire time, but instead, being able to have ALL of your weapons sheathed/holstered. I'd love it if my Loki drew akboltos, fired the necessary rounds, and immediately holstered them. For the same reasons it is appealing that melee weapons are immediately sheathed....

There is somethign very deliberate, precise, and downright professional about drawing your weapon for a rapid shot, and by the time the target falls over dead, your weapons are holstered and you are booking it down the hallway to your next kill. Basically, THAT is how a gun wielding ninja, would do it.

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having an "unequipped" mode seems interesting, but should be sort of balanced in that if you have your primary/secondary in hand, it takes less time to aim/fire the first shot, than if you had to pull if off your back or your thighs. But to balance things, having both hands free can confer a slight increase in walking/running speed, or even stamina recovery. Sort of add on to the above post that suggests that the "active weapon" is swappable, except to add on a "no-weapon" state.

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having an "unequipped" mode seems interesting, but should be sort of balanced in that if you have your primary/secondary in hand, it takes less time to aim/fire the first shot, than if you had to pull if off your back or your thighs. But to balance things, having both hands free can confer a slight increase in walking/running speed, or even stamina recovery. Sort of add on to the above post that suggests that the "active weapon" is swappable, except to add on a "no-weapon" state.

 I can get behind the idea that having all weapons holstered, means that drawing your primary is slightly slower. Especially if we get a slight bump to mobility as a tradeoff. Pistols I still feel should draw instantly, in the same fashion melee weapons do. I like your angle here, though. Think of the many FPS titles that allow a player to move faster when they are carrying a knife or melee weapon. In this case, the player would have all weapons sheathed. Melee would still work as it does now. A simple toggle between carrying your primary, and not having an active weapon out, would work wonders, I think.

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