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Reached Max Syndicate Rank... But The Grind Isn't Over


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Unless it's boring for only 1% of the playerbase


I don't have access to user statistics, nor would they mean much in this particular case. I just call it as it is. Dev's job to make a fun and engaging game, not player's. Companies that blame their customers for their own failures don't last long. 

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I want you to name 1 online game that isn't repetitive


Pretty much any strategy game or any games that actually require skill to beat the opponents rather than relying on doing the same mission a thousand times until you earned enough XP/levelups or had the luck to drop better items to overcome the virtual challenge being offered.


So you name it.


I've played a lot of shooter and strategy games from the early 90s and they are still less repetitive in online matches than what grindgames of this decade have to offer. This even incorporates pixel-mess like Classic Doom.

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Pretty much any strategy game or any games that actually require skill to beat the opponents rather than relying on doing the same mission a thousand times until you earned enough XP/levelups or had the luck to drop better items to overcome the virtual challenge being offered.


So you name it.


I've played a lot of shooter and strategy games from the early 90s and they are still less repetitive in online matches than what grindgames of this decade have to offer. This even incorporates pixel-mess like Classic Doom.

"doing the same mission a thousand times"

There's your problem.

Imagine playing the game that you mentioned with the same opponents and using the same strategies

Edited by Zeptimus
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Well gz.

It's already been said.... blablabla.. you'll need rep to buy stuff.



Also... I do not understand why everyone's so eager to finish this asap.

Because they are trying to see it like another update, rather than a core addition to gameplay. They all want the things they don't have and will stop at nothing to acquire them.


Sadly, the perception of grinding is a subjective one. Whether or not you have access to the content in a 'reasonable amount of time' is irrelevant, because the purpose is to eventually provide additional rewards while sporting the sigil if your select Syndicate. In essense, this would have been a lot nicer if it was implemented a year ago, then all the complaints would have died down by now and people would be trading all the fancy new augment mods in the trade chat on a daily basis.

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The rep system is just a bad system currently it needs more then what is offered to "grind" since it takes far to long to even hit max rank and buy all the stuff for one faction. I think adding it to the invasion system and making it worth a ton of points would easily make invasions more popular and fix the grind issue. Another idea is allow us to give up stuff to the faction for a small point gain like mods, prime parts, resources, etc.

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Because they are trying to see it like another update, rather than a core addition to gameplay. They all want the things they don't have and will stop at nothing to acquire them.




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I kept on saying this and people don't seem to get it. I'll keep it plain and simple.

If u want to have fun, look for fun yourself, rather than repeating same missions and thinking Warframe is all about that.

I still have fun playing at least one game in every tileset and switch up Warframe and weapons. People need to stop being so hung up on the rewards. Why do u feel so obligated to get them fast? Why rush things and make your gameplay experience garbage? Gameplay is still fun for me and if u don't want to grind, dont grind. Or if u still don't get what I mean by don't grind, play other games and come back.

And on the blank sheet of paper being fun part... You can totally have fun with it drawing things, being creative. Why can't you improvise rather than thinking about what's given on the spot?

Edited by GaiaNyix
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I kept on saying this and people don't seem to get it. I'll keep it plain and simple.

If u want to have fun, look for fun yourself, rather than repeating same missions and thinking Warframe is all about that.

I still have fun playing at least one game in every tileset and switch up Warframe and weapons. People need to stop being so hung up on the rewards. Why do u feel so obligated to get them fast? Why rush things and make your gameplay experience garbage? Gameplay is still fun for me and if u don't want to grind, dont grind. Or if u still don't get what I mean by don't grind, play other games and come back.

And on the blank sheet of paper being fun part... You can totally have fun with it drawing things, being creative. Why can't you improvise rather than thinking about what's given on the spot?

No!  I need my fun handed to me on a silver, limited edition, day 1 DLC, CoD embossed platter.

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If the gameplay is pointless to you then it's no one's fault.  If something isn't fun then it's not the dev's fault.  You're the one making the pointless bashes about how you don't find the game itself fun.

Other people have picked up other points that I would usually point out, but all in all- I'm not complaining about the game in any way, shape or form. I'm talking about syndicates, which is- if you remember- what this thread is about.

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Well gz.

It's already been said.... blablabla.. you'll need rep to buy stuff.



Also... I do not understand why everyone's so eager to finish this asap.


Not so much a rush to finish but it is a grind wall of massive proportion, even for people with everything finished & unlocked. DE should take another look at it .vs tossing Syndicates behind the grind of death.


The daily alerts barely dent your standing.


I really did not have a problem with the grind at all until they nerfed the tactics at Cerberus.  

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