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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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all these guys saying aklato. 

I have a lato. it's much more painful.

Aklato is almost objectively worse. Lato has 18 base damage whereas Aklato has 12 base damage with ~1.2 times more fire rate, which doesn't even make up for being poorer in damage.


I cannot imagine a secondary that is worse than the Aklato at the moment. The Lato Prime and Vandal come close, but they have higher base damage than it already (though not by enough). I'd put Aklato, Lato Prime, and Lato Vandal all in the same boat of being the worst secondaries though; they all desperately need improvements.

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When I read the title, I thought, "Miter." You're good people.

Almost 2k slash +2k elemental damage + 95% status change yeah sure sucks @$$, Things like Vulkar, Hind etc are so much better....

Sure needs a forma or 3 but then you are pretty much set, use with Hall of Mirrors for great hilarity.

Just 1 of many build just do not put Heavy Caliber on it, then it really becomes the worst.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Actually I have a bunch of weapons that I consider the worst ever and which I would never ever touch again even if they'd buff the damage to triple the damage of Boltor Prime/Brakk or whatever.





  • Drakgoon - Just doesn't feel like the UT flak cannon at all, probably because of the charge mechanic, which is just... argh... I don't know. Just makes me want to throw the Drakgoon at a Grineer Lancer's head and instead pick up their Grakata or something.
  • Lanka - Stupid charge & projectile travel time. Level'd it passive because I couldn't deal with it at all.
  • Miter - Desperately misses every target and bounces all over the place instead. Even misses them half the time when charged up.
  • Phage - "What the hell am I doing? I can't see sh*t"-gun. Even annyoing when somebody else is using it; makes me want to choke that weapon down his throat.
  • (Mutalist) Quanta - Dat stupid cubes. Nah. Too experimental of a weapon. Just doesn't work for me.
  • Tigris - A double barreled shotgun in a fast-paced swarming shooter. Enough said. Even playing Duckhunt on the NES would be quite a challenge with that crap.





  • Angstrum - Most bugged weapon currently. Literally. Half the of the friggin rockets croak in the barrel causing a suicide. Especially when you fire them while being mid-air. Seems like your character hitbox moves faster than the rockets that launch from the Angstrum and BAMM you are dead. The Ogris works so much better.
  • (Ak)Bronco (Prime) - Probably the same reason as to why I hate the Tigris.
  • Ballistica - It just shouldn't exist. At all. There's no way fixing that weapon ever. At least I doubt that there's a way to fix it.
  • Spectra - Corpus toothpick from their ship canteen or something. Don't know what else the Corpus use that thing for.
  • Tysis - slow projectile travel time and small darts that often miss the target even with leading the shots... urgh.





All heavy weapons (Fragor, Galantine, Gram, Jat Kittag, Magistar, Scindo). Reason being: Too slow. Most enemies are dead before executing a single swing and the static animations lock you down forever without being able to cancel them. As I said, no damage buff will make them reliable weapons for me.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Twin Viper. It's basically akstiletto but it takes way more time to create (2x 12h for vipers + 12h for twin viper), is much more expensive, shares the very same traits but has worse stats.

It has a higher firerate by 15 that is no small difference. Also the Wraith version totally out does the boltor prime in the damage department.

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Actually I have a bunch of weapons that I consider the worst ever and which I would never ever touch again even if they'd buff the damage to triple the damage of Boltor Prime/Brakk or whatever.





  • Drakgoon - Just doesn't feel like the UT flak cannon at all, probably because of the charge mechanic, which is just... argh... I don't know. Just makes me want to throw the Drakgoon at a Grineer Lancer's head and instead pick up their Grakata or something.
  • Lanka - Stupid charge & projectile travel time. Level'd it passive because I couldn't deal with it at all.
  • Miter - Desperately misses every target and bounces all over the place instead. Even misses them half the time when charged up.
  • Phage - "What the hell am I doing? I can't see sh*t"-gun. Even annyoing when somebody else is using it; makes me want to choke that weapon down his throat.
  • (Mutalist) Quanta - Dat stupid cubes. Nah. Too experimental of a weapon. Just doesn't work for me.
  • Tigris - A double barreled shotgun in a fast-paced swarming shooter. Enough said. Even playing Duckhunt on the NES would be quite a challenge with that crap.





  • Angstrum - Most bugged weapon currently. Literally. Half the of the friggin rockets croak in the barrel causing a suicide. Especially when you fire them while being mid-air. Seems like your character hitbox moves faster than the rockets that launch from the Angstrum and BAMM you are dead. The Ogris works so much better.
  • (Ak)Bronco (Prime) - Probably the same reason as to why I hate the Tigris.
  • Ballistica - It just shouldn't exist. At all. There's no way fixing that weapon ever. At least I doubt that there's a way to fix it.
  • Spectra - Corpus toothpick from their ship canteen or something. Don't know what else the Corpus use that thing for.
  • Tysis - slow projectile travel time and small darts that often miss the target even with leading the shots... urgh.





All heavy weapons (Fragor, Galantine, Gram, Jat Kittag, Magistar, Scindo). Reason being: Too slow. Most enemies are dead before executing a single swing and the static animations lock you down forever without being able to cancel them. As I said, no damage buff will make them reliable weapons for me.

I guess you missed the patch notes about certain heavy weapon buffs....

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I guess you missed the patch notes about certain heavy weapon buffs....


I guess you saw the patch notes but didn't read them in detail. They did not buff their attack speed, but only the damage values, which I don't care about honestly.


They can buff them up until they kill Corrupted Vor with a single hit, I'd still not take them into a mission because I can't deal with how slow they are in general and how punishing a missing strike becomes with those slow animations. It just feels like you are swinging a weapon on the damn moon or something. ^^


Before they nerfed Fury down to 30% I would have considered playing with them... but now... urgh. Not going to happen.

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Machete... I rember logging in again to continue lvling the thing and seeing damage i thought; "Hey the damage and speed aint half bad! Don't understand all the hate" then i noticed it was already rank 23 with several damage and speed mods...

The first attack of the sheev has a nice lunge and speed though. Its the follow-up attacks that are horrible.

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Machete... I rember logging in again to continue lvling the thing and seeing damage i thought; "Hey the damage and speed aint half bad! Don't understand all the hate" then i noticed it was already rank 23 with several damage and speed mods...

The first attack of the sheev has a nice lunge and speed though. Its the follow-up attacks that are horrible.

Edit: how do you delete double posts?

Edited by undernown
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I guess you saw the patch notes but didn't read them in detail. They did not buff their attack speed, but only the damage values, which I don't care about honestly.


They can buff them up until they kill Corrupted Vor with a single hit, I'd still not take them into a mission because I can't deal with how slow they are in general and how punishing a missing strike becomes with those slow animations. It just feels like you are swinging a weapon on the damn moon or something. ^^


Before they nerfed Fury down to 30% I would have considered playing with them... but now... urgh. Not going to happen.


I would recommend using volt with them. Makes it a whole lot of fun flinging your enemies around with a Jat Kittag.


But yeah, machete is one of, if not the worst, weapons in game. I'm not sure about the Attica now, but when it was first released I know that I also considered it one of the worst weapons I'd ever used. Spectra used to be in the same boat, but they buffed it so it's actually viable now. 

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Keep ti constructive mates, DE will look at this and decide what weps are gonna get new augments (probably)

You greatly over-estimate your ability to influence other people, especially the devs of Warframe.


They buff, they nerf, occasionally it makes sense...usually it doesn't.

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You greatly over-estimate your ability to influence other people, especially the devs of Warframe.


They buff, they nerf, occasionally it makes sense...usually it doesn't.


Well, to be fair, com mods collect interesting hot topics and hand them over to devs more often than you think, the likelyhood that they at least skim through this and decide something could be improved isnt horrible, but its there, besides, my own opinion may not amtter, but the opinions of many people ijn this thread on certain weapons amy allow actionable analysis to be taken to  improve weak weapons

Edited by Somedude1000
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I would have to say the Machete is the absolute worst weapon in the game. You would think "maybe it's still usable" and it is, but in doing so you're taking a risk. A huge one. You're risking that you won't buy a real Machete and dismember yourself. I kid... But seriously. Machete sucks

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