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Apparently It Hasn't Been Said Enough, So I'll Say It Again... (Buff Braton Prime Senpai!)


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As a side note, I'm very curious why Braton Prime/Vandal are variants of the MK-1 Braton instead of the Braton Standard.  I would like to hear some thoughts from other users on their feelings if this is an issue to be addressed as well.

because you are looking that backwards, Braton Prime is the original mk-1 Braton and Braton Vandal are remake prototypes and Braton is a general purpose mass production model.


if the Prime is the Original (at least it should be lore wise) it makes perfect sense prototypes are similar but slightly inferior, and the production model is more general use

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I just want to point out that "Senpai" is not the correct honorific for a Braton. It is an inanimate object. It is not your mentor.

actually japanese original religion is animist by nature and have a long history of assigning personality to objects (tsukumogami), so it being a inanimate object is not the main problem there, mentor has a wider meaning than "sempai" for which "senior" is a better translation.


then again it would be Ojii-san for granfather or Oji-san for uncle, as those are the most comon ways to indicate a non-related elder male, that is given you consider it male

Edited by Edgedemon
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So, I sent a forum message to a DE employee asking if Braton Prime was under consideration for anything and got this response:


"I believe this was brought up internally recently, Dev is most definitely aware"


While it's good that/IF it was brought up internally, I can only feel sad that the response implies that they had no idea until recently, when this is a problem well over 6 months old. 


This suggests a few possible things could be happening:

A) Com-mods are either filtering their digest reports based on who knows what parameters.

B) Whoever receives the digest reports from the com-mods doesn't read them, and forwards whatever they want looked at up the chain.

C) Whoever receives the reports from the com-mods does read them, and purposefully leaves things out based on some parameters when passing response up the chain.

D) Whoever receives the report from com-mods does exactly what they're supposed to, and it gets disregarded.


I dont like being a conspiracy theorist, but this sounds like a bad situation.



After a bit of thinking and a meal, I've decided that mayhaps I've overlooked a few things and/or simply dont have the information available to me to make the above statement without having overreacted.  Therefore, I am putting this retraction statement in an edit so that I can accept responsibility for speaking with a fair (to great) amount of ignorance and perhaps some low blood sugar, without trying to hide what I have done.

Edited by Malikon
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Considering that heavy weapons have been the red-headed stepchildren since Melee 2.0 and only just now have gotten a round of buffs, I don't think I'd hold my breath on the BratonP. In the greater scheme of things, it is a fairly minor discrepancy.


Nevertheless, it is a discrepancy and does need to be dealt with--just like the Latron Prime was so many months ago.


So, we'll keep the threads perking along and the PMs flowing. The gun definitely needs that buff.

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Rhino doesn't need any buffs. That's patently ridiculous.


Nevertheless, this is only one gun as opposed to an entire class of weapons.


I do want to see this gun buffed, since it's performance is so out of phase with the difficulty in obtaining (and also because I like it). The bottom line is it needs to be better than it is presently.

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